< respondEvent(this),
< refreshEvent(this), nextReqEvent(this), drainManager(NULL),
> respondEvent(this), refreshEvent(this),
> nextReqEvent(this), drainManager(NULL),
< busBusyUntil(0), prevArrival(0),
< nextReqTime(0), startTickPrechargeAll(0), numBanksActive(0)
> busBusyUntil(0), refreshDueAt(0), refreshState(REF_IDLE), prevArrival(0),
> nextReqTime(0), idleStartTick(0), numBanksActive(0)
> // some basic sanity checks
> if (tREFI <= tRP || tREFI <= tRFC) {
> fatal("tREFI (%d) must be larger than tRP (%d) and tRFC (%d)\n",
> tREFI, tRP, tRFC);
> }
< startTickPrechargeAll = curTick();
> idleStartTick = curTick();
< // kick off the refresh
< schedule(refreshEvent, curTick() + tREFI);
> // kick off the refresh, and give ourselves enough time to
> // precharge
> schedule(refreshEvent, curTick() + tREFI - tRP);
< Tick precharge_delay = bank.openRow == -1 ? 0 : tRP;
> Tick precharge_delay = bank.openRow == Bank::NO_ROW ? 0 : tRP;
< DRAMCtrl::recordActivate(Tick act_tick, uint8_t rank, uint8_t bank)
> DRAMCtrl::recordActivate(Tick act_tick, uint8_t rank, uint8_t bank,
> uint16_t row)
< // Tracking accesses after all banks are precharged.
< // startTickPrechargeAll: is the tick when all the banks were again
< // precharged. The difference between act_tick and startTickPrechargeAll
< // gives the time for which DRAM doesn't get any accesses after refreshing
< // or after a page is closed in closed-page or open-adaptive-page policy.
< if ((numBanksActive == 0) && (act_tick > startTickPrechargeAll)) {
< prechargeAllTime += act_tick - startTickPrechargeAll;
> // idleStartTick is the tick when all the banks were
> // precharged. Thus, the difference between act_tick and
> // idleStartTick gives the time for which the DRAM is in an idle
> // state with all banks precharged. Note that we may end up
> // "changing history" by scheduling an activation before an
> // already scheduled precharge, effectively canceling it out.
> if (numBanksActive == 0 && act_tick > idleStartTick) {
> prechargeAllTime += act_tick - idleStartTick;
< // No need to update number of active banks for closed-page policy as only 1
< // bank will be activated at any given point, which will be instatntly
< // precharged
< if (pageMgmt == Enums::open || pageMgmt == Enums::open_adaptive ||
< pageMgmt == Enums::close_adaptive)
< ++numBanksActive;
> // update the open row
> assert(banks[rank][bank].openRow == Bank::NO_ROW);
> banks[rank][bank].openRow = row;
> // start counting anew, this covers both the case when we
> // auto-precharged, and when this access is forced to
> // precharge
> banks[rank][bank].bytesAccessed = 0;
> banks[rank][bank].rowAccesses = 0;
> ++numBanksActive;
> assert(numBanksActive <= banksPerRank * ranksPerChannel);
> DPRINTF(DRAM, "Activate bank at tick %lld, now got %d active\n",
> act_tick, numBanksActive);
> DRAMCtrl::prechargeBank(Bank& bank, Tick free_at)
> {
> // make sure the bank has an open row
> assert(bank.openRow != Bank::NO_ROW);
> // sample the bytes per activate here since we are closing
> // the page
> bytesPerActivate.sample(bank.bytesAccessed);
> bank.openRow = Bank::NO_ROW;
> bank.freeAt = free_at;
> assert(numBanksActive != 0);
> --numBanksActive;
> DPRINTF(DRAM, "Precharged bank, done at tick %lld, now got %d active\n",
> bank.freeAt, numBanksActive);
> // if we reached zero, then special conditions apply as we track
> // if all banks are precharged for the power models
> if (numBanksActive == 0) {
> idleStartTick = std::max(idleStartTick, bank.freeAt);
> DPRINTF(DRAM, "All banks precharged at tick: %ld\n",
> idleStartTick);
> }
> }
> void
< bank.freeAt = curTick() + addDelay + accessLat;
< // If you activated a new row do to this access, the next access
< // will have to respect tRAS for this bank.
< if (!rowHitFlag) {
> if (rowHitFlag) {
> bank.freeAt = curTick() + addDelay + accessLat;
> } else {
> // If there is a page open, precharge it.
> if (bank.openRow != Bank::NO_ROW) {
> prechargeBank(bank, std::max(std::max(bank.freeAt,
> bank.tRASDoneAt),
> curTick()) + tRP);
> }
> // Any precharge is already part of the latency
> // estimation, so update the bank free time
> bank.freeAt = curTick() + addDelay + accessLat;
> // If you activated a new row do to this access, the next access
> // will have to respect tRAS for this bank
< recordActivate(actTick, dram_pkt->rank, dram_pkt->bank);
< // if we closed an open row as a result of this access,
< // then sample the number of bytes accessed before
< // resetting it
< if (bank.openRow != -1)
< bytesPerActivate.sample(bank.bytesAccessed);
< // update the open row
< bank.openRow = dram_pkt->row;
< // start counting anew, this covers both the case when we
< // auto-precharged, and when this access is forced to
< // precharge
< bank.bytesAccessed = 0;
< bank.rowAccesses = 0;
> recordActivate(actTick, dram_pkt->rank, dram_pkt->bank,
> dram_pkt->row);
< bank.openRow = -1;
< bank.freeAt = std::max(bank.freeAt, bank.tRASDoneAt) + tRP;
< --numBanksActive;
< if (numBanksActive == 0) {
< startTickPrechargeAll = std::max(startTickPrechargeAll,
< bank.freeAt);
< DPRINTF(DRAM, "All banks precharged at tick: %ld\n",
< startTickPrechargeAll);
< }
> prechargeBank(bank, std::max(bank.freeAt, bank.tRASDoneAt) + tRP);
< // sample the bytes per activate here since we are closing
< // the page
< bytesPerActivate.sample(bank.bytesAccessed);
< recordActivate(actTick, dram_pkt->rank, dram_pkt->bank);
> recordActivate(actTick, dram_pkt->rank, dram_pkt->bank, dram_pkt->row);
< // If the DRAM has a very quick tRAS, bank can be made free
< // after consecutive tCL,tRCD,tRP times. In general, however,
< // an additional wait is required to respect tRAS.
< bank.freeAt = std::max(actTick + tRAS + tRP,
< actTick + tRCD + tCL + tRP);
> bank.freeAt = actTick + tRCD + tCL;
> bank.tRASDoneAt = actTick + tRAS;
> // sample the relevant values when precharging
> bank.bytesAccessed = burstSize;
> bank.rowAccesses = 1;
> prechargeBank(bank, std::max(bank.freeAt, bank.tRASDoneAt) + tRP);
< bytesPerActivate.sample(burstSize);
< startTickPrechargeAll = std::max(startTickPrechargeAll, bank.freeAt);
> if (refreshState != REF_IDLE) {
> // if a refresh waiting for this event loop to finish, then hand
> // over now, and do not schedule a new nextReqEvent
> if (refreshState == REF_DRAIN) {
> DPRINTF(DRAM, "Refresh drain done, now precharging\n");
> refreshState = REF_PRE;
> // hand control back to the refresh event loop
> schedule(refreshEvent, curTick());
> }
> // let the refresh finish before issuing any further requests
> return;
> }
< Tick
< DRAMCtrl::maxBankFreeAt() const
< {
< Tick banksFree = 0;
< for(int i = 0; i < ranksPerChannel; i++)
< for(int j = 0; j < banksPerRank; j++)
< banksFree = std::max(banks[i][j].freeAt, banksFree);
< return banksFree;
< }
< DPRINTF(DRAM, "Refreshing at tick %ld\n", curTick());
> // when first preparing the refresh, remember when it was due
> if (refreshState == REF_IDLE) {
> // remember when the refresh is due
> refreshDueAt = curTick();
< Tick banksFree = std::max(curTick(), maxBankFreeAt()) + tRFC;
> // proceed to drain
> refreshState = REF_DRAIN;
< for(int i = 0; i < ranksPerChannel; i++)
< for(int j = 0; j < banksPerRank; j++) {
< banks[i][j].freeAt = banksFree;
< banks[i][j].openRow = -1;
> DPRINTF(DRAM, "Refresh due\n");
> }
> // let any scheduled read or write go ahead, after which it will
> // hand control back to this event loop
> if (refreshState == REF_DRAIN) {
> if (nextReqEvent.scheduled()) {
> // hand control over to the request loop until it is
> // evaluated next
> DPRINTF(DRAM, "Refresh awaiting draining\n");
> return;
> } else {
> refreshState = REF_PRE;
> }
< // updating startTickPrechargeAll, isprechargeAll
< numBanksActive = 0;
< startTickPrechargeAll = banksFree;
> // at this point, ensure that all banks are precharged
> if (refreshState == REF_PRE) {
> DPRINTF(DRAM, "Precharging all\n");
< schedule(refreshEvent, curTick() + tREFI);
> // precharge any active bank
> for (int i = 0; i < ranksPerChannel; i++) {
> for (int j = 0; j < banksPerRank; j++) {
> if (banks[i][j].openRow != Bank::NO_ROW) {
> // respect both causality and any existing bank
> // constraints
> Tick free_at = std::max(std::max(banks[i][j].freeAt,
> banks[i][j].tRASDoneAt),
> curTick()) + tRP;
> prechargeBank(banks[i][j], free_at);
> }
> }
> }
> if (numBanksActive != 0)
> panic("Refresh scheduled with %d active banks\n", numBanksActive);
> // advance the state
> refreshState = REF_RUN;
> // call ourselves in the future
> schedule(refreshEvent, std::max(curTick(), idleStartTick));
> return;
> }
> // last but not least we perform the actual refresh
> if (refreshState == REF_RUN) {
> // should never get here with any banks active
> assert(numBanksActive == 0);
> Tick banksFree = curTick() + tRFC;
> for (int i = 0; i < ranksPerChannel; i++) {
> for (int j = 0; j < banksPerRank; j++) {
> banks[i][j].freeAt = banksFree;
> }
> }
> // make sure we did not wait so long that we cannot make up
> // for it
> if (refreshDueAt + tREFI < banksFree) {
> fatal("Refresh was delayed so long we cannot catch up\n");
> }
> // compensate for the delay in actually performing the refresh
> // when scheduling the next one
> schedule(refreshEvent, refreshDueAt + tREFI - tRP);
> // back to business as usual
> refreshState = REF_IDLE;
> // we are now refreshing until tRFC is done
> idleStartTick = banksFree;
> // kick the normal request processing loop into action again
> // as early as possible, i.e. when the request is done, the
> // scheduling of this event also prevents any new requests
> // from going ahead before the scheduled point in time
> nextReqTime = banksFree;
> schedule(nextReqEvent, nextReqTime);
> }