> # Parameters for enabling modifications to the loop predictor
> # They have been copied from ISL-TAGE
> # (https://www.jilp.org/jwac-2/program/03_seznec.tgz)
> #
> # All of them should be disabled to match the original LTAGE implementation
> # (http://hpca23.cse.tamu.edu/taco/camino/cbp2/cbp-src/realistic-seznec.h)
> # Add speculation
> useSpeculation = Param.Bool(False, "Use speculation")
> # Add hashing for calculating the loop table index
> useHashing = Param.Bool(False, "Use hashing")
> # Add a direction bit to the loop table entries
> useDirectionBit = Param.Bool(False, "Use direction info")