1# Copyright (c) 2012-2014 ARM Limited
2# All rights reserved.
4# The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall
5# not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual
6# property including but not limited to intellectual property relating
7# to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software
8# licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license

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106 # the physical organisation of the DRAM
107 device_bus_width = Param.Unsigned("data bus width in bits for each DRAM "\
108 "device/chip")
109 burst_length = Param.Unsigned("Burst lenght (BL) in beats")
110 device_rowbuffer_size = Param.MemorySize("Page (row buffer) size per "\
111 "device/chip")
112 devices_per_rank = Param.Unsigned("Number of devices/chips per rank")
113 ranks_per_channel = Param.Unsigned("Number of ranks per channel")
115 # default to 0 bank groups per rank, indicating bank group architecture
116 # is not used
117 # update per memory class when bank group architecture is supported
118 bank_groups_per_rank = Param.Unsigned(0, "Number of bank groups per rank")
119 banks_per_rank = Param.Unsigned("Number of banks per rank")
120 # only used for the address mapping as the controller by
121 # construction is a single channel and multiple controllers have
122 # to be instantiated for a multi-channel configuration
123 channels = Param.Unsigned(1, "Number of channels")
125 # timing behaviour and constraints - all in nanoseconds

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147 tRTP = Param.Latency("Read to precharge")
149 # time to complete a burst transfer, typically the burst length
150 # divided by two due to the DDR bus, but by making it a parameter
151 # it is easier to also evaluate SDR memories like WideIO.
152 # This parameter has to account for burst length.
153 # Read/Write requests with data size larger than one full burst are broken
154 # down into multiple requests in the controller
155 # tBURST is equivalent to the CAS-to-CAS delay (tCCD)
156 # With bank group architectures, tBURST represents the CAS-to-CAS
157 # delay for bursts to different bank groups (tCCD_S)
158 tBURST = Param.Latency("Burst duration (for DDR burst length / 2 cycles)")
160 # CAS-to-CAS delay for bursts to the same bank group
161 # only utilized with bank group architectures; set to 0 for default case
162 # tBURST is equivalent to tCCD_S; no explicit parameter required
163 # for CAS-to-CAS delay for bursts to different bank groups
164 tCCD_L = Param.Latency("0ns", "Same bank group CAS to CAS delay")
166 # time taken to complete one refresh cycle (N rows in all banks)
167 tRFC = Param.Latency("Refresh cycle time")
169 # refresh command interval, how often a "ref" command needs
170 # to be sent. It is 7.8 us for a 64ms refresh requirement
171 tREFI = Param.Latency("Refresh command interval")
173 # write-to-read, same rank turnaround penalty

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180 # this does not correlate to a memory timing parameter and encompasses:
181 # 1) RD-to-RD, 2) WR-to-WR, 3) RD-to-WR, and 4) WR-to-RD
182 # different rank bus delay
183 tCS = Param.Latency("Rank to rank switching time")
185 # minimum row activate to row activate delay time
186 tRRD = Param.Latency("ACT to ACT delay")
188 # only utilized with bank group architectures; set to 0 for default case
189 tRRD_L = Param.Latency("0ns", "Same bank group ACT to ACT delay")
191 # time window in which a maximum number of activates are allowed
192 # to take place, set to 0 to disable
193 tXAW = Param.Latency("X activation window")
194 activation_limit = Param.Unsigned("Max number of activates in window")
196 # Currently rolled into other params
197 ######################################################################

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286 device_rowbuffer_size = '1kB'
288 # 8x8 configuration, so 8 devices
289 devices_per_rank = 8
291 # Use a single rank
292 ranks_per_channel = 1
294 # DDR4 has 2 (x16) or 4 (x4 and x8) bank groups
295 # Set to 4 for x4, x8 case
296 bank_groups_per_rank = 4
298 # DDR4 has 16 banks (4 bank groups) in all
299 # configurations. Currently we do not capture the additional
300 # constraints incurred by the bank groups
301 banks_per_rank = 16
303 # 1200 MHz
304 tCK = '0.833ns'
306 # 8 beats across an x64 interface translates to 4 clocks @ 1200 MHz
307 # tBURST is equivalent to the CAS-to-CAS delay (tCCD)
308 # With bank group architectures, tBURST represents the CAS-to-CAS
309 # delay for bursts to different bank groups (tCCD_S)
310 tBURST = '3.333ns'
312 # @2400 data rate, tCCD_L is 6 CK
313 # CAS-to-CAS delay for bursts to the same bank group
314 # tBURST is equivalent to tCCD_S; no explicit parameter required
315 # for CAS-to-CAS delay for bursts to different bank groups
316 tCCD_L = '5ns';
318 # DDR4-2400 17-17-17
319 tRCD = '14.16ns'
320 tCL = '14.16ns'
321 tRP = '14.16ns'
322 tRAS = '32ns'
294 # Here using the average of RRD_S and RRD_L
295 tRRD = '4.1ns'
324 # RRD_S (different bank group) for 1K page is MAX(4 CK, 3.3ns)
325 tRRD = '3.3ns'
327 # RRD_L (same bank group) for 1K page is MAX(4 CK, 4.9ns)
328 tRRD_L = '4.9ns';
330 tXAW = '21ns'
331 activation_limit = 4
332 tRFC = '260ns'
334 tWR = '15ns'
336 # Here using the average of WTR_S and WTR_L
337 tWTR = '5ns'

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