< // Define the decode cache hash map.
< StaticInst::DecodeCache StaticInst::decodeCache;
< StaticInst::AddrDecodeCache StaticInst::addrDecodeCache;
< StaticInst::cacheElement StaticInst::recentDecodes[2];
< void
< StaticInst::dumpDecodeCacheStats()
< {
< cerr << "Decode hash table stats @ " << curTick() << ":" << endl;
< cerr << "\tnum entries = " << decodeCache.size() << endl;
< cerr << "\tnum buckets = " << decodeCache.bucket_count() << endl;
< vector<int> hist(100, 0);
< int max_hist = 0;
< for (int i = 0; i < decodeCache.bucket_count(); ++i) {
< int count = decodeCache.elems_in_bucket(i);
< if (count > max_hist)
< max_hist = count;
< hist[count]++;
< }
< for (int i = 0; i <= max_hist; ++i) {
< cerr << "\tbuckets of size " << i << " = " << hist[i] << endl;
< }
< }