< * Find a block frame for new block at address addr, assuming that
< * the block is not currently in the cache. Append writebacks if
< * any to provided packet list. Return free block frame. May
< * return NULL if there are no replaceable blocks at the moment.
> * Find a block frame for new block at address addr targeting the
> * given security space, assuming that the block is not currently
> * in the cache. Append writebacks if any to provided packet
> * list. Return free block frame. May return NULL if there are
> * no replaceable blocks at the moment.
< BlkType *allocateBlock(Addr addr, PacketList &writebacks);
> BlkType *allocateBlock(Addr addr, bool is_secure, PacketList &writebacks);
< CacheBlk *findBlock(Addr addr) const {
< return tags->findBlock(addr);
> CacheBlk *findBlock(Addr addr, bool is_secure) const {
> return tags->findBlock(addr, is_secure);
< bool inCache(Addr addr) const {
< return (tags->findBlock(addr) != 0);
> bool inCache(Addr addr, bool is_secure) const {
> return (tags->findBlock(addr, is_secure) != 0);
< bool inMissQueue(Addr addr) const {
< return (mshrQueue.findMatch(addr) != 0);
> bool inMissQueue(Addr addr, bool is_secure) const {
> return (mshrQueue.findMatch(addr, is_secure) != 0);