< side_a = Port('Side A port')
< side_b = Port('Side B port')
< req_size_a = Param.Int(16, "The number of requests to buffer")
< req_size_b = Param.Int(16, "The number of requests to buffer")
< resp_size_a = Param.Int(16, "The number of requests to buffer")
< resp_size_b = Param.Int(16, "The number of requests to buffer")
> slave = Port('Slave port')
> master = Port('Master port')
> req_size = Param.Int(16, "The number of requests to buffer")
> resp_size = Param.Int(16, "The number of requests to buffer")
< filter_ranges_a = VectorParam.AddrRange([],
< "What addresses shouldn't be passed through the side of the bridge")
< filter_ranges_b = VectorParam.AddrRange([],
< "What addresses shouldn't be passed through the side of the bridge")
> ranges = VectorParam.AddrRange([AllMemory],
> "Address ranges to pass through the bridge")