> #include "debug/DRAMState.hh"
< respondEvent(this), refreshEvent(this),
< nextReqEvent(this), drainManager(NULL),
> nextReqEvent(this), respondEvent(this), activateEvent(this),
> prechargeEvent(this), refreshEvent(this), powerEvent(this),
> drainManager(NULL),
< busBusyUntil(0), refreshDueAt(0), refreshState(REF_IDLE), prevArrival(0),
< nextReqTime(0), idleStartTick(0), numBanksActive(0)
> busBusyUntil(0), refreshDueAt(0), refreshState(REF_IDLE),
> pwrStateTrans(PWR_IDLE), pwrState(PWR_IDLE), prevArrival(0),
> nextReqTime(0), pwrStateTick(0), numBanksActive(0)
< idleStartTick = curTick();
> pwrStateTick = curTick();
< // idleStartTick is the tick when all the banks were
< // precharged. Thus, the difference between act_tick and
< // idleStartTick gives the time for which the DRAM is in an idle
< // state with all banks precharged. Note that we may end up
< // "changing history" by scheduling an activation before an
< // already scheduled precharge, effectively canceling it out.
< if (numBanksActive == 0 && act_tick > idleStartTick) {
< prechargeAllTime += act_tick - idleStartTick;
< }
> // at the point when this activate takes place, make sure we
> // transition to the active power state
> if (!activateEvent.scheduled())
> schedule(activateEvent, act_tick);
> else if (activateEvent.when() > act_tick)
> // move it sooner in time
> reschedule(activateEvent, act_tick);
> DRAMCtrl::processActivateEvent()
> {
> // we should transition to the active state as soon as any bank is active
> if (pwrState != PWR_ACT)
> // note that at this point numBanksActive could be back at
> // zero again due to a precharge scheduled in the future
> schedulePowerEvent(PWR_ACT, curTick());
> }
> void
> // if we look at the current number of active banks we might be
> // tempted to think the DRAM is now idle, however this can be
> // undone by an activate that is scheduled to happen before we
> // would have reached the idle state, so schedule an event and
> // rather check once we actually make it to the point in time when
> // the (last) precharge takes place
> if (!prechargeEvent.scheduled())
> schedule(prechargeEvent, free_at);
> else if (prechargeEvent.when() < free_at)
> reschedule(prechargeEvent, free_at);
> }
> void
> DRAMCtrl::processPrechargeEvent()
> {
< idleStartTick = std::max(idleStartTick, bank.freeAt);
< DPRINTF(DRAM, "All banks precharged at tick: %ld\n",
< idleStartTick);
> // we should transition to the idle state when the last bank
> // is precharged
> schedulePowerEvent(PWR_IDLE, curTick());
< DPRINTF(DRAM, "Precharging all\n");
> // precharge any active bank if we are not already in the idle
> // state
> if (pwrState != PWR_IDLE) {
> DPRINTF(DRAM, "Precharging all\n");
> for (int i = 0; i < ranksPerChannel; i++) {
> for (int j = 0; j < banksPerRank; j++) {
> if (banks[i][j].openRow != Bank::NO_ROW) {
> // respect both causality and any existing bank
> // constraints
> Tick free_at =
> std::max(std::max(banks[i][j].freeAt,
> banks[i][j].tRASDoneAt),
> curTick()) + tRP;
< // precharge any active bank
< for (int i = 0; i < ranksPerChannel; i++) {
< for (int j = 0; j < banksPerRank; j++) {
< if (banks[i][j].openRow != Bank::NO_ROW) {
< // respect both causality and any existing bank
< // constraints
< Tick free_at = std::max(std::max(banks[i][j].freeAt,
< banks[i][j].tRASDoneAt),
< curTick()) + tRP;
< prechargeBank(banks[i][j], free_at);
> prechargeBank(banks[i][j], free_at);
> }
> } else {
> DPRINTF(DRAM, "All banks already precharged, starting refresh\n");
> // go ahead and kick the power state machine into gear if
> // we are already idle
> schedulePowerEvent(PWR_REF, curTick());
< if (numBanksActive != 0)
< panic("Refresh scheduled with %d active banks\n", numBanksActive);
< // advance the state
> assert(numBanksActive == 0);
< // call ourselves in the future
< schedule(refreshEvent, std::max(curTick(), idleStartTick));
> // wait for all banks to be precharged, at which point the
> // power state machine will transition to the idle state, and
> // automatically move to a refresh, at that point it will also
> // call this method to get the refresh event loop going again
> assert(pwrState == PWR_REF);
< // back to business as usual
< refreshState = REF_IDLE;
> assert(!powerEvent.scheduled());
< // we are now refreshing until tRFC is done
< idleStartTick = banksFree;
> // move to the idle power state once the refresh is done, this
> // will also move the refresh state machine to the refresh
> // idle state
> schedulePowerEvent(PWR_IDLE, banksFree);
< // kick the normal request processing loop into action again
< // as early as possible, i.e. when the request is done, the
< // scheduling of this event also prevents any new requests
< // from going ahead before the scheduled point in time
< nextReqTime = banksFree;
< schedule(nextReqEvent, nextReqTime);
> DPRINTF(DRAMState, "Refresh done at %llu and next refresh at %llu\n",
> banksFree, refreshDueAt + tREFI);
> DRAMCtrl::schedulePowerEvent(PowerState pwr_state, Tick tick)
> {
> // respect causality
> assert(tick >= curTick());
> if (!powerEvent.scheduled()) {
> DPRINTF(DRAMState, "Scheduling power event at %llu to state %d\n",
> tick, pwr_state);
> // insert the new transition
> pwrStateTrans = pwr_state;
> schedule(powerEvent, tick);
> } else {
> panic("Scheduled power event at %llu to state %d, "
> "with scheduled event at %llu to %d\n", tick, pwr_state,
> powerEvent.when(), pwrStateTrans);
> }
> }
> void
> DRAMCtrl::processPowerEvent()
> {
> // remember where we were, and for how long
> Tick duration = curTick() - pwrStateTick;
> PowerState prev_state = pwrState;
> // update the accounting
> pwrStateTime[prev_state] += duration;
> pwrState = pwrStateTrans;
> pwrStateTick = curTick();
> if (pwrState == PWR_IDLE) {
> DPRINTF(DRAMState, "All banks precharged\n");
> // if we were refreshing, make sure we start scheduling requests again
> if (prev_state == PWR_REF) {
> DPRINTF(DRAMState, "Was refreshing for %llu ticks\n", duration);
> assert(pwrState == PWR_IDLE);
> // kick things into action again
> refreshState = REF_IDLE;
> assert(!nextReqEvent.scheduled());
> schedule(nextReqEvent, curTick());
> } else {
> assert(prev_state == PWR_ACT);
> // if we have a pending refresh, and are now moving to
> // the idle state, direclty transition to a refresh
> if (refreshState == REF_RUN) {
> // there should be nothing waiting at this point
> assert(!powerEvent.scheduled());
> // update the state in zero time and proceed below
> pwrState = PWR_REF;
> }
> }
> }
> // we transition to the refresh state, let the refresh state
> // machine know of this state update and let it deal with the
> // scheduling of the next power state transition as well as the
> // following refresh
> if (pwrState == PWR_REF) {
> DPRINTF(DRAMState, "Refreshing\n");
> // kick the refresh event loop into action again, and that
> // in turn will schedule a transition to the idle power
> // state once the refresh is done
> assert(refreshState == REF_RUN);
> processRefreshEvent();
> }
> }
> void
< prechargeAllPercent
< .name(name() + ".prechargeAllPercent")
< .desc("Percentage of time for which DRAM has all the banks in "
< "precharge state")
< .precision(2);
< prechargeAllPercent = prechargeAllTime / simTicks * 100;
> pwrStateTime
> .init(5)
> .name(name() + ".memoryStateTime")
> .desc("Time in different power states");
> pwrStateTime.subname(0, "IDLE");
> pwrStateTime.subname(1, "REF");
> pwrStateTime.subname(2, "PRE_PDN");
> pwrStateTime.subname(3, "ACT");
> pwrStateTime.subname(4, "ACT_PDN");