< from cc_main import simulate, SimLoopExitEvent
> from cc_main import simulate, SimLoopExitEvent, setCheckpointDir
< # Extra list to help for options that are true or false
< TrueOrFalse = ['True', 'False']
< TorF = "True | False"
> def doQuiesce(root):
> quiesce = cc_main.createCountedQuiesce()
> unready_objects = root.startQuiesce(quiesce, True)
> # If we've got some objects that can't quiesce immediately, then simulate
> if unready_objects > 0:
> quiesce.setCount(unready_objects)
> simulate()
> cc_main.cleanupCountedQuiesce(quiesce)
> def resume(root):
> root.resume()
> def checkpoint(root):
> if not isinstance(root, objects.Root):
> raise TypeError, "Object is not a root object. Checkpoint must be called on a root object."
> doQuiesce(root)
> print "Writing checkpoint"
> cc_main.serializeAll()
> resume(root)
> def restoreCheckpoint(root):
> print "Restoring from checkpoint"
> cc_main.unserializeAll()
> def changeToAtomic(system):
> if not isinstance(system, objects.Root) and not isinstance(system, System):
> raise TypeError, "Object is not a root or system object. Checkpoint must be "
> "called on a root object."
> doQuiesce(system)
> print "Changing memory mode to atomic"
> system.changeTiming(cc_main.SimObject.Atomic)
> resume(system)
> def changeToTiming(system):
> if not isinstance(system, objects.Root) and not isinstance(system, System):
> raise TypeError, "Object is not a root or system object. Checkpoint must be "
> "called on a root object."
> doQuiesce(system)
> print "Changing memory mode to timing"
> system.changeTiming(cc_main.SimObject.Timing)
> resume(system)
> def switchCpus(cpuList):
> if not isinstance(cpuList, list):
> raise RuntimeError, "Must pass a list to this function"
> for i in cpuList:
> if not isinstance(i, tuple):
> raise RuntimeError, "List must have tuples of (oldCPU,newCPU)"
> [old_cpus, new_cpus] = zip(*cpuList)
> for cpu in old_cpus:
> if not isinstance(cpu, objects.BaseCPU):
> raise TypeError, "%s is not of type BaseCPU", cpu
> for cpu in new_cpus:
> if not isinstance(cpu, objects.BaseCPU):
> raise TypeError, "%s is not of type BaseCPU", cpu
> # Quiesce all of the individual CPUs
> quiesce = cc_main.createCountedQuiesce()
> unready_cpus = 0
> for old_cpu in old_cpus:
> unready_cpus += old_cpu.startQuiesce(quiesce, False)
> # If we've got some objects that can't quiesce immediately, then simulate
> if unready_cpus > 0:
> quiesce.setCount(unready_cpus)
> simulate()
> cc_main.cleanupCountedQuiesce(quiesce)
> # Now all of the CPUs are ready to be switched out
> for old_cpu in old_cpus:
> old_cpu._ccObject.switchOut()
> index = 0
> print "Switching CPUs"
> for new_cpu in new_cpus:
> new_cpu.takeOverFrom(old_cpus[index])
> new_cpu._ccObject.resume()
> index += 1