> #include "debug/CacheComp.hh"
> #include "mem/cache/tags/super_blk.hh"
> bool
> BaseCache::updateCompressionData(CacheBlk *blk, const uint64_t* data,
> PacketList &writebacks)
> {
> // tempBlock does not exist in the tags, so don't do anything for it.
> if (blk == tempBlock) {
> return true;
> }
> // Get superblock of the given block
> CompressionBlk* compression_blk = static_cast<CompressionBlk*>(blk);
> const SuperBlk* superblock = static_cast<const SuperBlk*>(
> compression_blk->getSectorBlock());
> // The compressor is called to compress the updated data, so that its
> // metadata can be updated.
> std::size_t compression_size = 0;
> Cycles compression_lat = Cycles(0);
> Cycles decompression_lat = Cycles(0);
> compressor->compress(data, compression_lat, decompression_lat,
> compression_size);
> // If block's compression factor increased, it may not be co-allocatable
> // anymore. If so, some blocks might need to be evicted to make room for
> // the bigger block
> // Get previous compressed size
> const std::size_t M5_VAR_USED prev_size = compression_blk->getSizeBits();
> // Check if new data is co-allocatable
> const bool is_co_allocatable = superblock->isCompressed(compression_blk) &&
> superblock->canCoAllocate(compression_size);
> // If block was compressed, possibly co-allocated with other blocks, and
> // cannot be co-allocated anymore, one or more blocks must be evicted to
> // make room for the expanded block. As of now we decide to evict the co-
> // allocated blocks to make room for the expansion, but other approaches
> // that take the replacement data of the superblock into account may
> // generate better results
> std::vector<CacheBlk*> evict_blks;
> const bool was_compressed = compression_blk->isCompressed();
> if (was_compressed && !is_co_allocatable) {
> // Get all co-allocated blocks
> for (const auto& sub_blk : superblock->blks) {
> if (sub_blk->isValid() && (compression_blk != sub_blk)) {
> // Check for transient state allocations. If any of the
> // entries listed for eviction has a transient state, the
> // allocation fails
> const Addr repl_addr = regenerateBlkAddr(sub_blk);
> const MSHR *repl_mshr =
> mshrQueue.findMatch(repl_addr, sub_blk->isSecure());
> if (repl_mshr) {
> DPRINTF(CacheRepl, "Aborting data expansion of %s due " \
> "to replacement of block in transient state: %s\n",
> compression_blk->print(), sub_blk->print());
> // Too hard to replace block with transient state, so it
> // cannot be evicted. Mark the update as failed and expect
> // the caller to evict this block. Since this is called
> // only when writebacks arrive, and packets do not contain
> // compressed data, there is no need to decompress
> compression_blk->setSizeBits(blkSize * 8);
> compression_blk->setDecompressionLatency(Cycles(0));
> compression_blk->setUncompressed();
> return false;
> }
> evict_blks.push_back(sub_blk);
> }
> }
> // Update the number of data expansions
> dataExpansions++;
> DPRINTF(CacheComp, "Data expansion: expanding [%s] from %d to %d bits"
> "\n", blk->print(), prev_size, compression_size);
> }
> // We always store compressed blocks when possible
> if (is_co_allocatable) {
> compression_blk->setCompressed();
> } else {
> compression_blk->setUncompressed();
> }
> compression_blk->setSizeBits(compression_size);
> compression_blk->setDecompressionLatency(decompression_lat);
> // Evict valid blocks
> for (const auto& evict_blk : evict_blks) {
> if (evict_blk->isValid()) {
> if (evict_blk->wasPrefetched()) {
> unusedPrefetches++;
> }
> evictBlock(evict_blk, writebacks);
> }
> }
> return true;
> }
< } else {
< if (compressor) {
< // This is an overwrite to an existing block, therefore we need
< // to check for data expansion (i.e., block was compressed with
< // a smaller size, and now it doesn't fit the entry anymore).
< // If that is the case we might need to evict blocks.
< // @todo Update compression data
> } else if (compressor) {
> // This is an overwrite to an existing block, therefore we need
> // to check for data expansion (i.e., block was compressed with
> // a smaller size, and now it doesn't fit the entry anymore).
> // If that is the case we might need to evict blocks.
> if (!updateCompressionData(blk, pkt->getConstPtr<uint64_t>(),
> writebacks)) {
> // This is a failed data expansion (write), which happened
> // after finding the replacement entries and accessing the
> // block's data. There were no replaceable entries available
> // to make room for the expanded block, and since it does not
> // fit anymore and it has been properly updated to contain
> // the new data, forward it to the next level
> lat = calculateAccessLatency(blk, pkt->headerDelay,
> tag_latency);
> invalidateBlock(blk);
> return false;
< } else {
< if (compressor) {
< // @todo Update compression data
> } else if (compressor) {
> // This is an overwrite to an existing block, therefore we need
> // to check for data expansion (i.e., block was compressed with
> // a smaller size, and now it doesn't fit the entry anymore).
> // If that is the case we might need to evict blocks.
> if (!updateCompressionData(blk, pkt->getConstPtr<uint64_t>(),
> writebacks)) {
> // This is a failed data expansion (write), which happened
> // after finding the replacement entries and accessing the
> // block's data. There were no replaceable entries available
> // to make room for the expanded block, and since it does not
> // fit anymore and it has been properly updated to contain
> // the new data, forward it to the next level
> lat = calculateAccessLatency(blk, pkt->headerDelay,
> tag_latency);
> invalidateBlock(blk);
> return false;
< // if this a write-through packet it will be sent to cache
< // below
> // If this a write-through packet it will be sent to cache below
> dataExpansions
> .name(name() + ".data_expansions")
> .desc("number of data expansions")
> .flags(nozero | nonan)
> ;