< # Export methods are automatically inherited via C++, so we
< # don't want the method declarations to get inherited on the
< # python side (and thus end up getting repeated in the wrapped
< # versions of derived classes). The code below basicallly
< # suppresses inheritance by substituting in the base (null)
< # versions of these methods unless a different version is
< # explicitly supplied.
< for method_name in ('export_methods', 'export_method_swig_predecls'):
< if method_name not in cls.__dict__:
< base_method = getattr(MetaSimObject, method_name)
< m = MethodType(base_method, cls, MetaSimObject)
< setattr(cls, method_name, m)
< # See ParamValue.swig_predecls for description.
< def swig_predecls(cls, code):
< code('%import "python/_m5/param_$cls.i"')
< # Hook for exporting additional C++ methods to Python via SWIG.
< # Default is none, override using @classmethod in class definition.
< def export_methods(cls, code):
< pass
< # Generate the code needed as a prerequisite for the C++ methods
< # exported via export_methods() to be processed by SWIG.
< # Typically generates one or more %include or %import statements.
< # If any methods are exported, typically at least the C++ header
< # declaring the relevant SimObject class must be included.
< def export_method_swig_predecls(cls, code):
< pass
< # Generate the declaration for this object for wrapping with SWIG.
< # Generates code that goes into a SWIG .i file. Called from
< # src/SConscript.
< def swig_decl(cls, code):
< class_path = cls.cxx_class.split('::')
< classname = class_path[-1]
< namespaces = class_path[:-1]
< # The 'local' attribute restricts us to the params declared in
< # the object itself, not including inherited params (which
< # will also be inherited from the base class's param struct
< # here). Sort the params based on their key
< params = map(lambda (k, v): v, sorted(cls._params.local.items()))
< ports = cls._ports.local
< code('%module(package="_m5") param_$cls')
< code()
< code('%{')
< code('#include "sim/sim_object.hh"')
< code('#include "params/$cls.hh"')
< for param in params:
< param.cxx_predecls(code)
< code('#include "${{cls.cxx_header}}"')
< code('''\
< /**
< * This is a workaround for bug in swig. Prior to gcc 4.6.1 the STL
< * headers like vector, string, etc. used to automatically pull in
< * the cstddef header but starting with gcc 4.6.1 they no longer do.
< * This leads to swig generated a file that does not compile so we
< * explicitly include cstddef. Additionally, including version 2.0.4,
< * swig uses ptrdiff_t without the std:: namespace prefix which is
< * required with gcc 4.6.1. We explicitly provide access to it.
< */
< #include <cstddef>
< using std::ptrdiff_t;
< ''')
< code('%}')
< code()
< for param in params:
< param.swig_predecls(code)
< cls.export_method_swig_predecls(code)
< code()
< if cls._base:
< code('%import "python/_m5/param_${{cls._base}}.i"')
< code()
< for ns in namespaces:
< code('namespace $ns {')
< if namespaces:
< code('// avoid name conflicts')
< sep_string = '_COLONS_'
< flat_name = sep_string.join(class_path)
< code('%rename($flat_name) $classname;')
< code()
< code('// stop swig from creating/wrapping default ctor/dtor')
< code('%nodefault $classname;')
< code('class $classname')
< if cls._base:
< bases = [ cls._base.cxx_class ] + cls.cxx_bases
< else:
< bases = cls.cxx_bases
< base_first = True
< for base in bases:
< if base_first:
< code(' : public ${{base}}')
< base_first = False
< else:
< code(' , public ${{base}}')
< code('{')
< code(' public:')
< cls.export_methods(code)
< code('};')
< for ns in reversed(namespaces):
< code('} // namespace $ns')
< code()
< code('%include "params/$cls.hh"')
< @classmethod
< def export_method_swig_predecls(cls, code):
< code('''
< %include <std_string.i>
< %import "python/swig/drain.i"
< %import "python/swig/serialize.i"
< ''')
< @classmethod
< def export_methods(cls, code):
< code('''
< void init();
< void loadState(CheckpointIn &cp);
< void initState();
< void memInvalidate();
< void memWriteback();
< void regStats();
< void resetStats();
< void regProbePoints();
< void regProbeListeners();
< void startup();
< ''')
< # SWIG-wrapped methods such as init(), regStats(),
< # resetStats(), startup(), drain(), and
< # resume().
> # methods exported to Python (e.g., init(), and startup())