< * Copyright (c) 2014 ARM Limited
> * Copyright (c) 2014-2015 ARM Limited
< Addr blk_addr = pkt->getAddr() & ~(Addr)(blkSize - 1);
> Addr blk_addr = pkt->getBlockAddr(blkSize);
< std::vector<Addr> addresses;
> std::vector<AddrPriority> addresses;
< for (Addr pf_addr : addresses) {
> for (AddrPriority& pf_info : addresses) {
< pf_addr = pf_addr & ~(Addr)(blkSize - 1);
> pf_info.first &= ~(Addr)(blkSize - 1);
< "inserting into prefetch queue.\n", pf_addr);
> "inserting into prefetch queue.\n", pf_info.first);
< if (queueFilter && inPrefetch(pf_addr, is_secure)) {
< pfBufferHit++;
< DPRINTF(HWPrefetch, "Prefetch addr already in "
< "prefetch queue\n");
< continue;
< }
> // Create and insert the request
> PacketPtr pf_pkt = insert(pf_info, is_secure);
< if (cacheSnoop && (inCache(pf_addr, is_secure) ||
< inMissQueue(pf_addr, is_secure))) {
< pfInCache++;
< DPRINTF(HWPrefetch, "Dropping redundant in "
< "cache/MSHR prefetch addr:%#x\n", pf_addr);
< continue;
> if (pf_pkt != nullptr) {
> if (tagPrefetch && pkt->req->hasPC()) {
> // Tag prefetch packet with accessing pc
> pf_pkt->req->setPC(pkt->req->getPC());
> }
< // Create a prefetch memory request
< Request *pf_req =
< new Request(pf_addr, blkSize, 0, masterId);
< if (is_secure) {
< pf_req->setFlags(Request::SECURE);
< }
< pf_req->taskId(ContextSwitchTaskId::Prefetcher);
< PacketPtr pf_pkt = new Packet(pf_req, MemCmd::HardPFReq);
< pf_pkt->allocate();
< if (pkt->req->hasContextId()) {
< pf_req->setContext(pkt->req->contextId());
< }
< if (tagPrefetch && pkt->req->hasPC()) {
< // Tag prefetch packet with accessing pc
< pf_pkt->req->setPC(pkt->req->getPC());
< }
< // Verify prefetch buffer space for request
< if (pfq.size() == queueSize) {
< pfRemovedFull++;
< PacketPtr old_pkt = pfq.begin()->pkt;
< DPRINTF(HWPrefetch, "Prefetch queue full, removing "
< "oldest packet addr: %#x", old_pkt->getAddr());
< delete old_pkt->req;
< delete old_pkt;
< pfq.pop_front();
< }
< Tick pf_time = curTick() + clockPeriod() * latency;
< DPRINTF(HWPrefetch, "Prefetch queued. "
< "addr:%#x tick:%lld.\n", pf_addr, pf_time);
< pfq.emplace_back(pf_time, pf_pkt);
< bool
> std::list<QueuedPrefetcher::DeferredPacket>::const_iterator
< for (const DeferredPacket &dp : pfq) {
< if (dp.pkt->getAddr() == address &&
< dp.pkt->isSecure() == is_secure) return true;
> for (const_iterator dp = pfq.begin(); dp != pfq.end(); dp++) {
> if ((*dp).pkt->getAddr() == address &&
> (*dp).pkt->isSecure() == is_secure) return dp;
< return false;
> return pfq.end();
> QueuedPrefetcher::iterator
> QueuedPrefetcher::inPrefetch(Addr address, bool is_secure)
> {
> for (iterator dp = pfq.begin(); dp != pfq.end(); dp++) {
> if (dp->pkt->getAddr() == address &&
> dp->pkt->isSecure() == is_secure) return dp;
> }
> return pfq.end();
> }
> PacketPtr
> QueuedPrefetcher::insert(AddrPriority &pf_info, bool is_secure)
> {
> if (queueFilter) {
> iterator it = inPrefetch(pf_info.first, is_secure);
> /* If the address is already in the queue, update priority and leave */
> if (it != pfq.end()) {
> pfBufferHit++;
> if (it->priority < pf_info.second) {
> /* Update priority value and position in the queue */
> it->priority = pf_info.second;
> iterator prev = it;
> bool cont = true;
> while (cont && prev != pfq.begin()) {
> prev--;
> /* If the packet has higher priority, swap */
> if (*it > *prev) {
> std::swap(*it, *prev);
> it = prev;
> }
> }
> DPRINTF(HWPrefetch, "Prefetch addr already in "
> "prefetch queue, priority updated\n");
> } else {
> DPRINTF(HWPrefetch, "Prefetch addr already in "
> "prefetch queue\n");
> }
> return nullptr;
> }
> }
> if (cacheSnoop && (inCache(pf_info.first, is_secure) ||
> inMissQueue(pf_info.first, is_secure))) {
> pfInCache++;
> DPRINTF(HWPrefetch, "Dropping redundant in "
> "cache/MSHR prefetch addr:%#x\n", pf_info.first);
> return nullptr;
> }
> /* Create a prefetch memory request */
> Request *pf_req =
> new Request(pf_info.first, blkSize, 0, masterId);
> if (is_secure) {
> pf_req->setFlags(Request::SECURE);
> }
> pf_req->taskId(ContextSwitchTaskId::Prefetcher);
> PacketPtr pf_pkt = new Packet(pf_req, MemCmd::HardPFReq);
> pf_pkt->allocate();
> /* Verify prefetch buffer space for request */
> if (pfq.size() == queueSize) {
> pfRemovedFull++;
> /* Lowest priority packet */
> iterator it = pfq.end();
> panic_if (it == pfq.begin(), "Prefetch queue is both full and empty!");
> --it;
> /* Look for oldest in that level of priority */
> panic_if (it == pfq.begin(), "Prefetch queue is full with 1 element!");
> iterator prev = it;
> bool cont = true;
> /* While not at the head of the queue */
> while (cont && prev != pfq.begin()) {
> prev--;
> /* While at the same level of priority */
> cont = (*prev).priority == (*it).priority;
> if (cont)
> /* update pointer */
> it = prev;
> }
> DPRINTF(HWPrefetch, "Prefetch queue full, removing lowest priority "
> "oldest packet, addr: %#x", it->pkt->getAddr());
> delete it->pkt->req;
> delete it->pkt;
> pfq.erase(it);
> }
> Tick pf_time = curTick() + clockPeriod() * latency;
> DPRINTF(HWPrefetch, "Prefetch queued. "
> "addr:%#x priority: %3d tick:%lld.\n",
> pf_info.first, pf_info.second, pf_time);
> /* Create the packet and find the spot to insert it */
> DeferredPacket dpp(pf_time, pf_pkt, pf_info.second);
> if (pfq.size() == 0) {
> pfq.emplace_back(dpp);
> } else {
> iterator it = pfq.end();
> while (it != pfq.begin() && dpp > *it)
> --it;
> /* If we reach the head, we have to see if the new element is new head
> * or not */
> if (it == pfq.begin() && dpp <= *it)
> it++;
> pfq.insert(it, dpp);
> }
> return pf_pkt;
> }