< void printStats(ostream& out) const { s_profiler.dumpStats(out); }
< void clearStats() { s_profiler.clearStats(); }
> void printStats(ostream& out) const;
> void clearStats();
> void $c_ident::printStats(ostream& out) const {
> ''')
> #
> # Cache and Memory Controllers have specific profilers associated with
> # them. Print out these stats before dumping state transition stats.
> #
> for param in self.config_parameters:
> if param.type_ast.type.ident == "CacheMemory" or \
> param.type_ast.type.ident == "MemoryControl":
> assert(param.pointer)
> code(' m_${{param.ident}}_ptr->printStats(out);')
> code('''
> s_profiler.dumpStats(out);
> }
> void $c_ident::clearStats() {
> ''')
> #
> # Cache and Memory Controllers have specific profilers associated with
> # them. These stats must be cleared too.
> #
> for param in self.config_parameters:
> if param.type_ast.type.ident == "CacheMemory" or \
> param.type_ast.type.ident == "MemoryControl":
> assert(param.pointer)
> code(' m_${{param.ident}}_ptr->clearStats();')
> code('''
> s_profiler.clearStats();
> }