> #include "base/compression/base.hh"
> #include "mem/cache/cache_blk.hh"
> /** A typedef for a list of BlkType pointers. */
> typedef typename TagStore::BlkList BlkList;
> /**
> * Policy class for performing compression.
> */
> CompressionAlgorithm *compressionAlg;
> /**
> * The block size of this cache. Set to value in the Tags object.
> */
> const int16_t blkSize;
> /**
> * Can this cache should allocate a block on a line-sized write miss.
> */
> const bool doFastWrites;
> const bool prefetchMiss;
> /**
> * Can the data can be stored in a compressed form.
> */
> const bool storeCompressed;
> /**
> * Do we need to compress blocks on writebacks (i.e. because
> * writeback bus is compressed but storage is not)?
> */
> const bool compressOnWriteback;
> /**
> * The latency of a compression operation.
> */
> const int16_t compLatency;
> /**
> * Should we use an adaptive compression scheme.
> */
> const bool adaptiveCompression;
> /**
> * Do writebacks need to be compressed (i.e. because writeback bus
> * is compressed), whether or not they're already compressed for
> * storage.
> */
> const bool writebackCompressed;
> /**
> * Compare the internal block data to the fast access block data.
> * @param blk The cache block to check.
> * @return True if the data is the same.
> */
> bool verifyData(BlkType *blk);
> /**
> * Update the internal data of the block. The data to write is assumed to
> * be in the fast access data.
> * @param blk The block with the data to update.
> * @param writebacks A list to store any generated writebacks.
> * @param compress_block True if we should compress this block
> */
> void updateData(BlkType *blk, PacketList &writebacks, bool compress_block);
> /**
> * Handle a replacement for the given request.
> * @param blk A pointer to the block, usually NULL
> * @param pkt The memory request to satisfy.
> * @param new_state The new state of the block.
> * @param writebacks A list to store any generated writebacks.
> */
> BlkType* doReplacement(BlkType *blk, PacketPtr &pkt,
> CacheBlk::State new_state, PacketList &writebacks);
> /**
> * Does all the processing necessary to perform the provided request.
> * @param pkt The memory request to perform.
> * @param lat The latency of the access.
> * @param writebacks List for any writebacks that need to be performed.
> * @param update True if the replacement data should be updated.
> * @return Pointer to the cache block touched by the request. NULL if it
> * was a miss.
> */
> BlkType* handleAccess(PacketPtr &pkt, int & lat,
> PacketList & writebacks, bool update = true);
> /**
> * Populates a cache block and handles all outstanding requests for the
> * satisfied fill request. This version takes an MSHR pointer and uses its
> * request to fill the cache block, while repsonding to its targets.
> * @param blk The cache block if it already exists.
> * @param mshr The MSHR that contains the fill data and targets to satisfy.
> * @param new_state The state of the new cache block.
> * @param writebacks List for any writebacks that need to be performed.
> * @return Pointer to the new cache block.
> */
> BlkType* handleFill(BlkType *blk, MSHR * mshr, CacheBlk::State new_state,
> PacketList & writebacks, PacketPtr pkt);
> /**
> * Populates a cache block and handles all outstanding requests for the
> * satisfied fill request. This version takes two memory requests. One
> * contains the fill data, the other is an optional target to satisfy.
> * Used for Cache::probe.
> * @param blk The cache block if it already exists.
> * @param pkt The memory request with the fill data.
> * @param new_state The state of the new cache block.
> * @param writebacks List for any writebacks that need to be performed.
> * @param target The memory request to perform after the fill.
> * @return Pointer to the new cache block.
> */
> BlkType* handleFill(BlkType *blk, PacketPtr &pkt,
> CacheBlk::State new_state,
> PacketList & writebacks, PacketPtr target = NULL);
> /**
> * Sets the blk to the new state and handles the given request.
> * @param blk The cache block being snooped.
> * @param new_state The new coherence state for the block.
> * @param pkt The request to satisfy
> */
> void handleSnoop(BlkType *blk, CacheBlk::State new_state,
> PacketPtr &pkt);
> /**
> * Sets the blk to the new state.
> * @param blk The cache block being snooped.
> * @param new_state The new coherence state for the block.
> */
> void handleSnoop(BlkType *blk, CacheBlk::State new_state);
> /**
> * Create a writeback request for the given block.
> * @param blk The block to writeback.
> * @return The writeback request for the block.
> */
> PacketPtr writebackBlk(BlkType *blk);
> BlkType* findBlock(Addr addr)
> {
> return tags->findBlock(addr);
> }
> BlkType* findBlock(PacketPtr &pkt)
> {
> return tags->findBlock(pkt->getAddr());
> }
> void invalidateBlk(CacheBlk *blk)
> {
> tags->invalidateBlk(tags->regenerateBlkAddr(blk->tag, blk->set));
> }
> CompressionAlgorithm *compressionAlg;
> const int16_t blkSize;
> const bool doFastWrites;
> const bool prefetchMiss;
> const bool storeCompressed;
> const bool compressOnWriteback;
> const int16_t compLatency;
> const bool adaptiveCompression;
> const bool writebackCompressed;
< bool prefetch_access, int hit_latency)
> bool prefetch_access, int hit_latency,
> bool do_fast_writes,
> bool store_compressed, bool adaptive_compression,
> bool writeback_compressed,
> CompressionAlgorithm *_compressionAlg, int comp_latency,
> bool prefetch_miss)
< hitLatency(hit_latency)
> hitLatency(hit_latency),
> compressionAlg(_compressionAlg),
> blkSize(_tags->getBlockSize()),
> doFastWrites(do_fast_writes),
> prefetchMiss(prefetch_miss),
> storeCompressed(store_compressed),
> compressOnWriteback(!store_compressed && writeback_compressed),
> compLatency(comp_latency),
> adaptiveCompression(adaptive_compression),
> writebackCompressed(writeback_compressed)