> /**
> * A queue entry is holding packets that will be serviced as soon as
> * resources are available. Since multiple references to the same
> * address can arrive while a packet is not serviced, each packet is
> * stored in a target containing its availability, order and other info,
> * and the queue entry stores these similar targets in a list.
> */
> class Target {
> public:
> const Tick recvTime; //!< Time when request was received (for stats)
> const Tick readyTime; //!< Time when request is ready to be serviced
> const Counter order; //!< Global order (for memory consistency mgmt)
> const PacketPtr pkt; //!< Pending request packet.
> /**
> * Default constructor. Assigns the current tick as the arrival time
> * of the packet.
> *
> * @param _pkt The pending request packet.
> * @param ready_time The tick at which the packet will be serviceable.
> * @param _order Global order.
> */
> Target(PacketPtr _pkt, Tick ready_time, Counter _order)
> : recvTime(curTick()), readyTime(ready_time), order(_order),
> pkt(_pkt)
> {}
> };
> /**
> * Returns a pointer to the first target.
> *
> * @return A pointer to the first target.
> */
> virtual Target* getTarget() = 0;