< #include "arch/isa_traits.hh"
< #include "base/hashmap.hh"
< class AddrDecodePage;
< /// Binary machine instruction type.
< typedef TheISA::MachInst MachInst;
< /// Decoded instruction cache type.
< /// For now we're using a generic hash_map; this seems to work
< /// pretty well.
< typedef m5::hash_map<ExtMachInst, StaticInstPtr> DecodeCache;
< /// A cache of decoded instruction objects.
< static DecodeCache decodeCache;
< /**
< * Dump some basic stats on the decode cache hash map.
< * Only gets called if DECODE_CACHE_HASH_STATS is defined.
< */
< static void dumpDecodeCacheStats();
< /// Decode a machine instruction.
< /// @param mach_inst The binary instruction to decode.
< /// @retval A pointer to the corresponding StaticInst object.
< //This is defined as inlined below.
< static StaticInstPtr decode(ExtMachInst mach_inst, Addr addr);
< /// Decoded instruction cache type, for address decoding.
< /// A generic hash_map is used.
< typedef m5::hash_map<Addr, AddrDecodePage *> AddrDecodeCache;
< /// A cache of decoded instruction objects from addresses.
< static AddrDecodeCache addrDecodeCache;
< struct cacheElement
< {
< Addr page_addr;
< AddrDecodePage *decodePage;
< cacheElement() : decodePage(NULL) { }
< };
< /// An array of recently decoded instructions.
< // might not use an array if there is only two elements
< static struct cacheElement recentDecodes[2];
< /// Updates the recently decoded instructions entries
< /// @param page_addr The page address recently used.
< /// @param decodePage Pointer to decoding page containing the decoded
< /// instruction.
< static inline void
< updateCache(Addr page_addr, AddrDecodePage *decodePage)
< {
< recentDecodes[1].page_addr = recentDecodes[0].page_addr;
< recentDecodes[1].decodePage = recentDecodes[0].decodePage;
< recentDecodes[0].page_addr = page_addr;
< recentDecodes[0].decodePage = decodePage;
< }
< /// Searches the decoded instruction cache for instruction decoding.
< /// If it is not found, then we decode the instruction.
< /// Otherwise, we get the instruction from the cache and move it into
< /// the address-to-instruction decoding page.
< /// @param mach_inst The binary instruction to decode.
< /// @param addr The address that contained the binary instruction.
< /// @param decodePage Pointer to decoding page containing the instruction.
< /// @retval A pointer to the corresponding StaticInst object.
< //This is defined as inlined below.
< static StaticInstPtr searchCache(ExtMachInst mach_inst, Addr addr,
< AddrDecodePage *decodePage);
< /// Construct directly from machine instruction.
< /// Calls StaticInst::decode().
< explicit StaticInstPtr(TheISA::ExtMachInst mach_inst, Addr addr)
< : RefCountingPtr<StaticInst>(StaticInst::decode(mach_inst, addr))
< {
< }
< /// A page of a list of decoded instructions from an address.
< class AddrDecodePage
< {
< typedef TheISA::ExtMachInst ExtMachInst;
< protected:
< StaticInstPtr instructions[TheISA::PageBytes];
< bool valid[TheISA::PageBytes];
< Addr lowerMask;
< public:
< /// Constructor
< AddrDecodePage()
< {
< lowerMask = TheISA::PageBytes - 1;
< memset(valid, 0, TheISA::PageBytes);
< }
< /// Checks if the instruction is already decoded and the machine
< /// instruction in the cache matches the current machine instruction
< /// related to the address
< /// @param mach_inst The binary instruction to check
< /// @param addr The address containing the instruction
< bool
< decoded(ExtMachInst mach_inst, Addr addr)
< {
< return (valid[addr & lowerMask] &&
< (instructions[addr & lowerMask]->machInst == mach_inst));
< }
< /// Returns the instruction object. decoded should be called first
< /// to check if the instruction is valid.
< /// @param addr The address of the instruction.
< /// @retval A pointer to the corresponding StaticInst object.
< StaticInstPtr
< getInst(Addr addr)
< {
< return instructions[addr & lowerMask];
< }
< /// Inserts a pointer to a StaticInst object into the list of decoded
< /// instructions on the page.
< /// @param addr The address of the instruction.
< /// @param si A pointer to the corresponding StaticInst object.
< void
< insert(Addr addr, StaticInstPtr &si)
< {
< instructions[addr & lowerMask] = si;
< valid[addr & lowerMask] = true;
< }
< };
< inline StaticInstPtr
< StaticInst::decode(StaticInst::ExtMachInst mach_inst, Addr addr)
< {
< // Simple stats on decode hash_map. Turns out the default
< // hash function is as good as anything I could come up with.
< const int dump_every_n = 10000000;
< static int decodes_til_dump = dump_every_n;
< if (--decodes_til_dump == 0) {
< dumpDecodeCacheStats();
< decodes_til_dump = dump_every_n;
< }
< #endif
< Addr page_addr = addr & ~(TheISA::PageBytes - 1);
< // checks recently decoded addresses
< if (recentDecodes[0].decodePage &&
< page_addr == recentDecodes[0].page_addr) {
< if (recentDecodes[0].decodePage->decoded(mach_inst, addr))
< return recentDecodes[0].decodePage->getInst(addr);
< return searchCache(mach_inst, addr, recentDecodes[0].decodePage);
< }
< if (recentDecodes[1].decodePage &&
< page_addr == recentDecodes[1].page_addr) {
< if (recentDecodes[1].decodePage->decoded(mach_inst, addr))
< return recentDecodes[1].decodePage->getInst(addr);
< return searchCache(mach_inst, addr, recentDecodes[1].decodePage);
< }
< // searches the page containing the address to decode
< AddrDecodeCache::iterator iter = addrDecodeCache.find(page_addr);
< if (iter != addrDecodeCache.end()) {
< updateCache(page_addr, iter->second);
< if (iter->second->decoded(mach_inst, addr))
< return iter->second->getInst(addr);
< return searchCache(mach_inst, addr, iter->second);
< }
< // creates a new object for a page of decoded instructions
< AddrDecodePage *decodePage = new AddrDecodePage;
< addrDecodeCache[page_addr] = decodePage;
< updateCache(page_addr, decodePage);
< return searchCache(mach_inst, addr, decodePage);
< }
< inline StaticInstPtr
< StaticInst::searchCache(ExtMachInst mach_inst, Addr addr,
< AddrDecodePage *decodePage)
< {
< DecodeCache::iterator iter = decodeCache.find(mach_inst);
< if (iter != decodeCache.end()) {
< decodePage->insert(addr, iter->second);
< return iter->second;
< }
< StaticInstPtr si = TheISA::decodeInst(mach_inst);
< decodePage->insert(addr, si);
< decodeCache[mach_inst] = si;
< return si;
< }