> struct DerivO3CPUParams;
< * @param _numEntries Number of entries in ROB.
< * @param _squashWidth Number of instructions that can be squashed in a
< * single cycle.
< * @param _smtROBPolicy ROB Partitioning Scheme for SMT.
< * @param _smtROBThreshold Max Resources(by %) a thread can have in the ROB.
< * @param _numThreads The number of active threads.
> * @param _cpu The cpu object pointer.
> * @param params The cpu params including several ROB-specific parameters.
< ROB(O3CPU *_cpu, unsigned _numEntries, unsigned _squashWidth,
< std::string smtROBPolicy, unsigned _smtROBThreshold,
< ThreadID _numThreads);
> ROB(O3CPU *_cpu, DerivO3CPUParams *params);