> #include "base/output.hh"
< fastmem(p->fastmem)
> fastmem(p->fastmem),
> simpoint(p->simpoint_profile),
> intervalSize(p->simpoint_interval),
> intervalCount(0),
> intervalDrift(0),
> simpointStream(NULL),
> currentBBV(0, 0),
> currentBBVInstCount(0)
> if (simpoint) {
> simpointStream = simout.create(p->simpoint_profile_file, false);
> }
> if (simpointStream) {
> simout.close(simpointStream);
> }
> // profile for SimPoints if enabled and macro inst is finished
> if (simpoint && curStaticInst && (fault == NoFault) &&
> (!curStaticInst->isMicroop() ||
> curStaticInst->isLastMicroop())) {
> profileSimPoint();
> }
> void
> AtomicSimpleCPU::profileSimPoint()
> {
> if (!currentBBVInstCount)
> currentBBV.first = thread->pcState().instAddr();
> ++intervalCount;
> ++currentBBVInstCount;
> // If inst is control inst, assume end of basic block.
> if (curStaticInst->isControl()) {
> currentBBV.second = thread->pcState().instAddr();
> auto map_itr = bbMap.find(currentBBV);
> if (map_itr == bbMap.end()){
> // If a new (previously unseen) basic block is found,
> // add a new unique id, record num of insts and insert into bbMap.
> BBInfo info;
> info.id = bbMap.size() + 1;
> info.insts = currentBBVInstCount;
> info.count = currentBBVInstCount;
> bbMap.insert(std::make_pair(currentBBV, info));
> } else {
> // If basic block is seen before, just increment the count by the
> // number of insts in basic block.
> BBInfo& info = map_itr->second;
> assert(info.insts == currentBBVInstCount);
> info.count += currentBBVInstCount;
> }
> currentBBVInstCount = 0;
> // Reached end of interval if the sum of the current inst count
> // (intervalCount) and the excessive inst count from the previous
> // interval (intervalDrift) is greater than/equal to the interval size.
> if (intervalCount + intervalDrift >= intervalSize) {
> // summarize interval and display BBV info
> std::vector<pair<uint64_t, uint64_t> > counts;
> for (auto map_itr = bbMap.begin(); map_itr != bbMap.end();
> ++map_itr) {
> BBInfo& info = map_itr->second;
> if (info.count != 0) {
> counts.push_back(std::make_pair(info.id, info.count));
> info.count = 0;
> }
> }
> std::sort(counts.begin(), counts.end());
> // Print output BBV info
> *simpointStream << "T";
> for (auto cnt_itr = counts.begin(); cnt_itr != counts.end();
> ++cnt_itr) {
> *simpointStream << ":" << cnt_itr->first
> << ":" << cnt_itr->second << " ";
> }
> *simpointStream << "\n";
> intervalDrift = (intervalCount + intervalDrift) - intervalSize;
> intervalCount = 0;
> }
> }
> }