< /*
< * AddressProfiler.cc
< *
< * Description: See AddressProfiler.hh
< *
< * $Id$
< *
< */
< #include "mem/ruby/profiler/AddressProfiler.hh"
> #include "mem/gems_common/Map.hh"
> #include "mem/gems_common/PrioHeap.hh"
< #include "mem/gems_common/PrioHeap.hh"
< #include "mem/gems_common/Map.hh"
< #include "mem/ruby/system/System.hh"
> #include "mem/ruby/profiler/AddressProfiler.hh"
> #include "mem/ruby/system/System.hh"
< // Helper functions
< static AccessTraceForAddress& lookupTraceForAddress(const Address& addr,
< Map<Address,
< AccessTraceForAddress>* record_map);
> typedef AddressProfiler::AddressMap AddressMap;
< static void printSorted(ostream& out,
< int num_of_sequencers,
< const Map<Address, AccessTraceForAddress>* record_map,
< string description);
< AddressProfiler::AddressProfiler(int num_of_sequencers)
> // Helper functions
> AccessTraceForAddress&
> lookupTraceForAddress(const Address& addr, AddressMap* record_map)
< m_dataAccessTrace = new Map<Address, AccessTraceForAddress>;
< m_macroBlockAccessTrace = new Map<Address, AccessTraceForAddress>;
< m_programCounterAccessTrace = new Map<Address, AccessTraceForAddress>;
< m_retryProfileMap = new Map<Address, AccessTraceForAddress>;
< m_num_of_sequencers = num_of_sequencers;
< clearStats();
> if (!record_map->exist(addr)) {
> record_map->add(addr, AccessTraceForAddress(addr));
> }
> return record_map->lookup(addr);
< AddressProfiler::~AddressProfiler()
> void
> printSorted(ostream& out, int num_of_sequencers, const AddressMap* record_map,
> string description)
< delete m_dataAccessTrace;
< delete m_macroBlockAccessTrace;
< delete m_programCounterAccessTrace;
< delete m_retryProfileMap;
< }
> const int records_printed = 100;
< void AddressProfiler::setHotLines(bool hot_lines){
< m_hot_lines = hot_lines;
< }
< void AddressProfiler::setAllInstructions(bool all_instructions){
< m_all_instructions = all_instructions;
< }
> uint64 misses = 0;
> PrioHeap<AccessTraceForAddress*> heap;
> Vector<Address> keys = record_map->keys();
> for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) {
> AccessTraceForAddress* record = &(record_map->lookup(keys[i]));
> misses += record->getTotal();
> heap.insert(record);
> }
< void AddressProfiler::printStats(ostream& out) const
< {
< if (m_hot_lines) {
< out << endl;
< out << "AddressProfiler Stats" << endl;
< out << "---------------------" << endl;
> out << "Total_entries_" << description << ": " << keys.size() << endl;
> if (g_system_ptr->getProfiler()->getAllInstructions())
> out << "Total_Instructions_" << description << ": " << misses << endl;
> else
> out << "Total_data_misses_" << description << ": " << misses << endl;
< out << endl;
< out << "sharing_misses: " << m_sharing_miss_counter << endl;
< out << "getx_sharing_histogram: " << m_getx_sharing_histogram << endl;
< out << "gets_sharing_histogram: " << m_gets_sharing_histogram << endl;
> out << "total | load store atomic | user supervisor | sharing | touched-by"
> << endl;
< out << endl;
< out << "Hot Data Blocks" << endl;
< out << "---------------" << endl;
< out << endl;
< printSorted(out, m_num_of_sequencers, m_dataAccessTrace, "block_address");
> Histogram remaining_records(1, 100);
> Histogram all_records(1, 100);
> Histogram remaining_records_log(-1);
> Histogram all_records_log(-1);
< out << endl;
< out << "Hot MacroData Blocks" << endl;
< out << "--------------------" << endl;
< out << endl;
< printSorted(out, m_num_of_sequencers, m_macroBlockAccessTrace, "macroblock_address");
> // Allows us to track how many lines where touched by n processors
> Vector<int64> m_touched_vec;
> Vector<int64> m_touched_weighted_vec;
> m_touched_vec.setSize(num_of_sequencers+1);
> m_touched_weighted_vec.setSize(num_of_sequencers+1);
> for (int i = 0; i < m_touched_vec.size(); i++) {
> m_touched_vec[i] = 0;
> m_touched_weighted_vec[i] = 0;
> }
< out << "Hot Instructions" << endl;
< out << "----------------" << endl;
< out << endl;
< printSorted(out, m_num_of_sequencers, m_programCounterAccessTrace, "pc_address");
< }
> int counter = 0;
> while (heap.size() > 0 && counter < records_printed) {
> AccessTraceForAddress* record = heap.extractMin();
> double percent = 100.0 * (record->getTotal() / double(misses));
> out << description << " | " << percent << " % " << *record << endl;
> all_records.add(record->getTotal());
> all_records_log.add(record->getTotal());
> counter++;
> m_touched_vec[record->getTouchedBy()]++;
> m_touched_weighted_vec[record->getTouchedBy()] += record->getTotal();
> }
< if (m_all_instructions){
> while (heap.size() > 0) {
> AccessTraceForAddress* record = heap.extractMin();
> all_records.add(record->getTotal());
> remaining_records.add(record->getTotal());
> all_records_log.add(record->getTotal());
> remaining_records_log.add(record->getTotal());
> m_touched_vec[record->getTouchedBy()]++;
> m_touched_weighted_vec[record->getTouchedBy()] += record->getTotal();
> }
< out << "All Instructions Profile:" << endl;
< out << "-------------------------" << endl;
< out << endl;
< printSorted(out, m_num_of_sequencers, m_programCounterAccessTrace, "pc_address");
< out << endl;
< }
> out << "all_records_" << description << ": "
> << all_records << endl
> << "all_records_log_" << description << ": "
> << all_records_log << endl
> << "remaining_records_" << description << ": "
> << remaining_records << endl
> << "remaining_records_log_" << description << ": "
> << remaining_records_log << endl
> << "touched_by_" << description << ": "
> << m_touched_vec << endl
> << "touched_by_weighted_" << description << ": "
> << m_touched_weighted_vec << endl
> << endl;
> }
< if (m_retryProfileHisto.size() > 0) {
< out << "Retry Profile" << endl;
< out << "-------------" << endl;
< out << endl;
< out << "retry_histogram_absolute: " << m_retryProfileHisto << endl;
< out << "retry_histogram_write: " << m_retryProfileHistoWrite << endl;
< out << "retry_histogram_read: " << m_retryProfileHistoRead << endl;
< out << "retry_histogram_percent: ";
< m_retryProfileHisto.printPercent(out);
< out << endl;
< printSorted(out, m_num_of_sequencers, m_retryProfileMap, "block_address");
< out << endl;
< }
> AddressProfiler::AddressProfiler(int num_of_sequencers)
> {
> m_dataAccessTrace = new AddressMap;
> m_macroBlockAccessTrace = new AddressMap;
> m_programCounterAccessTrace = new AddressMap;
> m_retryProfileMap = new AddressMap;
> m_num_of_sequencers = num_of_sequencers;
> clearStats();
< void AddressProfiler::clearStats()
> AddressProfiler::~AddressProfiler()
< // Clear the maps
< m_sharing_miss_counter = 0;
< m_dataAccessTrace->clear();
< m_macroBlockAccessTrace->clear();
< m_programCounterAccessTrace->clear();
< m_retryProfileMap->clear();
< m_retryProfileHisto.clear();
< m_retryProfileHistoRead.clear();
< m_retryProfileHistoWrite.clear();
< m_getx_sharing_histogram.clear();
< m_gets_sharing_histogram.clear();
> delete m_dataAccessTrace;
> delete m_macroBlockAccessTrace;
> delete m_programCounterAccessTrace;
> delete m_retryProfileMap;
< void AddressProfiler::profileGetX(const Address& datablock, const Address& PC, const Set& owner, const Set& sharers, NodeID requestor)
> void
> AddressProfiler::setHotLines(bool hot_lines)
< Set indirection_set;
< indirection_set.addSet(sharers);
< indirection_set.addSet(owner);
< indirection_set.remove(requestor);
< int num_indirections = indirection_set.count();
> m_hot_lines = hot_lines;
> }
< m_getx_sharing_histogram.add(num_indirections);
< bool indirection_miss = (num_indirections > 0);
< addTraceSample(datablock, PC, CacheRequestType_ST, AccessModeType(0), requestor, indirection_miss);
> void
> AddressProfiler::setAllInstructions(bool all_instructions)
> {
> m_all_instructions = all_instructions;
< void AddressProfiler::profileGetS(const Address& datablock, const Address& PC, const Set& owner, const Set& sharers, NodeID requestor)
> void
> AddressProfiler::printStats(ostream& out) const
< Set indirection_set;
< indirection_set.addSet(owner);
< indirection_set.remove(requestor);
< int num_indirections = indirection_set.count();
> if (m_hot_lines) {
> out << endl;
> out << "AddressProfiler Stats" << endl;
> out << "---------------------" << endl;
< m_gets_sharing_histogram.add(num_indirections);
< bool indirection_miss = (num_indirections > 0);
> out << endl;
> out << "sharing_misses: " << m_sharing_miss_counter << endl;
> out << "getx_sharing_histogram: " << m_getx_sharing_histogram << endl;
> out << "gets_sharing_histogram: " << m_gets_sharing_histogram << endl;
< addTraceSample(datablock, PC, CacheRequestType_LD, AccessModeType(0), requestor, indirection_miss);
< }
> out << endl;
> out << "Hot Data Blocks" << endl;
> out << "---------------" << endl;
> out << endl;
> printSorted(out, m_num_of_sequencers, m_dataAccessTrace,
> "block_address");
< void AddressProfiler::addTraceSample(Address data_addr, Address pc_addr, CacheRequestType type, AccessModeType access_mode, NodeID id, bool sharing_miss)
< {
< if (m_all_instructions) {
< if (sharing_miss) {
< m_sharing_miss_counter++;
> out << endl;
> out << "Hot MacroData Blocks" << endl;
> out << "--------------------" << endl;
> out << endl;
> printSorted(out, m_num_of_sequencers, m_macroBlockAccessTrace,
> "macroblock_address");
> out << "Hot Instructions" << endl;
> out << "----------------" << endl;
> out << endl;
> printSorted(out, m_num_of_sequencers, m_programCounterAccessTrace,
> "pc_address");
< // record data address trace info
< data_addr.makeLineAddress();
< lookupTraceForAddress(data_addr, m_dataAccessTrace).update(type, access_mode, id, sharing_miss);
> if (m_all_instructions) {
> out << endl;
> out << "All Instructions Profile:" << endl;
> out << "-------------------------" << endl;
> out << endl;
> printSorted(out, m_num_of_sequencers, m_programCounterAccessTrace,
> "pc_address");
> out << endl;
> }
< // record macro data address trace info
< Address macro_addr(data_addr.maskLowOrderBits(10)); // 6 for datablock, 4 to make it 16x more coarse
< lookupTraceForAddress(macro_addr, m_macroBlockAccessTrace).update(type, access_mode, id, sharing_miss);
> if (m_retryProfileHisto.size() > 0) {
> out << "Retry Profile" << endl;
> out << "-------------" << endl;
> out << endl;
> out << "retry_histogram_absolute: " << m_retryProfileHisto << endl;
> out << "retry_histogram_write: " << m_retryProfileHistoWrite << endl;
> out << "retry_histogram_read: " << m_retryProfileHistoRead << endl;
< // record program counter address trace info
< lookupTraceForAddress(pc_addr, m_programCounterAccessTrace).update(type, access_mode, id, sharing_miss);
< }
> out << "retry_histogram_percent: ";
> m_retryProfileHisto.printPercent(out);
> out << endl;
< if (m_all_instructions) {
< // This code is used if the address profiler is an all-instructions profiler
< // record program counter address trace info
< lookupTraceForAddress(pc_addr, m_programCounterAccessTrace).update(type, access_mode, id, sharing_miss);
< }
> printSorted(out, m_num_of_sequencers, m_retryProfileMap,
> "block_address");
> out << endl;
> }
< void AddressProfiler::profileRetry(const Address& data_addr, AccessType type, int count)
> void
> AddressProfiler::clearStats()
< m_retryProfileHisto.add(count);
< if (type == AccessType_Read) {
< m_retryProfileHistoRead.add(count);
< } else {
< m_retryProfileHistoWrite.add(count);
< }
< if (count > 1) {
< lookupTraceForAddress(data_addr, m_retryProfileMap).addSample(count);
< }
> // Clear the maps
> m_sharing_miss_counter = 0;
> m_dataAccessTrace->clear();
> m_macroBlockAccessTrace->clear();
> m_programCounterAccessTrace->clear();
> m_retryProfileMap->clear();
> m_retryProfileHisto.clear();
> m_retryProfileHistoRead.clear();
> m_retryProfileHistoWrite.clear();
> m_getx_sharing_histogram.clear();
> m_gets_sharing_histogram.clear();
< // ***** Normal Functions ******
> void
> AddressProfiler::profileGetX(const Address& datablock, const Address& PC,
> const Set& owner, const Set& sharers,
> NodeID requestor)
> {
> Set indirection_set;
> indirection_set.addSet(sharers);
> indirection_set.addSet(owner);
> indirection_set.remove(requestor);
> int num_indirections = indirection_set.count();
< static void printSorted(ostream& out,
< int num_of_sequencers,
< const Map<Address, AccessTraceForAddress>* record_map,
< string description)
> m_getx_sharing_histogram.add(num_indirections);
> bool indirection_miss = (num_indirections > 0);
> addTraceSample(datablock, PC, CacheRequestType_ST, AccessModeType(0),
> requestor, indirection_miss);
> }
> void
> AddressProfiler::profileGetS(const Address& datablock, const Address& PC,
> const Set& owner, const Set& sharers,
> NodeID requestor)
< const int records_printed = 100;
> Set indirection_set;
> indirection_set.addSet(owner);
> indirection_set.remove(requestor);
> int num_indirections = indirection_set.count();
< uint64 misses = 0;
< PrioHeap<AccessTraceForAddress*> heap;
< Vector<Address> keys = record_map->keys();
< for(int i=0; i<keys.size(); i++){
< AccessTraceForAddress* record = &(record_map->lookup(keys[i]));
< misses += record->getTotal();
< heap.insert(record);
< }
> m_gets_sharing_histogram.add(num_indirections);
> bool indirection_miss = (num_indirections > 0);
< out << "Total_entries_" << description << ": " << keys.size() << endl;
< if (g_system_ptr->getProfiler()->getAllInstructions())
< out << "Total_Instructions_" << description << ": " << misses << endl;
< else
< out << "Total_data_misses_" << description << ": " << misses << endl;
> addTraceSample(datablock, PC, CacheRequestType_LD, AccessModeType(0),
> requestor, indirection_miss);
> }
< out << "total | load store atomic | user supervisor | sharing | touched-by" << endl;
> void
> AddressProfiler::addTraceSample(Address data_addr, Address pc_addr,
> CacheRequestType type,
> AccessModeType access_mode, NodeID id,
> bool sharing_miss)
> {
> if (m_all_instructions) {
> if (sharing_miss) {
> m_sharing_miss_counter++;
> }
< Histogram remaining_records(1, 100);
< Histogram all_records(1, 100);
< Histogram remaining_records_log(-1);
< Histogram all_records_log(-1);
> // record data address trace info
> data_addr.makeLineAddress();
> lookupTraceForAddress(data_addr, m_dataAccessTrace).
> update(type, access_mode, id, sharing_miss);
< // Allows us to track how many lines where touched by n processors
< Vector<int64> m_touched_vec;
< Vector<int64> m_touched_weighted_vec;
< m_touched_vec.setSize(num_of_sequencers+1);
< m_touched_weighted_vec.setSize(num_of_sequencers+1);
< for (int i=0; i<m_touched_vec.size(); i++) {
< m_touched_vec[i] = 0;
< m_touched_weighted_vec[i] = 0;
< }
> // record macro data address trace info
< int counter = 0;
< while((heap.size() > 0) && (counter < records_printed)) {
< AccessTraceForAddress* record = heap.extractMin();
< double percent = 100.0*(record->getTotal()/double(misses));
< out << description << " | " << percent << " % " << *record << endl;
< all_records.add(record->getTotal());
< all_records_log.add(record->getTotal());
< counter++;
< m_touched_vec[record->getTouchedBy()]++;
< m_touched_weighted_vec[record->getTouchedBy()] += record->getTotal();
< }
> // 6 for datablock, 4 to make it 16x more coarse
> Address macro_addr(data_addr.maskLowOrderBits(10));
> lookupTraceForAddress(macro_addr, m_macroBlockAccessTrace).
> update(type, access_mode, id, sharing_miss);
< while(heap.size() > 0) {
< AccessTraceForAddress* record = heap.extractMin();
< all_records.add(record->getTotal());
< remaining_records.add(record->getTotal());
< all_records_log.add(record->getTotal());
< remaining_records_log.add(record->getTotal());
< m_touched_vec[record->getTouchedBy()]++;
< m_touched_weighted_vec[record->getTouchedBy()] += record->getTotal();
< }
< out << endl;
< out << "all_records_" << description << ": " << all_records << endl;
< out << "all_records_log_" << description << ": " << all_records_log << endl;
< out << "remaining_records_" << description << ": " << remaining_records << endl;
< out << "remaining_records_log_" << description << ": " << remaining_records_log << endl;
< out << "touched_by_" << description << ": " << m_touched_vec << endl;
< out << "touched_by_weighted_" << description << ": " << m_touched_weighted_vec << endl;
< out << endl;
> // record program counter address trace info
> lookupTraceForAddress(pc_addr, m_programCounterAccessTrace).
> update(type, access_mode, id, sharing_miss);
> }
> if (m_all_instructions) {
> // This code is used if the address profiler is an
> // all-instructions profiler record program counter address
> // trace info
> lookupTraceForAddress(pc_addr, m_programCounterAccessTrace).
> update(type, access_mode, id, sharing_miss);
> }
< static AccessTraceForAddress& lookupTraceForAddress(const Address& addr, Map<Address, AccessTraceForAddress>* record_map)
> void
> AddressProfiler::profileRetry(const Address& data_addr, AccessType type,
> int count)
< if(record_map->exist(addr) == false){
< record_map->add(addr, AccessTraceForAddress(addr));
< }
< return record_map->lookup(addr);
> m_retryProfileHisto.add(count);
> if (type == AccessType_Read) {
> m_retryProfileHistoRead.add(count);
> } else {
> m_retryProfileHistoWrite.add(count);
> }
> if (count > 1) {
> lookupTraceForAddress(data_addr, m_retryProfileMap).addSample(count);
> }