< * Copyright (c) 2004-2006 The Regents of The University of Michigan
> * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of The University of Michigan
> *
> * Authors: Kevin Lim
< #ifndef __CPU_O3_ROB_HH__
< #define __CPU_O3_ROB_HH__
> // Todo: Probably add in support for scheduling events (more than one as
> // well) on the case of the ROB being empty or full. Considering tracking
> // free entries instead of insts in ROB. Differentiate between squashing
> // all instructions after the instruction, and all instructions after *and*
> // including that instruction.
< #include <string>
> #ifndef __CPU_O3_CPU_ROB_HH__
> #define __CPU_O3_CPU_ROB_HH__
< * ROB class. The ROB is largely what drives squashing.
> * ROB class. Uses the instruction list that exists within the CPU to
> * represent the ROB. This class doesn't contain that list, but instead
> * a pointer to the CPU to get access to the list. The ROB, in this first
> * implementation, is largely what drives squashing.
< typedef std::pair<RegIndex, PhysRegIndex> UnmapInfo;
< typedef typename std::list<DynInstPtr>::iterator InstIt;
> typedef std::pair<RegIndex, PhysRegIndex> UnmapInfo_t;
> typedef typename list<DynInstPtr>::iterator InstIt_t;
< /** Possible ROB statuses. */
< enum Status {
< Running,
< Idle,
< ROBSquashing
< };
< /** SMT ROB Sharing Policy */
< enum ROBPolicy{
< Dynamic,
< Partitioned,
< Threshold
< };
< private:
< /** Per-thread ROB status. */
< Status robStatus[Impl::MaxThreads];
< /** ROB resource sharing policy for SMT mode. */
< ROBPolicy robPolicy;
< * @param _numEntries Number of entries in ROB.
< * @param _squashWidth Number of instructions that can be squashed in a
< * single cycle.
< * @param _smtROBPolicy ROB Partitioning Scheme for SMT.
< * @param _smtROBThreshold Max Resources(by %) a thread can have in the ROB.
< * @param _numThreads The number of active threads.
> * @param _numEntries Number of entries in ROB.
> * @param _squashWidth Number of instructions that can be squashed in a
> * single cycle.
< ROB(unsigned _numEntries, unsigned _squashWidth, std::string smtROBPolicy,
< unsigned _smtROBThreshold, unsigned _numThreads);
> ROB(unsigned _numEntries, unsigned _squashWidth);
< std::string name() const;
< /** Sets pointer to the list of active threads.
< * @param at_ptr Pointer to the list of active threads.
< */
< void setActiveThreads(std::list<unsigned>* at_ptr);
< void switchOut();
< void takeOverFrom();
< /** Function to insert an instruction into the ROB. Note that whatever
< * calls this function must ensure that there is enough space within the
< * ROB for the new instruction.
> /** Function to insert an instruction into the ROB. The parameter inst is
> * not truly required, but is useful for checking correctness. Note
> * that whatever calls this function must ensure that there is enough
> * space within the ROB for the new instruction.
> * @todo Remove the parameter once correctness is ensured.
< // DynInstPtr readHeadInst();
> DynInstPtr readHeadInst() { return cpu->instList.front(); }
< /** Returns a pointer to the head instruction of a specific thread within
< * the ROB.
< * @return Pointer to the DynInst that is at the head of the ROB.
< */
< DynInstPtr readHeadInst(unsigned tid);
> DynInstPtr readTailInst() { return (*tail); }
< /** Returns pointer to the tail instruction within the ROB. There is
< * no guarantee as to the return value if the ROB is empty.
< * @retval Pointer to the DynInst that is at the tail of the ROB.
< */
< // DynInstPtr readTailInst();
> void retireHead();
< /** Returns a pointer to the tail instruction of a specific thread within
< * the ROB.
< * @return Pointer to the DynInst that is at the tail of the ROB.
< */
< DynInstPtr readTailInst(unsigned tid);
> bool isHeadReady();
< /** Retires the head instruction, removing it from the ROB. */
< // void retireHead();
< /** Retires the head instruction of a specific thread, removing it from the
< * ROB.
< */
< void retireHead(unsigned tid);
< /** Is the oldest instruction across all threads ready. */
< // bool isHeadReady();
< /** Is the oldest instruction across a particular thread ready. */
< bool isHeadReady(unsigned tid);
< /** Is there any commitable head instruction across all threads ready. */
< bool canCommit();
< /** Re-adjust ROB partitioning. */
< void resetEntries();
< /** Number of entries needed For 'num_threads' amount of threads. */
< int entryAmount(int num_threads);
< /** Returns the number of total free entries in the ROB. */
< /** Returns the number of free entries in a specific ROB paritition. */
< unsigned numFreeEntries(unsigned tid);
< /** Returns the maximum number of entries for a specific thread. */
< unsigned getMaxEntries(unsigned tid)
< { return maxEntries[tid]; }
< /** Returns the number of entries being used by a specific thread. */
< unsigned getThreadEntries(unsigned tid)
< { return threadEntries[tid]; }
< /** Returns if the ROB is full. */
< /** Returns if a specific thread's partition is full. */
< bool isFull(unsigned tid)
< { return threadEntries[tid] == numEntries; }
< /** Returns if the ROB is empty. */
< /** Returns if a specific thread's partition is empty. */
< bool isEmpty(unsigned tid)
< { return threadEntries[tid] == 0; }
> void doSquash();
< /** Executes the squash, marking squashed instructions. */
< void doSquash(unsigned tid);
> void squash(InstSeqNum squash_num);
< /** Squashes all instructions younger than the given sequence number for
< * the specific thread.
< */
< void squash(InstSeqNum squash_num, unsigned tid);
> uint64_t readHeadPC();
< /** Updates the head instruction with the new oldest instruction. */
< void updateHead();
> uint64_t readHeadNextPC();
< /** Updates the tail instruction with the new youngest instruction. */
< void updateTail();
> InstSeqNum readHeadSeqNum();
< /** Reads the PC of the oldest head instruction. */
< // uint64_t readHeadPC();
> uint64_t readTailPC();
< /** Reads the PC of the head instruction of a specific thread. */
< // uint64_t readHeadPC(unsigned tid);
> InstSeqNum readTailSeqNum();
< /** Reads the next PC of the oldest head instruction. */
< // uint64_t readHeadNextPC();
< /** Reads the next PC of the head instruction of a specific thread. */
< // uint64_t readHeadNextPC(unsigned tid);
< /** Reads the sequence number of the oldest head instruction. */
< // InstSeqNum readHeadSeqNum();
< /** Reads the sequence number of the head instruction of a specific thread.
< */
< // InstSeqNum readHeadSeqNum(unsigned tid);
< /** Reads the PC of the youngest tail instruction. */
< // uint64_t readTailPC();
< /** Reads the PC of the tail instruction of a specific thread. */
< // uint64_t readTailPC(unsigned tid);
< /** Reads the sequence number of the youngest tail instruction. */
< // InstSeqNum readTailSeqNum();
< /** Reads the sequence number of tail instruction of a specific thread. */
< // InstSeqNum readTailSeqNum(unsigned tid);
< bool isDoneSquashing(unsigned tid) const
< { return doneSquashing[tid]; }
> bool isDoneSquashing() const { return doneSquashing; }
< /** Checks if the ROB is still in the process of squashing instructions for
< * any thread.
< */
< bool isDoneSquashing();
< /** This is more of a debugging function than anything. Use
< * threadEntries to get the instructions in the ROB unless you are
< * double checking that variable.
< */
< int countInsts(unsigned tid);
< /** Active Threads in CPU */
< std::list<unsigned>* activeThreads;
< /** Entries Per Thread */
< unsigned threadEntries[Impl::MaxThreads];
< /** Max Insts a Thread Can Have in the ROB */
< unsigned maxEntries[Impl::MaxThreads];
< /** ROB List of Instructions */
< std::list<DynInstPtr> instList[Impl::MaxThreads];
< public:
< InstIt tail;
> InstIt_t tail;
< /** Iterator pointing to the instruction which is the first instruction in
< * in the ROB*/
< InstIt head;
< private:
< InstIt squashIt[Impl::MaxThreads];
> InstIt_t squashIt;
< public:
< DynInstPtr dummyInst;
< private:
< bool doneSquashing[Impl::MaxThreads];
< /** Number of active threads. */
< unsigned numThreads;
> bool doneSquashing;
< #endif //__CPU_O3_ROB_HH__
> #endif //__CPU_O3_CPU_ROB_HH__