> /**
> * Find all possible block locations for insertion and replacement of
> * an address. Should be called immediately before ReplacementPolicy's
> * findVictim() not to break cache resizing.
> * Returns sector blocks in all ways belonging to the set of the address.
> *
> * @param addr The addr to a find possible locations for.
> * @return The possible locations.
> */
> std::vector<ReplaceableEntry*> getPossibleLocations(const Addr addr) const
> override;
< * Find all possible block locations for insertion and replacement of
< * an address. Should be called immediately before ReplacementPolicy's
< * findVictim() not to break cache resizing.
< * Returns sector blocks in all ways belonging to the set of the address.
< *
< * @param addr The addr to a find possible locations for.
< * @return The possible locations.
< */
< virtual const std::vector<SectorBlk*> getPossibleLocations(Addr addr)
< const;
< /**