> /*
> * Handle a timing request that hit in the cache
> *
> * @param ptk The request packet
> * @param blk The referenced block
> * @param request_time The tick at which the block lookup is compete
> */
> void handleTimingReqHit(PacketPtr pkt, CacheBlk *blk, Tick request_time);
> /*
> * Handle a timing request that missed in the cache
> *
> * @param ptk The request packet
> * @param blk The referenced block
> * @param forward_time The tick at which we can process dependent requests
> * @param request_time The tick at which the block lookup is compete
> */
> void handleTimingReqMiss(PacketPtr pkt, CacheBlk *blk, Tick forward_time,
> Tick request_time);