> * Nikos Nikoleris
> if (pkt->isClean() && !is_destination) {
> // before snooping we need to make sure that the memory
> // below is not busy and the cache clean request can be
> // forwarded to it
> if (!masterPorts[master_port_id]->tryTiming(pkt)) {
> DPRINTF(CoherentXBar, "%s: src %s packet %s RETRY\n", __func__,
> src_port->name(), pkt->print());
> // update the layer state and schedule an idle event
> reqLayers[master_port_id]->failedTiming(src_port,
> clockEdge(Cycles(1)));
> return false;
> }
> }
> // normally we respond to the packet we just received if we need to
> PacketPtr rsp_pkt = pkt;
> PortID rsp_port_id = slave_port_id;
> // If this is the destination of the cache clean operation the
> // crossbar is responsible for responding. This crossbar will
> // respond when the cache clean is complete. A cache clean
> // is complete either:
> // * direcly, if no cache above had a dirty copy of the block
> // as indicated by the satisfied flag of the packet, or
> // * when the crossbar has seen both the cache clean request
> // (CleanSharedReq, CleanInvalidReq) and the corresponding
> // write (WriteClean) which updates the block in the memory
> // below.
> if (success &&
> ((pkt->isClean() && pkt->satisfied()) ||
> pkt->cmd == MemCmd::WriteClean) &&
> is_destination) {
> PacketPtr deferred_rsp = pkt->isWrite() ? nullptr : pkt;
> auto cmo_lookup = outstandingCMO.find(pkt->id);
> if (cmo_lookup != outstandingCMO.end()) {
> // the cache clean request has already reached this xbar
> respond_directly = true;
> if (pkt->isWrite()) {
> rsp_pkt = cmo_lookup->second;
> assert(rsp_pkt);
> // determine the destination
> const auto route_lookup = routeTo.find(rsp_pkt->req);
> assert(route_lookup != routeTo.end());
> rsp_port_id = route_lookup->second;
> assert(rsp_port_id != InvalidPortID);
> assert(rsp_port_id < respLayers.size());
> // remove the request from the routing table
> routeTo.erase(route_lookup);
> }
> outstandingCMO.erase(cmo_lookup);
> } else {
> respond_directly = false;
> outstandingCMO.emplace(pkt->id, deferred_rsp);
> if (!pkt->isWrite()) {
> assert(routeTo.find(pkt->req) == routeTo.end());
> routeTo[pkt->req] = slave_port_id;
> panic_if(routeTo.size() > 512,
> "Routing table exceeds 512 packets\n");
> }
> }
> }
< assert(pkt->needsResponse());
> assert(rsp_pkt->needsResponse());
< pkt->makeResponse();
> rsp_pkt->makeResponse();
< snoopFilter->updateResponse(pkt, *slavePorts[slave_port_id]);
> snoopFilter->updateResponse(rsp_pkt, *slavePorts[rsp_port_id]);
> // we send the response after the current packet, even if the
> // response is not for this packet (e.g. cache clean operation
> // where both the request and the write packet have to cross
> // the destination xbar before the response is sent.)
< pkt->headerDelay = 0;
> rsp_pkt->headerDelay = 0;
< slavePorts[slave_port_id]->schedTimingResp(pkt, response_time);
> slavePorts[rsp_port_id]->schedTimingResp(rsp_pkt, response_time);
> // If this is the destination of the cache clean operation the
> // crossbar is responsible for responding. This crossbar will
> // respond when the cache clean is complete. An atomic cache clean
> // is complete when the crossbars receives the cache clean
> // request (CleanSharedReq, CleanInvalidReq), as either:
> // * no cache above had a dirty copy of the block as indicated by
> // the satisfied flag of the packet, or
> // * the crossbar has already seen the corresponding write
> // (WriteClean) which updates the block in the memory below.
> if (pkt->isClean() && isDestination(pkt) && pkt->satisfied()) {
> auto it = outstandingCMO.find(pkt->id);
> assert(it != outstandingCMO.end());
> // we are responding right away
> outstandingCMO.erase(it);
> } else if (pkt->cmd == MemCmd::WriteClean && isDestination(pkt)) {
> // if this is the destination of the operation, the xbar
> // sends the responce to the cache clean operation only
> // after having encountered the cache clean request
> auto M5_VAR_USED ret = outstandingCMO.emplace(pkt->id, nullptr);
> // in atomic mode we know that the WriteClean packet should
> // precede the clean request
> assert(ret.second);
> }
< // 1) this is a read or a write
< // 2) this crossbar is above the point of coherency
> // 1) this is a cache clean request to the PoU/PoC and this
> // crossbar is above the PoU/PoC
> // 2) this is a read or a write
> // 3) this crossbar is above the point of coherency
> if (pkt->isClean()) {
> return !isDestination(pkt);
> }