timer_a9global.cc (12077:3c014d139dc7) timer_a9global.cc (13230:2988dc5d1d6f)
2 * Copyright (c) 2017 Gedare Bloom
3 * Copyright (c) 2010 ARM Limited
4 * All rights reserved
5 *
6 * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall
7 * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual
8 * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating

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90 DPRINTF(Timer, "Reading from A9GlobalTimer at offset: %#x\n", daddr);
91 uint64_t time;
93 switch(daddr) {
94 case CounterRegLow32:
95 time = getTimeCounterFromTicks(curTick());
96 DPRINTF(Timer, "-- returning lower 32-bits of counter: %u\n", time);
2 * Copyright (c) 2017 Gedare Bloom
3 * Copyright (c) 2010 ARM Limited
4 * All rights reserved
5 *
6 * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall
7 * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual
8 * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating

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90 DPRINTF(Timer, "Reading from A9GlobalTimer at offset: %#x\n", daddr);
91 uint64_t time;
93 switch(daddr) {
94 case CounterRegLow32:
95 time = getTimeCounterFromTicks(curTick());
96 DPRINTF(Timer, "-- returning lower 32-bits of counter: %u\n", time);
97 pkt->set(time);
97 pkt->setLE<uint32_t>(time);
98 break;
99 case CounterRegHigh32:
100 time = getTimeCounterFromTicks(curTick());
101 time >>= 32;
102 DPRINTF(Timer, "-- returning upper 32-bits of counter: %u\n", time);
98 break;
99 case CounterRegHigh32:
100 time = getTimeCounterFromTicks(curTick());
101 time >>= 32;
102 DPRINTF(Timer, "-- returning upper 32-bits of counter: %u\n", time);
103 pkt->set(time);
103 pkt->setLE<uint32_t>(time);
104 break;
105 case ControlReg:
104 break;
105 case ControlReg:
106 pkt->set(control);
106 pkt->setLE<uint32_t>(control);
107 break;
108 case IntStatusReg:
107 break;
108 case IntStatusReg:
109 pkt->set(rawInt);
109 pkt->setLE<uint32_t>(rawInt);
110 break;
111 case CmpValRegLow32:
112 DPRINTF(Timer, "Event schedule for %d, clock=%d, prescale=%d\n",
113 cmpValEvent.when(), parent->clockPeriod(), control.prescalar);
114 if (cmpValEvent.scheduled()) {
115 time = getTimeCounterFromTicks(cmpValEvent.when() - curTick());
116 } else {
117 time = 0;
118 }
119 DPRINTF(Timer, "-- returning lower 32-bits of comparator: %u\n", time);
110 break;
111 case CmpValRegLow32:
112 DPRINTF(Timer, "Event schedule for %d, clock=%d, prescale=%d\n",
113 cmpValEvent.when(), parent->clockPeriod(), control.prescalar);
114 if (cmpValEvent.scheduled()) {
115 time = getTimeCounterFromTicks(cmpValEvent.when() - curTick());
116 } else {
117 time = 0;
118 }
119 DPRINTF(Timer, "-- returning lower 32-bits of comparator: %u\n", time);
120 pkt->set(time);
120 pkt->setLE<uint32_t>(time);
121 break;
122 case CmpValRegHigh32:
123 DPRINTF(Timer, "Event schedule for %d, clock=%d, prescale=%d\n",
124 cmpValEvent.when(), parent->clockPeriod(), control.prescalar);
125 if (cmpValEvent.scheduled()) {
126 time = getTimeCounterFromTicks(cmpValEvent.when() - curTick());
127 time >>= 32;
128 } else {
129 time = 0;
130 }
131 DPRINTF(Timer, "-- returning upper 32-bits of comparator: %u\n", time);
121 break;
122 case CmpValRegHigh32:
123 DPRINTF(Timer, "Event schedule for %d, clock=%d, prescale=%d\n",
124 cmpValEvent.when(), parent->clockPeriod(), control.prescalar);
125 if (cmpValEvent.scheduled()) {
126 time = getTimeCounterFromTicks(cmpValEvent.when() - curTick());
127 time >>= 32;
128 } else {
129 time = 0;
130 }
131 DPRINTF(Timer, "-- returning upper 32-bits of comparator: %u\n", time);
132 pkt->set(time);
132 pkt->setLE<uint32_t>(time);
133 break;
134 case AutoIncrementReg:
133 break;
134 case AutoIncrementReg:
135 pkt->set(autoIncValue);
135 pkt->setLE<uint32_t>(autoIncValue);
136 break;
137 default:
138 panic("Tried to read A9GlobalTimer at offset %#x\n", daddr);
139 break;
140 }
141 DPRINTF(Timer, "Reading %#x from A9GlobalTimer at offset: %#x\n",
136 break;
137 default:
138 panic("Tried to read A9GlobalTimer at offset %#x\n", daddr);
139 break;
140 }
141 DPRINTF(Timer, "Reading %#x from A9GlobalTimer at offset: %#x\n",
142 pkt->get(), daddr);
142 pkt->getLE<uint32_t>(), daddr);
146A9GlobalTimer::write(PacketPtr pkt)
148 assert(pkt->getAddr() >= pioAddr && pkt->getAddr() < pioAddr + pioSize);
149 assert(pkt->getSize() == 4);
150 Addr daddr = pkt->getAddr() - pioAddr;

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160 pkt->makeAtomicResponse();
161 return pioDelay;
165A9GlobalTimer::Timer::write(PacketPtr pkt, Addr daddr)
167 DPRINTF(Timer, "Writing %#x to A9GlobalTimer at offset: %#x\n",
146A9GlobalTimer::write(PacketPtr pkt)
148 assert(pkt->getAddr() >= pioAddr && pkt->getAddr() < pioAddr + pioSize);
149 assert(pkt->getSize() == 4);
150 Addr daddr = pkt->getAddr() - pioAddr;

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160 pkt->makeAtomicResponse();
161 return pioDelay;
165A9GlobalTimer::Timer::write(PacketPtr pkt, Addr daddr)
167 DPRINTF(Timer, "Writing %#x to A9GlobalTimer at offset: %#x\n",
168 pkt->get(), daddr);
168 pkt->getLE<uint32_t>(), daddr);
169 switch (daddr) {
170 case CounterRegLow32:
171 case CounterRegHigh32:
172 DPRINTF(Timer, "Ignoring unsupported write to Global Timer Counter\n");
173 break;
174 case ControlReg:
175 bool old_enable;
176 bool old_cmpEnable;
177 old_enable = control.enable;
178 old_cmpEnable = control.cmpEnable;
169 switch (daddr) {
170 case CounterRegLow32:
171 case CounterRegHigh32:
172 DPRINTF(Timer, "Ignoring unsupported write to Global Timer Counter\n");
173 break;
174 case ControlReg:
175 bool old_enable;
176 bool old_cmpEnable;
177 old_enable = control.enable;
178 old_cmpEnable = control.cmpEnable;
179 control = pkt->get();
179 control = pkt->getLE<uint32_t>();
180 if ((old_enable == 0) && control.enable)
181 restartCounter();
182 if ((old_cmpEnable == 0) && control.cmpEnable)
183 restartCounter();
184 break;
185 case IntStatusReg:
186 /* TODO: should check that '1' was written. */
187 rawInt = false;
188 if (pendingInt) {
189 pendingInt = false;
190 DPRINTF(Timer, "Clearing interrupt\n");
191 parent->gic->clearInt(intNum);
192 }
193 break;
194 case CmpValRegLow32:
195 cmpVal &= 0xFFFFFFFF00000000ULL;
180 if ((old_enable == 0) && control.enable)
181 restartCounter();
182 if ((old_cmpEnable == 0) && control.cmpEnable)
183 restartCounter();
184 break;
185 case IntStatusReg:
186 /* TODO: should check that '1' was written. */
187 rawInt = false;
188 if (pendingInt) {
189 pendingInt = false;
190 DPRINTF(Timer, "Clearing interrupt\n");
191 parent->gic->clearInt(intNum);
192 }
193 break;
194 case CmpValRegLow32:
195 cmpVal &= 0xFFFFFFFF00000000ULL;
196 cmpVal |= (uint64_t)pkt->get();
196 cmpVal |= (uint64_t)pkt->getLE<uint32_t>();
197 break;
198 case CmpValRegHigh32:
199 cmpVal &= 0x00000000FFFFFFFFULL;
197 break;
198 case CmpValRegHigh32:
199 cmpVal &= 0x00000000FFFFFFFFULL;
200 cmpVal |= ((uint64_t)pkt->get() << 32);
200 cmpVal |= ((uint64_t)pkt->getLE<uint32_t>() << 32);
201 break;
202 case AutoIncrementReg:
201 break;
202 case AutoIncrementReg:
203 autoIncValue = pkt->get();
203 autoIncValue = pkt->getLE<uint32_t>();
204 break;
205 default:
206 panic("Tried to write A9GlobalTimer at offset %#x\n", daddr);
207 break;
208 }

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204 break;
205 default:
206 panic("Tried to write A9GlobalTimer at offset %#x\n", daddr);
207 break;
208 }

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