coherent_xbar.hh (10656:bd376adfb7d4) coherent_xbar.hh (10713:eddb533708cb)
2 * Copyright (c) 2011-2014 ARM Limited
3 * All rights reserved
4 *
5 * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall
6 * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual
7 * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating
8 * to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software

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72 protected:
74 /**
75 * Declare the layers of this crossbar, one vector for requests,
76 * one for responses, and one for snoop responses
77 */
2 * Copyright (c) 2011-2014 ARM Limited
3 * All rights reserved
4 *
5 * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall
6 * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual
7 * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating
8 * to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software

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72 protected:
74 /**
75 * Declare the layers of this crossbar, one vector for requests,
76 * one for responses, and one for snoop responses
77 */
78 typedef Layer<SlavePort,MasterPort> ReqLayer;
79 typedef Layer<MasterPort,SlavePort> RespLayer;
80 typedef Layer<SlavePort,MasterPort> SnoopLayer;
81 std::vector<ReqLayer*> reqLayers;
82 std::vector<RespLayer*> respLayers;
78 std::vector<ReqLayer*> reqLayers;
79 std::vector<RespLayer*> respLayers;
83 std::vector snoopLayers;
80 std::vector<SnoopRespLayer*> snoopLayers;
85 /**
86 * Declaration of the coherent crossbar slave port type, one will
87 * be instantiated for each of the master ports connecting to the
88 * crossbar.
89 */
90 class CoherentXBarSlavePort : public SlavePort
91 {

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126 * When receiving a functional request, pass it to the crossbar.
127 */
128 virtual void recvFunctional(PacketPtr pkt)
129 { xbar.recvFunctional(pkt, id); }
131 /**
132 * When receiving a retry, pass it to the crossbar.
133 */
82 /**
83 * Declaration of the coherent crossbar slave port type, one will
84 * be instantiated for each of the master ports connecting to the
85 * crossbar.
86 */
87 class CoherentXBarSlavePort : public SlavePort
88 {

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123 * When receiving a functional request, pass it to the crossbar.
124 */
125 virtual void recvFunctional(PacketPtr pkt)
126 { xbar.recvFunctional(pkt, id); }
128 /**
129 * When receiving a retry, pass it to the crossbar.
130 */
134 virtual void recvRetry()
131 virtual void recvRespRetry()
135 { panic("Crossbar slave ports should never retry.\n"); }
137 /**
138 * Return the union of all adress ranges seen by this crossbar.
139 */
140 virtual AddrRangeList getAddrRanges() const
141 { return xbar.getAddrRanges(); }

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198 /** When reciving a range change from the peer port (at id),
199 pass it to the crossbar. */
200 virtual void recvRangeChange()
201 { xbar.recvRangeChange(id); }
203 /** When reciving a retry from the peer port (at id),
204 pass it to the crossbar. */
132 { panic("Crossbar slave ports should never retry.\n"); }
134 /**
135 * Return the union of all adress ranges seen by this crossbar.
136 */
137 virtual AddrRangeList getAddrRanges() const
138 { return xbar.getAddrRanges(); }

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195 /** When reciving a range change from the peer port (at id),
196 pass it to the crossbar. */
197 virtual void recvRangeChange()
198 { xbar.recvRangeChange(id); }
200 /** When reciving a retry from the peer port (at id),
201 pass it to the crossbar. */
205 virtual void recvRetry()
206 { xbar.recvRetry(id); }
202 virtual void recvReqRetry()
203 { xbar.recvReqRetry(id); }
208 };
210 /**
211 * Internal class to bridge between an incoming snoop response
212 * from a slave port and forwarding it through an outgoing slave
213 * port. It is effectively a dangling master port.
214 */

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228 SnoopRespPort(SlavePort& slave_port, CoherentXBar& _xbar) :
229 MasterPort( + ".snoopRespPort", &_xbar),
230 slavePort(slave_port) { }
232 /**
233 * Override the sending of retries and pass them on through
234 * the mirrored slave port.
235 */
205 };
207 /**
208 * Internal class to bridge between an incoming snoop response
209 * from a slave port and forwarding it through an outgoing slave
210 * port. It is effectively a dangling master port.
211 */

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225 SnoopRespPort(SlavePort& slave_port, CoherentXBar& _xbar) :
226 MasterPort( + ".snoopRespPort", &_xbar),
227 slavePort(slave_port) { }
229 /**
230 * Override the sending of retries and pass them on through
231 * the mirrored slave port.
232 */
236 void sendRetry() {
237 slavePort.sendRetry();
233 void sendRetryResp() {
234 // forward it as a snoop response retry
235 slavePort.sendRetrySnoopResp();
238 }
240 /**
241 * Provided as necessary.
242 */
236 }
238 /**
239 * Provided as necessary.
240 */
243 void recvRetry() { panic("SnoopRespPort should never see retry\n"); }
241 void recvReqRetry() { panic("SnoopRespPort should never see retry\n"); }
245 /**
246 * Provided as necessary.
247 */
248 bool recvTimingResp(PacketPtr pkt)
249 {
250 panic("SnoopRespPort should never see timing response\n");
251 return false;

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287 void recvTimingSnoopReq(PacketPtr pkt, PortID master_port_id);
289 /** Function called by the port when the crossbar is recieving a timing
290 snoop response.*/
291 bool recvTimingSnoopResp(PacketPtr pkt, PortID slave_port_id);
293 /** Timing function called by port when it is once again able to process
294 * requests. */
243 /**
244 * Provided as necessary.
245 */
246 bool recvTimingResp(PacketPtr pkt)
247 {
248 panic("SnoopRespPort should never see timing response\n");
249 return false;

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285 void recvTimingSnoopReq(PacketPtr pkt, PortID master_port_id);
287 /** Function called by the port when the crossbar is recieving a timing
288 snoop response.*/
289 bool recvTimingSnoopResp(PacketPtr pkt, PortID slave_port_id);
291 /** Timing function called by port when it is once again able to process
292 * requests. */
295 void recvRetry(PortID master_port_id);
293 void recvReqRetry(PortID master_port_id);
297 /**
298 * Forward a timing packet to our snoopers, potentially excluding
299 * one of the connected coherent masters to avoid sending a packet
300 * back to where it came from.
301 *
302 * @param pkt Packet to forward
303 * @param exclude_slave_port_id Id of slave port to exclude

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295 /**
296 * Forward a timing packet to our snoopers, potentially excluding
297 * one of the connected coherent masters to avoid sending a packet
298 * back to where it came from.
299 *
300 * @param pkt Packet to forward
301 * @param exclude_slave_port_id Id of slave port to exclude

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