> bool enabled = true;
< //
< // Returns the current output stream for debug information. As a
< // wrapper around Trace::dprintf_stream, this handles cases where debug
< // information is generated in the process of parsing .ini options,
< // before we process the option that sets up the debug output stream
< // itself.
< //
< std::ostream &
< DebugOut()
< {
< return *Trace::dprintf_stream;
< }
< /////////////////////////////////////////////
< //
< // C-linkage functions for invoking from gdb
< //
< /////////////////////////////////////////////
< //
< // Dump trace buffer to specified file (cout if NULL)
< //
< void
< dumpTrace(const char *filename)
< {
< if (filename != NULL) {
< ofstream out(filename);
< Trace::theLog.dump(out);
< out.close();
< }
< else {
< Trace::theLog.dump(cout);
< }
< }
< //
< // Turn on/off trace output to cerr. Typically used when trace output
< // is only going to circular buffer, but you want to see what's being
< // sent there as you step through some code in gdb. This uses the
< // same facility as the "trace to file" feature, and will print error
< // messages rather than clobbering an existing ostream pointer.
< //
< void
< echoTrace(bool on)
< {
< if (on) {
< if (Trace::dprintf_stream != NULL) {
< cerr << "Already echoing trace to a file... go do a 'tail -f'"
< << " on that file instead." << endl;
< } else {
< Trace::dprintf_stream = &cerr;
< }
< } else {
< if (Trace::dprintf_stream != &cerr) {
< cerr << "Not echoing trace to cerr." << endl;
< } else {
< Trace::dprintf_stream = NULL;
< }
< }
< }
< void
< printTraceFlags()
< {
< using namespace Trace;
< for (int i = 0; i < numFlagStrings; ++i)
< if (flags[i])
< cprintf("%s\n", flagStrings[i]);
< }
< void
< tweakTraceFlag(const char *string, bool value)
< {
< using namespace Trace;
< std::string str(string);
< for (int i = 0; i < numFlagStrings; ++i) {
< if (str != flagStrings[i])
< continue;
< int idx = i;
< if (idx < NumFlags) {
< flags[idx] = value;
< } else {
< idx -= NumFlags;
< if (idx >= NumCompoundFlags) {
< ccprintf(cerr, "Invalid compound flag");
< return;
< }
< const Flags *flagVec = compoundFlags[idx];
< for (int j = 0; flagVec[j] != -1; ++j) {
< if (flagVec[j] >= NumFlags) {
< ccprintf(cerr, "Invalid compound flag");
< return;
< }
< flags[flagVec[j]] = value;
< }
< }
< cprintf("flag %s was %s\n", string, value ? "set" : "cleared");
< return;
< }
< cprintf("could not find flag %s\n", string);
< }
< void
< setTraceFlag(const char *string)
< {
< tweakTraceFlag(string, true);
< }
< void
< clearTraceFlag(const char *string)
< {
< tweakTraceFlag(string, false);
< }