< if (numCaches >0){
> if (numCaches > 0){
< // TODO: We need to move the block to the tail to make it the next victim
> // Move the block to the tail to make it the next victim
> moveToTail((FALRUBlk*)blk);
< int updateMask = blk->inCache ^ cacheMask;
< for (unsigned i = 0; i < numCaches; i++){
< if ((1<<i) & updateMask) {
< cacheBoundaries[i]->inCache &= ~(1<<i);
< cacheBoundaries[i] = cacheBoundaries[i]->prev;
< } else if (cacheBoundaries[i] == blk) {
< cacheBoundaries[i] = blk->prev;
< }
< }
< blk->inCache = cacheMask;
> // If block is not already head, do the moving
> // Get all caches that this block does not reside in
> int updateMask = blk->inCache ^ cacheMask;
> // Update boundaries for all cache sizes
> for (unsigned i = 0; i < numCaches; i++){
> // If block has been moved to a place before this boundary,
> // all blocks in it will be pushed towards the LRU position,
> // making one leave the boundary
> if ((1U<<i) & updateMask) {
> cacheBoundaries[i]->inCache &= ~(1U<<i);
> cacheBoundaries[i] = cacheBoundaries[i]->prev;
> // If the block resides exactly at this boundary, the previous
> // block is pushed to its position
> } else if (cacheBoundaries[i] == blk) {
> cacheBoundaries[i] = blk->prev;
> }
> }
> // Make block reside in all caches
> blk->inCache = cacheMask;
> // If block is tail, set previous block as new tail
> // Inform block's surrounding blocks that it has been moved
> // Swap pointers
> void
> FALRU::moveToTail(FALRUBlk *blk)
> {
> // If block is not already tail, do the moving
> if (blk != tail) {
> // Update boundaries for all cache sizes
> for (unsigned i = 0; i < numCaches; i++){
> // If block has been moved to a place after this boundary,
> // all blocks in it will be pushed towards the MRU position,
> // making one enter the boundary
> if ((1U<<i) & blk->inCache) {
> // If the first block after the boundary is the block,
> // get its successor
> if (cacheBoundaries[i]->next == blk){
> cacheBoundaries[i] = cacheBoundaries[i]->next->next;
> } else {
> cacheBoundaries[i] = cacheBoundaries[i]->next;
> }
> cacheBoundaries[i]->inCache |= (1U<<i);
> }
> }
> // Make block reside in the last cache only
> blk->inCache = 0;
> // If block is head, set next block as new head
> if (blk == head){
> assert(blk->prev == nullptr);
> head = blk->next;
> head->prev = nullptr;
> // Inform block's surrounding blocks that it has been moved
> } else {
> blk->prev->next = blk->next;
> blk->next->prev = blk->prev;
> }
> // Swap pointers
> blk->prev = tail;
> blk->next = nullptr;
> tail->next = blk;
> tail = blk;
> }
> }