> #include "base/trace.hh"
< // Addr blkAddr = pkt->paddr & ~(Addr)(this->blkSize-1);
< int contextId = pkt->req->contextId();
< if (!useContextId) contextId = 0;
> if (!pkt->req->hasPC()) {
> DPRINTF(HWPrefetch, "ignoring request with no PC");
> return;
> }
< /* Scan Table for IAddr Match */
< /* std::list<strideEntry*>::iterator iter;
< for (iter=table[contextId].begin();
< iter !=table[contextId].end();
< iter++) {
< if ((*iter)->IAddr == pkt->pc) break;
< }
> Addr blk_addr = pkt->getAddr() & ~(Addr)(blkSize-1);
> int ctx_id = useContextId ? pkt->req->contextId() : 0;
> Addr pc = pkt->req->getPC();
> assert(ctx_id < Max_Contexts);
> std::list<StrideEntry*> &tab = table[ctx_id];
< if (iter != table[contextId].end()) {
< //Hit in table
> /* Scan Table for instAddr Match */
> std::list<StrideEntry*>::iterator iter;
> for (iter = tab.begin(); iter != tab.end(); iter++) {
> if ((*iter)->instAddr == pc)
> break;
> }
< int newStride = blkAddr - (*iter)->MAddr;
< if (newStride == (*iter)->stride) {
< (*iter)->confidence++;
< }
< else {
< (*iter)->stride = newStride;
< (*iter)->confidence--;
< }
> if (iter != tab.end()) {
> // Hit in table
< (*iter)->MAddr = blkAddr;
> int new_stride = blk_addr - (*iter)->missAddr;
> bool stride_match = (new_stride == (*iter)->stride);
< for (int d=1; d <= degree; d++) {
< Addr newAddr = blkAddr + d * newStride;
< if (this->pageStop &&
< (blkAddr & ~(TheISA::VMPageSize - 1)) !=
< (newAddr & ~(TheISA::VMPageSize - 1)))
< {
< //Spanned the page, so now stop
< this->pfSpanPage += degree - d + 1;
< return;
< }
< else
< {
< addresses.push_back(newAddr);
< delays.push_back(latency);
< }
< }
< }
< else {
< //Miss in table
< //Find lowest confidence and replace
> if (stride_match && new_stride != 0) {
> if ((*iter)->confidence < Max_Conf)
> (*iter)->confidence++;
> } else {
> (*iter)->stride = new_stride;
> if ((*iter)->confidence > Min_Conf)
> (*iter)->confidence = 0;
> }
< }
< */
> DPRINTF(HWPrefetch, "hit: PC %x blk_addr %x stride %d (%s), conf %d\n",
> pc, blk_addr, new_stride, stride_match ? "match" : "change",
> (*iter)->confidence);
> (*iter)->missAddr = blk_addr;
> if ((*iter)->confidence <= 0)
> return;
> for (int d = 1; d <= degree; d++) {
> Addr new_addr = blk_addr + d * new_stride;
> if (pageStop && !samePage(blk_addr, new_addr)) {
> // Spanned the page, so now stop
> pfSpanPage += degree - d + 1;
> return;
> } else {
> DPRINTF(HWPrefetch, " queuing prefetch to %x @ %d\n",
> new_addr, latency);
> addresses.push_back(new_addr);
> delays.push_back(latency);
> }
> }
> } else {
> // Miss in table
> // Find lowest confidence and replace
> DPRINTF(HWPrefetch, "miss: PC %x blk_addr %x\n", pc, blk_addr);
> if (tab.size() >= 256) { //set default table size is 256
> std::list<StrideEntry*>::iterator min_pos = tab.begin();
> int min_conf = (*min_pos)->confidence;
> for (iter = min_pos, ++iter; iter != tab.end(); ++iter) {
> if ((*iter)->confidence < min_conf){
> min_pos = iter;
> min_conf = (*iter)->confidence;
> }
> }
> DPRINTF(HWPrefetch, " replacing PC %x\n", (*min_pos)->instAddr);
> tab.erase(min_pos);
> }
> StrideEntry *new_entry = new StrideEntry;
> new_entry->instAddr = pc;
> new_entry->missAddr = blk_addr;
> new_entry->stride = 0;
> new_entry->confidence = 0;
> tab.push_back(new_entry);
> }