< void incrWb(InstSeqNum &sn)
< {
< ++wbOutstanding;
< if (wbOutstanding == wbMax)
< ableToIssue = false;
< DPRINTF(IEW, "wbOutstanding: %i [sn:%lli]\n", wbOutstanding, sn);
< assert(wbOutstanding <= wbMax);
< #ifdef DEBUG
< wbList.insert(sn);
< #endif
< }
< void decrWb(InstSeqNum &sn)
< {
< if (wbOutstanding == wbMax)
< ableToIssue = true;
< wbOutstanding--;
< DPRINTF(IEW, "wbOutstanding: %i [sn:%lli]\n", wbOutstanding, sn);
< assert(wbOutstanding >= 0);
< #ifdef DEBUG
< assert(wbList.find(sn) != wbList.end());
< wbList.erase(sn);
< #endif
< }
< #ifdef DEBUG
< std::set<InstSeqNum> wbList;
< void dumpWb()
< {
< std::set<InstSeqNum>::iterator wb_it = wbList.begin();
< while (wb_it != wbList.end()) {
< cprintf("[sn:%lli]\n",
< (*wb_it));
< wb_it++;
< }
< }
< #endif
< bool canIssue() { return ableToIssue; }
< bool ableToIssue;
< /** Number of instructions in flight that will writeback. */
< /** Number of instructions in flight that will writeback. */
< int wbOutstanding;
< /** Writeback width * writeback depth, where writeback depth is
< * the number of cycles of writing back instructions that can be
< * buffered. */
< unsigned wbMax;