< //#include "XactCommitArbiter.hh"
< // #include "TransactionInterfaceManager.hh"
< //#include "TransactionVersionManager.hh"
< //#include "LazyTransactionVersionManager.hh"
< //#define XACT_MGR g_system_ptr->getChip(m_chip_ptr->getID())->getTransactionInterfaceManager(m_version)
< // don't count transactional begin/commit requests
< if(request.getType() != CacheRequestType_BEGIN_XACT && request.getType() != CacheRequestType_COMMIT_XACT){
< if(request.getPrefetch() == PrefetchBit_No){
< total_demand++;
< }
> if(request.getPrefetch() == PrefetchBit_No){
> total_demand++;
< (request.getType() == CacheRequestType_ST_XACT) ||
< (request.getType() == CacheRequestType_LDX_XACT) ||
< (request.getType() == CacheRequestType_ST_XACT) ||
< (request.getType() == CacheRequestType_LDX_XACT) ||
< (request.getType() == CacheRequestType_ST_XACT) ||
< (request.getType() == CacheRequestType_LDX_XACT) ||
< (request.getType() == CacheRequestType_LD_XACT) ||
< (type == CacheRequestType_ST_XACT) ||
< (type == CacheRequestType_LDX_XACT) ||
< void Sequencer::readConflictCallback(const Address& address) {
< // process oldest thread first
< int thread = -1;
< Time oldest_time = 0;
< int smt_threads = RubyConfig::numberofSMTThreads();
< for(int t=0; t < smt_threads; ++t){
< if(m_readRequestTable_ptr[t]->exist(address)){
< CacheMsg & request = m_readRequestTable_ptr[t]->lookup(address);
< if(thread == -1 || (request.getTime() < oldest_time) ){
< thread = t;
< oldest_time = request.getTime();
< }
< }
< }
< // make sure we found an oldest thread
< ASSERT(thread != -1);
< CacheMsg & request = m_readRequestTable_ptr[thread]->lookup(address);
< readConflictCallback(address, GenericMachineType_NULL, thread);
< }
< void Sequencer::readConflictCallback(const Address& address, GenericMachineType respondingMach, int thread) {
< assert(address == line_address(address));
< assert(m_readRequestTable_ptr[thread]->exist(line_address(address)));
< CacheMsg request = m_readRequestTable_ptr[thread]->lookup(address);
< assert( request.getThreadID() == thread );
< removeRequest(request);
< assert((request.getType() == CacheRequestType_LD) ||
< (request.getType() == CacheRequestType_LD_XACT) ||
< (request.getType() == CacheRequestType_IFETCH)
< );
< conflictCallback(request, respondingMach, thread);
< }
< void Sequencer::writeConflictCallback(const Address& address) {
< // process oldest thread first
< int thread = -1;
< Time oldest_time = 0;
< int smt_threads = RubyConfig::numberofSMTThreads();
< for(int t=0; t < smt_threads; ++t){
< if(m_writeRequestTable_ptr[t]->exist(address)){
< CacheMsg & request = m_writeRequestTable_ptr[t]->lookup(address);
< if(thread == -1 || (request.getTime() < oldest_time) ){
< thread = t;
< oldest_time = request.getTime();
< }
< }
< }
< // make sure we found an oldest thread
< ASSERT(thread != -1);
< CacheMsg & request = m_writeRequestTable_ptr[thread]->lookup(address);
< writeConflictCallback(address, GenericMachineType_NULL, thread);
< }
< void Sequencer::writeConflictCallback(const Address& address, GenericMachineType respondingMach, int thread) {
< assert(address == line_address(address));
< assert(m_writeRequestTable_ptr[thread]->exist(line_address(address)));
< CacheMsg request = m_writeRequestTable_ptr[thread]->lookup(address);
< assert( request.getThreadID() == thread);
< removeRequest(request);
< assert((request.getType() == CacheRequestType_ST) ||
< (request.getType() == CacheRequestType_ST_XACT) ||
< (request.getType() == CacheRequestType_LDX_XACT) ||
< (request.getType() == CacheRequestType_ATOMIC));
< conflictCallback(request, respondingMach, thread);
< }
< void Sequencer::conflictCallback(const CacheMsg& request, GenericMachineType respondingMach, int thread) {
< assert(XACT_MEMORY);
< int size = request.getSize();
< Address request_address = request.getAddress();
< Address request_logical_address = request.getLogicalAddress();
< Address request_line_address = line_address(request_address);
< CacheRequestType type = request.getType();
< int threadID = request.getThreadID();
< Time issued_time = request.getTime();
< int logical_proc_no = ((m_chip_ptr->getID() * RubyConfig::numberOfProcsPerChip()) + m_version) * RubyConfig::numberofSMTThreads() + threadID;
< assert(g_eventQueue_ptr->getTime() >= issued_time);
< Time miss_latency = g_eventQueue_ptr->getTime() - issued_time;
< g_system_ptr->getProfiler()->profileTransition("Seq", (m_chip_ptr->getID()*RubyConfig::numberOfProcsPerChip()+m_version), -1, request.getAddress(), "", "Conflict", "",
< int_to_string(miss_latency)+" cycles "+GenericMachineType_to_string(respondingMach)+" "+CacheRequestType_to_string(request.getType())+" "+PrefetchBit_to_string(request.getPrefetch()));
< }
< DEBUG_MSG(SEQUENCER_COMP, MedPrio, request_address);
< DEBUG_MSG(SEQUENCER_COMP, MedPrio, request.getPrefetch());
< if (request.getPrefetch() == PrefetchBit_Yes) {
< DEBUG_MSG(SEQUENCER_COMP, MedPrio, "return");
< g_system_ptr->getProfiler()->swPrefetchLatency(miss_latency, type, respondingMach);
< return; // Ignore the software prefetch, don't callback the driver
< }
< bool write =
< (type == CacheRequestType_ST) ||
< (type == CacheRequestType_ST_XACT) ||
< (type == CacheRequestType_LDX_XACT) ||
< (type == CacheRequestType_ATOMIC);
< // Copy the correct bytes out of the cache line into the subblock
< SubBlock subblock(request_address, request_logical_address, size);
< // Call into the Driver (Tester or Simics)
< g_system_ptr->getDriver()->conflictCallback(m_chip_ptr->getID()*RubyConfig::numberOfProcsPerChip()+m_version, subblock, type, threadID);
< // If the request was a Store or Atomic, apply the changes in the SubBlock to the DataBlock
< // (This is only triggered for the non-TSO case)
< if (write) {
< assert(!TSO);
< }
< }
< thread, // SMT thread
< 0, // TM specific - timestamp of memory request
< false // TM specific - whether request is part of escape action
> thread // SMT thread
< (request.getType() == CacheRequestType_ST_XACT) ||
< (request.getType() == CacheRequestType_LDX_XACT) ||
< thread, // SMT thread
< 0, // TM specific - timestamp of memory request
< false // TM specific - whether request is part of escape action
> thread // SMT thread
< (request.getType() == CacheRequestType_ST_XACT) ||
< (request.getType() == CacheRequestType_LDX_XACT) ||