< import atexit
< # import the SWIG-wrapped main C++ functions
< import internal
< # import a few SWIG-wrapped items (those that are likely to be used
< # directly by user scripts) completely into this module for
< # convenience
< import event
> import smartdict
< # import the m5 compile options
< import defines
< import smartdict
< build_env.update(defines.m5_build_env)
< # The final hook to generate .ini files. Called from the user script
< # once the config is built.
< def instantiate(root):
< # we need to fix the global frequency
< ticks.fixGlobalFrequency()
< root.unproxy_all()
< # ugly temporary hack to get output to config.ini
< sys.stdout = file(os.path.join(options.outdir, 'config.ini'), 'w')
< root.print_ini()
< sys.stdout.close() # close config.ini
< sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ # restore to original
< # load config.ini into C++
< internal.core.loadIniFile(resolveSimObject)
< # Initialize the global statistics
< internal.stats.initSimStats()
< # Create the C++ sim objects and connect ports
< root.createCCObject()
< root.connectPorts()
< # Do a second pass to finish initializing the sim objects
< internal.sim_object.initAll()
< # Do a third pass to initialize statistics
< internal.sim_object.regAllStats()
< # Check to make sure that the stats package is properly initialized
< internal.stats.check()
< # Reset to put the stats in a consistent state.
< internal.stats.reset()
< def doDot(root):
< dot = pydot.Dot()
< instance.outputDot(dot)
< dot.orientation = "portrait"
< dot.size = "8.5,11"
< dot.ranksep="equally"
< dot.rank="samerank"
< dot.write("config.dot")
< dot.write_ps("config.ps")
< need_resume = []
< need_startup = True
< def simulate(*args, **kwargs):
< global need_resume, need_startup
< if need_startup:
< internal.core.SimStartup()
< need_startup = False
< for root in need_resume:
< resume(root)
< need_resume = []
< return internal.event.simulate(*args, **kwargs)
< # Export curTick to user script.
< def curTick():
< return internal.core.cvar.curTick
< # Python exit handlers happen in reverse order. We want to dump stats last.
< atexit.register(internal.stats.dump)
< # register our C++ exit callback function with Python
< atexit.register(internal.core.doExitCleanup)
< # This loops until all objects have been fully drained.
< def doDrain(root):
< all_drained = drain(root)
< while (not all_drained):
< all_drained = drain(root)
< # Tries to drain all objects. Draining might not be completed unless
< # all objects return that they are drained on the first call. This is
< # because as objects drain they may cause other objects to no longer
< # be drained.
< def drain(root):
< all_drained = False
< drain_event = internal.event.createCountedDrain()
< unready_objects = root.startDrain(drain_event, True)
< # If we've got some objects that can't drain immediately, then simulate
< if unready_objects > 0:
< drain_event.setCount(unready_objects)
< simulate()
< else:
< all_drained = True
< internal.event.cleanupCountedDrain(drain_event)
< return all_drained
< def resume(root):
< root.resume()
< def checkpoint(root, dir):
< if not isinstance(root, objects.Root):
< raise TypeError, "Checkpoint must be called on a root object."
< doDrain(root)
< print "Writing checkpoint"
< internal.sim_object.serializeAll(dir)
< resume(root)
< def restoreCheckpoint(root, dir):
< print "Restoring from checkpoint"
< internal.sim_object.unserializeAll(dir)
< need_resume.append(root)
< def changeToAtomic(system):
< if not isinstance(system, (objects.Root, objects.System)):
< raise TypeError, "Parameter of type '%s'. Must be type %s or %s." % \
< (type(system), objects.Root, objects.System)
< if system.getMemoryMode() != internal.sim_object.SimObject.Atomic:
< doDrain(system)
< print "Changing memory mode to atomic"
< system.changeTiming(internal.sim_object.SimObject.Atomic)
< def changeToTiming(system):
< if not isinstance(system, (objects.Root, objects.System)):
< raise TypeError, "Parameter of type '%s'. Must be type %s or %s." % \
< (type(system), objects.Root, objects.System)
< if system.getMemoryMode() != internal.sim_object.SimObject.Timing:
< doDrain(system)
< print "Changing memory mode to timing"
< system.changeTiming(internal.sim_object.SimObject.Timing)
< def switchCpus(cpuList):
< print "switching cpus"
< if not isinstance(cpuList, list):
< raise RuntimeError, "Must pass a list to this function"
< for i in cpuList:
< if not isinstance(i, tuple):
< raise RuntimeError, "List must have tuples of (oldCPU,newCPU)"
< [old_cpus, new_cpus] = zip(*cpuList)
< for cpu in old_cpus:
< if not isinstance(cpu, objects.BaseCPU):
< raise TypeError, "%s is not of type BaseCPU" % cpu
< for cpu in new_cpus:
< if not isinstance(cpu, objects.BaseCPU):
< raise TypeError, "%s is not of type BaseCPU" % cpu
< # Drain all of the individual CPUs
< drain_event = internal.event.createCountedDrain()
< unready_cpus = 0
< for old_cpu in old_cpus:
< unready_cpus += old_cpu.startDrain(drain_event, False)
< # If we've got some objects that can't drain immediately, then simulate
< if unready_cpus > 0:
< drain_event.setCount(unready_cpus)
< simulate()
< internal.event.cleanupCountedDrain(drain_event)
< # Now all of the CPUs are ready to be switched out
< for old_cpu in old_cpus:
< old_cpu._ccObject.switchOut()
< index = 0
< for new_cpu in new_cpus:
< new_cpu.takeOverFrom(old_cpus[index])
< new_cpu._ccObject.resume()
< index += 1
< from main import options
< import objects
> try:
> import internal
> running_m5 = True
> except ImportError:
> running_m5 = False
> if running_m5:
> from event import *
> from simulate import *
> from main import options
> if running_m5:
> import defines
> build_env.update(defines.m5_build_env)
> else:
> import __scons
> build_env.update(__scons.m5_build_env)
> import SimObject
< from SimObject import resolveSimObject
> import objects