> * Copyright (c) 2013 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc
> #include "params/PseudoLRUReplacementPolicy.hh"
< PseudoLRUPolicy(int64 num_sets, int64 assoc);
> typedef PseudoLRUReplacementPolicyParams Params;
> PseudoLRUPolicy(const Params * p);
< inline
< PseudoLRUPolicy::PseudoLRUPolicy(int64 num_sets, int64 assoc)
< : AbstractReplacementPolicy(num_sets, assoc)
< {
< // associativity cannot exceed capacity of tree representation
< assert(num_sets > 0 && assoc > 1 && assoc <= sizeof(uint64)*4);
< m_trees = NULL;
< m_num_levels = 0;
< m_effective_assoc = 1;
< while (m_effective_assoc < assoc) {
< // effective associativity is ceiling power of 2
< m_effective_assoc <<= 1;
< }
< assoc = m_effective_assoc;
< while (true) {
< assoc /= 2;
< if(!assoc) break;
< m_num_levels++;
< }
< assert(m_num_levels < sizeof(unsigned int)*4);
< m_trees = new uint64[m_num_sets];
< for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_num_sets; i++) {
< m_trees[i] = 0;
< }
< }
< inline
< PseudoLRUPolicy::~PseudoLRUPolicy()
< {
< if (m_trees != NULL)
< delete[] m_trees;
< }
< inline void
< PseudoLRUPolicy::touch(int64 set, int64 index, Tick time)
< {
< assert(index >= 0 && index < m_assoc);
< assert(set >= 0 && set < m_num_sets);
< int tree_index = 0;
< int node_val;
< for (int i = m_num_levels - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
< node_val = (index >> i)&1;
< if (node_val)
< m_trees[set] |= node_val << tree_index;
< else
< m_trees[set] &= ~(1 << tree_index);
< tree_index = node_val ? (tree_index*2)+2 : (tree_index*2)+1;
< }
< m_last_ref_ptr[set][index] = time;
< }
< inline int64
< PseudoLRUPolicy::getVictim(int64 set) const
< {
< // assert(m_assoc != 0);
< int64 index = 0;
< int tree_index = 0;
< int node_val;
< for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_num_levels; i++){
< node_val = (m_trees[set] >> tree_index) & 1;
< index += node_val ? 0 : (m_effective_assoc >> (i + 1));
< tree_index = node_val ? (tree_index * 2) + 1 : (tree_index * 2) + 2;
< }
< assert(index >= 0 && index < m_effective_assoc);
< /* return either the found index or the max possible index */
< /* NOTE: this is not a fair replacement when assoc is not a power of 2 */
< return (index > (m_assoc - 1)) ? m_assoc - 1 : index;
< }