packet.hh (13892:0182a0601f66) packet.hh (13954:2f400a5f2627)
2 * Copyright (c) 2012-2019 ARM Limited
3 * All rights reserved
4 *
5 * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall
6 * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual
7 * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating
8 * to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software

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1087 /**
1088 * get a pointer to the data ptr.
1089 */
1090 template <typename T>
1091 T*
1092 getPtr()
1093 {
1094 assert(flags.isSet(STATIC_DATA|DYNAMIC_DATA));
2 * Copyright (c) 2012-2019 ARM Limited
3 * All rights reserved
4 *
5 * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall
6 * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual
7 * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating
8 * to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software

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1087 /**
1088 * get a pointer to the data ptr.
1089 */
1090 template <typename T>
1091 T*
1092 getPtr()
1093 {
1094 assert(flags.isSet(STATIC_DATA|DYNAMIC_DATA));
1095 assert(!isMaskedWrite());
1095 return (T*)data;
1096 }
1098 template <typename T>
1099 const T*
1100 getConstPtr() const
1101 {
1102 assert(flags.isSet(STATIC_DATA|DYNAMIC_DATA));

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1175 void
1176 setData(const uint8_t *p)
1177 {
1178 // we should never be copying data onto itself, which means we
1179 // must idenfity packets with static data, as they carry the
1180 // same pointer from source to destination and back
1181 assert(p != getPtr<uint8_t>() || flags.isSet(STATIC_DATA));
1096 return (T*)data;
1097 }
1099 template <typename T>
1100 const T*
1101 getConstPtr() const
1102 {
1103 assert(flags.isSet(STATIC_DATA|DYNAMIC_DATA));

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1176 void
1177 setData(const uint8_t *p)
1178 {
1179 // we should never be copying data onto itself, which means we
1180 // must idenfity packets with static data, as they carry the
1181 // same pointer from source to destination and back
1182 assert(p != getPtr<uint8_t>() || flags.isSet(STATIC_DATA));
1183 if (p != getPtr())
1184 if (p != getPtr<uint8_t>()) {
1184 // for packet with allocated dynamic data, we copy data from
1185 // one to the other, e.g. a forwarded response to a response
1186 std::memcpy(getPtr<uint8_t>(), p, getSize());
1185 // for packet with allocated dynamic data, we copy data from
1186 // one to the other, e.g. a forwarded response to a response
1187 std::memcpy(getPtr<uint8_t>(), p, getSize());
1188 }
1187 }
1189 /**
1190 * Copy data into the packet from the provided block pointer,
1191 * which is aligned to the given block size.
1192 */
1193 void
1194 setDataFromBlock(const uint8_t *blk_data, int blkSize)
1195 {
1196 setData(blk_data + getOffset(blkSize));
1197 }
1199 /**
1200 * Copy data from the packet to the memory at the provided pointer.
1201 * @param p Pointer to which data will be copied.
1202 */
1203 void
1204 writeData(uint8_t *p) const
1205 {
1189 }
1191 /**
1192 * Copy data into the packet from the provided block pointer,
1193 * which is aligned to the given block size.
1194 */
1195 void
1196 setDataFromBlock(const uint8_t *blk_data, int blkSize)
1197 {
1198 setData(blk_data + getOffset(blkSize));
1199 }
1201 /**
1202 * Copy data from the packet to the memory at the provided pointer.
1203 * @param p Pointer to which data will be copied.
1204 */
1205 void
1206 writeData(uint8_t *p) const
1207 {
1206 std::memcpy(p, getConstPtr<uint8_t>(), getSize());
1208 if (!isMaskedWrite()) {
1209 std::memcpy(p, getConstPtr<uint8_t>(), getSize());
1210 } else {
1211 assert(req->getByteEnable().size() == getSize());
1212 // Write only the enabled bytes
1213 const uint8_t *base = getConstPtr<uint8_t>();
1214 for (int i = 0; i < getSize(); i++) {
1215 if (req->getByteEnable()[i]) {
1216 p[i] = *(base + i);
1217 }
1218 // Disabled bytes stay untouched
1219 }
1220 }
1207 }
1209 /**
1210 * Copy data from the packet to the provided block pointer, which
1211 * is aligned to the given block size.
1212 * @param blk_data Pointer to block to which data will be copied.
1213 * @param blkSize Block size in bytes.
1214 */

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1263 * the other packet provides the data, which is then copied to the
1264 * current packet. If the current packet is a write, and the other
1265 * packet intersects this one, then we update the data
1266 * accordingly.
1267 */
1268 bool
1269 trySatisfyFunctional(PacketPtr other)
1270 {
1221 }
1223 /**
1224 * Copy data from the packet to the provided block pointer, which
1225 * is aligned to the given block size.
1226 * @param blk_data Pointer to block to which data will be copied.
1227 * @param blkSize Block size in bytes.
1228 */

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1277 * the other packet provides the data, which is then copied to the
1278 * current packet. If the current packet is a write, and the other
1279 * packet intersects this one, then we update the data
1280 * accordingly.
1281 */
1282 bool
1283 trySatisfyFunctional(PacketPtr other)
1284 {
1285 if (other->isMaskedWrite()) {
1286 // Do not forward data if overlapping with a masked write
1287 if (_isSecure == other->isSecure() &&
1288 getAddr() <= (other->getAddr() + other->getSize() - 1) &&
1289 other->getAddr() <= (getAddr() + getSize() - 1)) {
1290 warn("Trying to check against a masked write, skipping."
1291 " (addr: 0x%x, other addr: 0x%x)", getAddr(),
1292 other->getAddr());
1293 }
1294 return false;
1295 }
1271 // all packets that are carrying a payload should have a valid
1272 // data pointer
1273 return trySatisfyFunctional(other, other->getAddr(), other->isSecure(),
1274 other->getSize(),
1275 other->hasData() ?
1276 other->getPtr<uint8_t>() : NULL);
1277 }

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1291 * evict packets, but also clean writebacks.
1292 */
1293 bool
1294 isCleanEviction() const
1295 {
1296 return cmd == MemCmd::CleanEvict || cmd == MemCmd::WritebackClean;
1297 }
1296 // all packets that are carrying a payload should have a valid
1297 // data pointer
1298 return trySatisfyFunctional(other, other->getAddr(), other->isSecure(),
1299 other->getSize(),
1300 other->hasData() ?
1301 other->getPtr<uint8_t>() : NULL);
1302 }

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1316 * evict packets, but also clean writebacks.
1317 */
1318 bool
1319 isCleanEviction() const
1320 {
1321 return cmd == MemCmd::CleanEvict || cmd == MemCmd::WritebackClean;
1322 }
1324 bool
1325 isMaskedWrite() const
1326 {
1327 return (cmd == MemCmd::WriteReq && !req->getByteEnable().empty());
1328 }
1299 /**
1300 * Check a functional request against a memory value represented
1301 * by a base/size pair and an associated data array. If the
1302 * current packet is a read, it may be satisfied by the memory
1303 * value. If the current packet is a write, it may update the
1304 * memory value.
1305 */
1306 bool

--- 36 unchanged lines hidden ---
1330 /**
1331 * Check a functional request against a memory value represented
1332 * by a base/size pair and an associated data array. If the
1333 * current packet is a read, it may be satisfied by the memory
1334 * value. If the current packet is a write, it may update the
1335 * memory value.
1336 */
1337 bool

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