< #################################################################
< #
< # Generate StaticInst execute() method signatures.
< #
< # There must be one signature for each CPU model compiled in.
< # Since the set of compiled-in models is flexible, we generate a
< # header containing the appropriate set of signatures on the fly.
< #
< #################################################################
< # Template for execute() signature.
< exec_sig_template = '''
< virtual Fault execute(%(type)s *xc, Trace::InstRecord *traceData) const = 0;
< virtual Fault eaComp(%(type)s *xc, Trace::InstRecord *traceData) const
< { panic("eaComp not defined!"); M5_DUMMY_RETURN };
< virtual Fault initiateAcc(%(type)s *xc, Trace::InstRecord *traceData) const
< { panic("initiateAcc not defined!"); M5_DUMMY_RETURN };
< virtual Fault completeAcc(Packet *pkt, %(type)s *xc,
< Trace::InstRecord *traceData) const
< { panic("completeAcc not defined!"); M5_DUMMY_RETURN };
< '''
< mem_ini_sig_template = '''
< virtual Fault eaComp(%(type)s *xc, Trace::InstRecord *traceData) const
< { panic("eaComp not defined!"); M5_DUMMY_RETURN };
< virtual Fault initiateAcc(%s *xc, Trace::InstRecord *traceData) const { panic("Not defined!"); M5_DUMMY_RETURN };
< '''
< mem_comp_sig_template = '''
< virtual Fault completeAcc(uint8_t *data, %s *xc, Trace::InstRecord *traceData) const { panic("Not defined!"); return NoFault; M5_DUMMY_RETURN };
< '''
< # Generate a temporary CPU list, including the CheckerCPU if
< # it's enabled. This isn't used for anything else other than StaticInst
< # headers.
< temp_cpu_list = env['CPU_MODELS'][:]
< temp_cpu_list.append('CheckerCPU')
< # Generate header.
< def gen_cpu_exec_signatures(target, source, env):
< f = open(str(target[0]), 'w')
< print >> f, '''
< '''
< for cpu in temp_cpu_list:
< xc_type = CpuModel.dict[cpu].strings['CPU_exec_context']
< print >> f, exec_sig_template % { 'type' : xc_type }
< print >> f, '''
< '''
< # Generate string that gets printed when header is rebuilt
< def gen_sigs_string(target, source, env):
< return " [GENERATE] static_inst_exec_sigs.hh: " \
< + ', '.join(temp_cpu_list)
< # Add command to generate header to environment.
< env.Command('static_inst_exec_sigs.hh', (),
< Action(gen_cpu_exec_signatures, gen_sigs_string,
< varlist = temp_cpu_list))
< env.Depends('static_inst_exec_sigs.hh', Value(env['CPU_MODELS']))
> Source('exec_context.cc')