< #include "base/stats/flags.hh"
> #include "base/flags.hh"
> typedef uint16_t FlagsType;
> typedef ::Flags<FlagsType> Flags;
> /** Nothing extra to print. */
> const FlagsType none = 0x0000;
> /** This Stat is Initialized */
> const FlagsType init = 0x0001;
> /** Print this stat. */
> const FlagsType print = 0x0002;
> /** Print the total. */
> const FlagsType total = 0x0010;
> /** Print the percent of the total that this entry represents. */
> const FlagsType pdf = 0x0020;
> /** Print the cumulative percentage of total upto this entry. */
> const FlagsType cdf = 0x0040;
> /** Print the distribution. */
> const FlagsType dist = 0x0080;
> /** Don't print if this is zero. */
> const FlagsType nozero = 0x0100;
> /** Don't print if this is NAN */
> const FlagsType nonan = 0x0200;
> /** Used for SS compatability. */
> const FlagsType __substat = 0x8000;
> /** Mask of flags that can't be set directly */
> const FlagsType __reserved = init | print | __substat;
< StatFlags flags;
> Flags flags;