< AddrRangeMap<PortID> portMap;
> AddrRangeMap<PortID, 3> portMap;
< // Cache for the findPort function storing recently used ports from portMap
< struct PortCache {
< bool valid;
< PortID id;
< AddrRange range;
< };
< PortCache portCache[3];
< // Checks the cache and returns the id of the port that has the requested
< // address within its range
< inline PortID checkPortCache(Addr addr) const {
< if (portCache[0].valid && portCache[0].range.contains(addr)) {
< return portCache[0].id;
< }
< if (portCache[1].valid && portCache[1].range.contains(addr)) {
< return portCache[1].id;
< }
< if (portCache[2].valid && portCache[2].range.contains(addr)) {
< return portCache[2].id;
< }
< return InvalidPortID;
< }
< // Clears the earliest entry of the cache and inserts a new port entry
< inline void updatePortCache(short id, const AddrRange& range) {
< portCache[2].valid = portCache[1].valid;
< portCache[2].id = portCache[1].id;
< portCache[2].range = portCache[1].range;
< portCache[1].valid = portCache[0].valid;
< portCache[1].id = portCache[0].id;
< portCache[1].range = portCache[0].range;
< portCache[0].valid = true;
< portCache[0].id = id;
< portCache[0].range = range;
< }
< // Clears the cache. Needs to be called in constructor.
< inline void clearPortCache() {
< portCache[2].valid = false;
< portCache[1].valid = false;
< portCache[0].valid = false;
< }