> Wavefront *w = nullptr;
< Wavefront *w = computeUnit->wfList[m->simdId][m->wfSlotId];
> w = m->wavefront();
< w->computeUnit->vrf[m->simdId]->
> w->computeUnit->vrf[w->simdId]->
< if (m->v_type == VT_32 && m->m_type == Enums::M_U8)
< doGmReturn<uint32_t, uint8_t>(m);
< else if (m->v_type == VT_32 && m->m_type == Enums::M_U16)
< doGmReturn<uint32_t, uint16_t>(m);
< else if (m->v_type == VT_32 && m->m_type == Enums::M_U32)
< doGmReturn<uint32_t, uint32_t>(m);
< else if (m->v_type == VT_32 && m->m_type == Enums::M_S8)
< doGmReturn<int32_t, int8_t>(m);
< else if (m->v_type == VT_32 && m->m_type == Enums::M_S16)
< doGmReturn<int32_t, int16_t>(m);
< else if (m->v_type == VT_32 && m->m_type == Enums::M_S32)
< doGmReturn<int32_t, int32_t>(m);
< else if (m->v_type == VT_32 && m->m_type == Enums::M_F16)
< doGmReturn<float, Float16>(m);
< else if (m->v_type == VT_32 && m->m_type == Enums::M_F32)
< doGmReturn<float, float>(m);
< else if (m->v_type == VT_64 && m->m_type == Enums::M_U8)
< doGmReturn<uint64_t, uint8_t>(m);
< else if (m->v_type == VT_64 && m->m_type == Enums::M_U16)
< doGmReturn<uint64_t, uint16_t>(m);
< else if (m->v_type == VT_64 && m->m_type == Enums::M_U32)
< doGmReturn<uint64_t, uint32_t>(m);
< else if (m->v_type == VT_64 && m->m_type == Enums::M_U64)
< doGmReturn<uint64_t, uint64_t>(m);
< else if (m->v_type == VT_64 && m->m_type == Enums::M_S8)
< doGmReturn<int64_t, int8_t>(m);
< else if (m->v_type == VT_64 && m->m_type == Enums::M_S16)
< doGmReturn<int64_t, int16_t>(m);
< else if (m->v_type == VT_64 && m->m_type == Enums::M_S32)
< doGmReturn<int64_t, int32_t>(m);
< else if (m->v_type == VT_64 && m->m_type == Enums::M_S64)
< doGmReturn<int64_t, int64_t>(m);
< else if (m->v_type == VT_64 && m->m_type == Enums::M_F16)
< doGmReturn<double, Float16>(m);
< else if (m->v_type == VT_64 && m->m_type == Enums::M_F32)
< doGmReturn<double, float>(m);
< else if (m->v_type == VT_64 && m->m_type == Enums::M_F64)
< doGmReturn<double, double>(m);
> w = m->wavefront();
> m->completeAcc(m);
> if (m->isLoad() || m->isAtomic()) {
> gmReturnedLoads.pop();
> assert(inflightLoads > 0);
> --inflightLoads;
> } else {
> assert(m->isStore());
> gmReturnedStores.pop();
> assert(inflightStores > 0);
> --inflightStores;
> }
> // Decrement outstanding register count
> computeUnit->shader->ScheduleAdd(&w->outstandingReqs, m->time, -1);
> if (m->isStore() || m->isAtomic()) {
> computeUnit->shader->ScheduleAdd(&w->outstandingReqsWrGm,
> m->time, -1);
> }
> if (m->isLoad() || m->isAtomic()) {
> computeUnit->shader->ScheduleAdd(&w->outstandingReqsRdGm,
> m->time, -1);
> }
> // Mark write bus busy for appropriate amount of time
> computeUnit->glbMemToVrfBus.set(m->time);
> if (!computeUnit->shader->coissue_return)
> w->computeUnit->wfWait.at(m->pipeId).set(m->time);
< template<typename c0, typename c1>
< GlobalMemPipeline::doGmReturn(GPUDynInstPtr m)
< {
< Wavefront *w = computeUnit->wfList[m->simdId][m->wfSlotId];
< // Return data to registers
< if (m->isLoad() || m->isAtomic()) {
< gmReturnedLoads.pop();
< assert(inflightLoads > 0);
< --inflightLoads;
< if (m->isLoad() || m->isAtomicRet()) {
< std::vector<uint32_t> regVec;
< // iterate over number of destination register operands since
< // this is a load or atomic operation
< for (int k = 0; k < m->n_reg; ++k) {
< assert((sizeof(c1) * m->n_reg) <= MAX_WIDTH_FOR_MEM_INST);
< int dst = m->dst_reg + k;
< if (m->n_reg > MAX_REGS_FOR_NON_VEC_MEM_INST)
< dst = m->dst_reg_vec[k];
< // virtual->physical VGPR mapping
< int physVgpr = w->remap(dst, sizeof(c0), 1);
< // save the physical VGPR index
< regVec.push_back(physVgpr);
< c1 *p1 = &((c1 *)m->d_data)[k * w->computeUnit->wfSize()];
< for (int i = 0; i < w->computeUnit->wfSize(); ++i) {
< if (m->exec_mask[i]) {
< DPRINTF(GPUReg, "CU%d, WF[%d][%d], lane %d: "
< "$%s%d <- %d global ld done (src = wavefront "
< "ld inst)\n", w->computeUnit->cu_id, w->simdId,
< w->wfSlotId, i, sizeof(c0) == 4 ? "s" : "d",
< dst, *p1);
< // write the value into the physical VGPR. This is a
< // purely functional operation. No timing is modeled.
< w->computeUnit->vrf[w->simdId]->write<c0>(physVgpr,
< *p1, i);
< }
< ++p1;
< }
< }
< // Schedule the write operation of the load data on the VRF.
< // This simply models the timing aspect of the VRF write operation.
< // It does not modify the physical VGPR.
< loadVrfBankConflictCycles +=
< w->computeUnit->vrf[w->simdId]->exec(m->seqNum(),
< w, regVec, sizeof(c0),
< m->time);
< }
< } else {
< gmReturnedStores.pop();
< assert(inflightStores > 0);
< --inflightStores;
< }
< // Decrement outstanding register count
< computeUnit->shader->ScheduleAdd(&w->outstandingReqs, m->time, -1);
< if (m->isStore() || m->isAtomic()) {
< computeUnit->shader->ScheduleAdd(&w->outstandingReqsWrGm, m->time,
< -1);
< }
< if (m->isLoad() || m->isAtomic()) {
< computeUnit->shader->ScheduleAdd(&w->outstandingReqsRdGm, m->time,
< -1);
< }
< // Mark write bus busy for appropriate amount of time
< computeUnit->glbMemToVrfBus.set(m->time);
< if (!computeUnit->shader->coissue_return)
< w->computeUnit->wfWait.at(m->pipeId).set(m->time);
< }
< void