> #include <iostream>
> #include "base/trace.hh"
< panic("Need to implement!");
> Addr funcStart = func->getAddr();
> Addr funcEnd = func->getAddr() + func->getSize() - 1;
> Addr timingStart = timing->getAddr();
> Addr timingEnd = timing->getAddr() + timing->getSize() - 1;
> assert(!(funcStart > timingEnd || timingStart < funcEnd));
> if (DTRACE(FunctionalAccess)) {
> DebugOut() << func;
> DebugOut() << timing;
> }
> // this packet can't solve our problem, continue on
> if (!timing->hasData())
> return true;
> if (func->isRead()) {
> if (funcStart >= timingStart && funcEnd <= timingEnd) {
> func->allocate();
> memcpy(func->getPtr<uint8_t>(), timing->getPtr<uint8_t>() +
> funcStart - timingStart, func->getSize());
> func->result = Packet::Success;
> return false;
> } else {
> // In this case the timing packet only partially satisfies the
> // requset, so we would need more information to make this work.
> // Like bytes valid in the packet or something, so the request could
> // continue and get this bit of possibly newer data along with the
> // older data not written to yet.
> panic("Timing packet only partially satisfies the functional"
> "request. Now what?");
> }
> } else if (func->isWrite()) {
> if (funcStart >= timingStart) {
> memcpy(timing->getPtr<uint8_t>() + (funcStart - timingStart),
> func->getPtr<uint8_t>(),
> funcStart - std::min(funcEnd, timingEnd));
> } else { // timingStart > funcStart
> memcpy(timing->getPtr<uint8_t>(),
> func->getPtr<uint8_t>() + (timingStart - funcStart),
> timingStart - std::min(funcEnd, timingEnd));
> }
> // we always want to keep going with a write
> return true;
> } else
> panic("Don't know how to handle command type %#x\n",
> func->cmdToIndex());
> std::ostream &
> operator<<(std::ostream &o, const Packet &p)
> {
> o << "[0x";
> o.setf(std::ios_base::hex, std::ios_base::showbase);
> o << p.getAddr();
> o.unsetf(std::ios_base::hex| std::ios_base::showbase);
> o << ":";
> o.setf(std::ios_base::hex, std::ios_base::showbase);
> o << p.getAddr() + p.getSize() - 1 << "] ";
> o.unsetf(std::ios_base::hex| std::ios_base::showbase);
> if (p.result == Packet::Success)
> o << "Successful ";
> if (p.result == Packet::BadAddress)
> o << "BadAddress ";
> if (p.result == Packet::Nacked)
> o << "Nacked ";
> if (p.result == Packet::Unknown)
> o << "Inflight ";
> if (p.isRead())
> o << "Read ";
> if (p.isWrite())
> o << "Read ";
> if (p.isInvalidate())
> o << "Read ";
> if (p.isRequest())
> o << "Request ";
> if (p.isResponse())
> o << "Response ";
> if (p.hasData())
> o << "w/Data ";
> o << std::endl;
> return o;
> }