< /*
< * $Id$
< *
< * Description: The histogram class implements a simple histogram
< *
< */
< #ifndef HISTOGRAM_H
< #define HISTOGRAM_H
< class Histogram {
< public:
< // Constructors
< Histogram(int binsize = 1, int bins = 50);
> class Histogram
> {
> public:
> Histogram(int binsize = 1, int bins = 50);
> ~Histogram();
< // Destructor
< ~Histogram();
> void add(int64 value);
> void add(const Histogram& hist);
> void clear() { clear(m_bins); }
> void clear(int bins);
> void clear(int binsize, int bins);
> int64 size() const { return m_count; }
> int getBins() const { return m_bins; }
> int getBinSize() const { return m_binsize; }
> int64 getTotal() const { return m_sumSamples; }
> int64 getData(int index) const { return m_data[index]; }
< // Public Methods
> void printWithMultiplier(std::ostream& out, double multiplier) const;
> void printPercent(std::ostream& out) const;
> void print(std::ostream& out) const;
< void add(int64 value);
< void add(const Histogram& hist);
< void clear() { clear(m_bins); }
< void clear(int bins);
< void clear(int binsize, int bins);
< int64 size() const { return m_count; }
< int getBins() const { return m_bins; }
< int getBinSize() const { return m_binsize; }
< int64 getTotal() const { return m_sumSamples; }
< int64 getData(int index) const { return m_data[index]; }
< void printWithMultiplier(std::ostream& out, double multiplier) const;
< void printPercent(std::ostream& out) const;
< void print(std::ostream& out) const;
< // Private Methods
> Vector<int64> m_data;
> int64 m_max; // the maximum value seen so far
> int64 m_count; // the number of elements added
> int m_binsize; // the size of each bucket
> int m_bins; // the number of buckets
> int m_largest_bin; // the largest bin used
< // Private copy constructor and assignment operator
< // Histogram(const Histogram& obj);
< // Histogram& operator=(const Histogram& obj);
> int64 m_sumSamples; // the sum of all samples
> int64 m_sumSquaredSamples; // the sum of the square of all samples
< // Data Members (m_ prefix)
< Vector<int64> m_data;
< int64 m_max; // the maximum value seen so far
< int64 m_count; // the number of elements added
< int m_binsize; // the size of each bucket
< int m_bins; // the number of buckets
< int m_largest_bin; // the largest bin used
< int64 m_sumSamples; // the sum of all samples
< int64 m_sumSquaredSamples; // the sum of the square of all samples
< double getStandardDeviation() const;
> double getStandardDeviation() const;
< // Output operator declaration
< std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Histogram& obj);
< // ******************* Definitions *******************
< // Output operator definition
< extern inline
< std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Histogram& obj)
> inline std::ostream&
> operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Histogram& obj)
< obj.print(out);
< out << std::flush;
< return out;
> obj.print(out);
> out << std::flush;
> return out;
< #endif //HISTOGRAM_H