> # Copyright (c) 2015 The University of Bologna
> # Erfan Azarkhish
< # [2] A Logic-base Interconnect for Supporting Near Memory Computation in the
< # Hybrid Memory Cube (E. Azarkhish et. al)
> # [2] High performance AXI-4.0 based interconnect for extensible smart memory
> # cubes (E. Azarkhish et. al)
< # This configuration includes the latencies from the DRAM to the logic layer of
< # the HMC
> # This configuration includes the latencies from the DRAM to the logic layer
> # of the HMC
< # activation limit is set to 0 since there are only 2 banks per vault layer.
> # activation limit is set to 0 since there are only 2 banks per vault
> # layer.
< # Default different rank bus delay assumed to 1 CK for TSVs, @1250 MHz = 0.8
< # ns (Assumption)
> # Default different rank bus delay assumed to 1 CK for TSVs, @1250 MHz =
> # 0.8 ns (Assumption)
< # Set default controller parameters
< page_policy = 'close'
< write_buffer_size = 8
< read_buffer_size = 8
> # The default page policy in the vault controllers is simple closed page
> # [2] nevertheless 'close' policy opens and closes the row multiple times
> # for bursts largers than 32Bytes. For this reason we use 'close_adaptive'
> page_policy = 'close_adaptive'
> # RoCoRaBaCh resembles the default address mapping in HMC
> # These parameters do not directly correlate with buffer_size in real
> # hardware. Nevertheless, their value has been tuned to achieve a
> # bandwidth similar to the cycle-accurate model in [2]
> write_buffer_size = 32
> read_buffer_size = 32
> # The static latency of the vault controllers is estimated to be smaller
> # than a full DRAM channel controller
> static_backend_latency='4ns'
> static_frontend_latency='4ns'