> fork_count = 0
> def fork(simout="%(parent)s.f%(fork_seq)i"):
> """Fork the simulator.
> This function forks the simulator. After forking the simulator,
> the child process gets its output files redirected to a new output
> directory. The default name of the output directory is the same as
> the parent with the suffix ".fN" added where N is the fork
> sequence number. The name of the output directory can be
> overridden using the simout keyword argument.
> Output file formatting dictionary:
> parent -- Path to the parent process's output directory.
> fork_seq -- Fork sequence number.
> pid -- PID of the child process.
> Keyword Arguments:
> simout -- New simulation output directory.
> Return Value:
> pid of the child process or 0 if running in the child.
> """
> from m5 import options
> global fork_count
> if not internal.core.listenersDisabled():
> raise RuntimeError, "Can not fork a simulator with listeners enabled"
> drain()
> try:
> pid = os.fork()
> except OSError, e:
> raise e
> if pid == 0:
> # In child, notify objects of the fork
> root = objects.Root.getInstance()
> notifyFork(root)
> # Setup a new output directory
> parent = options.outdir
> options.outdir = simout % {
> "parent" : parent,
> "fork_seq" : fork_count,
> "pid" : os.getpid(),
> }
> core.setOutputDir(options.outdir)
> else:
> fork_count += 1
> return pid
> from internal.core import listenersDisabled