> # Sascha Bischoff
> # We need to create all of the clock domains. We abuse the alpha channel to get
> # the correct domain colouring.
> def dot_add_clk_domain(c_dom, v_dom):
> label = "\"" + str(c_dom) + "\ :\ " + str(v_dom) + "\""
> label = re.sub('\.', '_', str(label))
> full_path = re.sub('\.', '_', str(c_dom))
> return pydot.Cluster( \
> full_path, \
> shape = "Mrecord", \
> label = label, \
> style = "\"rounded, filled, dashed\"", \
> color = "#000000", \
> fillcolor = "#AFC8AF8F", \
> fontname = "Arial", \
> fontsize = "14", \
> fontcolor = "#000000" \
> )
> def dot_create_dvfs_nodes(simNode, callgraph, domain=None):
> if isRoot(simNode):
> label = "root"
> else:
> label = simNode._name
> full_path = re.sub('\.', '_', simNode.path())
> # add class name under the label
> label = "\"" + label + " \\n: " + simNode.__class__.__name__ + "\""
> # each component is a sub-graph (cluster)
> cluster = dot_create_cluster(simNode, full_path, label)
> # create nodes per port
> for port_name in simNode._ports.keys():
> port = simNode._port_refs.get(port_name, None)
> if port != None:
> full_port_name = full_path + "_" + port_name
> port_node = dot_create_node(simNode, full_port_name, port_name)
> cluster.add_node(port_node)
> # Dictionary of DVFS domains
> dvfs_domains = {}
> # recurse to children
> if simNode._children:
> for c in simNode._children:
> child = simNode._children[c]
> if isSimObjectVector(child):
> for obj in child:
> try:
> c_dom = obj.__getattr__('clk_domain')
> v_dom = c_dom.__getattr__('voltage_domain')
> except AttributeError:
> # Just re-use the domain from above
> c_dom = domain
> c_dom.__getattr__('voltage_domain')
> pass
> if c_dom == domain or c_dom == None:
> dot_create_dvfs_nodes(obj, cluster, domain)
> else:
> if c_dom not in dvfs_domains:
> dvfs_cluster = dot_add_clk_domain(c_dom, v_dom)
> dvfs_domains[c_dom] = dvfs_cluster
> else:
> dvfs_cluster = dvfs_domains[c_dom]
> dot_create_dvfs_nodes(obj, dvfs_cluster, c_dom)
> else:
> try:
> c_dom = child.__getattr__('clk_domain')
> v_dom = c_dom.__getattr__('voltage_domain')
> except AttributeError:
> # Just re-use the domain from above
> c_dom = domain
> c_dom.__getattr__('voltage_domain')
> pass
> if c_dom == domain or c_dom == None:
> dot_create_dvfs_nodes(child, cluster, domain)
> else:
> if c_dom not in dvfs_domains:
> dvfs_cluster = dot_add_clk_domain(c_dom, v_dom)
> dvfs_domains[c_dom] = dvfs_cluster
> else:
> dvfs_cluster = dvfs_domains[c_dom]
> dot_create_dvfs_nodes(child, dvfs_cluster, c_dom)
> for key in dvfs_domains:
> cluster.add_subgraph(dvfs_domains[key])
> callgraph.add_subgraph(cluster)
> def do_dvfs_dot(root, outdir, dotFilename):
> if not pydot:
> return
> dvfsgraph = pydot.Dot(graph_type='digraph', ranksep='1.3')
> dot_create_dvfs_nodes(root, dvfsgraph)
> dot_create_edges(root, dvfsgraph)
> dot_filename = os.path.join(outdir, dotFilename)
> dvfsgraph.write(dot_filename)
> try:
> # dot crashes if the figure is extremely wide.
> # So avoid terminating simulation unnecessarily
> dvfsgraph.write_svg(dot_filename + ".svg")
> dvfsgraph.write_pdf(dot_filename + ".pdf")
> except:
> warn("failed to generate dot output from %s", dot_filename)