< * Copyright (c) 2010-2011 ARM Limited
> * Copyright (c) 2010-2012 ARM Limited
> // Unlock the cpu-local monitor when the CPU sees a snoop to a locked
> // address. The CPU can speculatively execute a LL operation after a pending
> // SC operation in the pipeline and that can make the cache monitor the CPU
> // is connected to valid while it really shouldn't be.
> for (int x = 0; x < cpu->numActiveThreads(); x++) {
> ThreadContext *tc = cpu->getContext(x);
> bool no_squash = cpu->thread[x]->noSquashFromTC;
> cpu->thread[x]->noSquashFromTC = true;
> TheISA::handleLockedSnoop(tc, pkt, cacheBlockMask);
> cpu->thread[x]->noSquashFromTC = no_squash;
> }