> static const char GDBStart = '$';
> static const char GDBEnd = '#';
> static const char GDBGoodP = '+';
> static const char GDBBadP = '-';
> static const int GDBPacketBufLen = 1024;
< if (inputEvent)
< delete inputEvent;
> delete inputEvent;
> active = false;
> clearSingleStep();
< const char *
< BaseRemoteGDB::gdb_command(char cmd)
< {
< switch (cmd) {
< case GDBSignal: return "KGDB_SIGNAL";
< case GDBSetBaud: return "KGDB_SET_BAUD";
< case GDBSetBreak: return "KGDB_SET_BREAK";
< case GDBCont: return "KGDB_CONT";
< case GDBAsyncCont: return "KGDB_ASYNC_CONT";
< case GDBDebug: return "KGDB_DEBUG";
< case GDBDetach: return "KGDB_DETACH";
< case GDBRegR: return "KGDB_REG_R";
< case GDBRegW: return "KGDB_REG_W";
< case GDBSetThread: return "KGDB_SET_THREAD";
< case GDBCycleStep: return "KGDB_CYCLE_STEP";
< case GDBSigCycleStep: return "KGDB_SIG_CYCLE_STEP";
< case GDBKill: return "KGDB_KILL";
< case GDBMemW: return "KGDB_MEM_W";
< case GDBMemR: return "KGDB_MEM_R";
< case GDBSetReg: return "KGDB_SET_REG";
< case GDBReadReg: return "KGDB_READ_REG";
< case GDBQueryVar: return "KGDB_QUERY_VAR";
< case GDBSetVar: return "KGDB_SET_VAR";
< case GDBReset: return "KGDB_RESET";
< case GDBStep: return "KGDB_STEP";
< case GDBAsyncStep: return "KGDB_ASYNC_STEP";
< case GDBThreadAlive: return "KGDB_THREAD_ALIVE";
< case GDBTargetExit: return "KGDB_TARGET_EXIT";
< case GDBBinaryDload: return "KGDB_BINARY_DLOAD";
< case GDBClrHwBkpt: return "KGDB_CLR_HW_BKPT";
< case GDBSetHwBkpt: return "KGDB_SET_HW_BKPT";
< case GDBStart: return "KGDB_START";
< case GDBEnd: return "KGDB_END";
< case GDBGoodP: return "KGDB_GOODP";
< case GDBBadP: return "KGDB_BADP";
< default: return "KGDB_UNKNOWN";
< }
< }
< bool
< BaseRemoteGDB::getbyte(uint8_t &b)
> uint8_t
> BaseRemoteGDB::getbyte()
< if (::read(fd, &b, sizeof(b)) == sizeof(b)) {
< return true;
< } else {
< warn("Couldn't read data from debugger, detaching.");
< detach();
< return false;
< }
> uint8_t b;
> if (::read(fd, &b, sizeof(b)) == sizeof(b))
> return b;
> throw BadClient("Couldn't read data from debugger.");
< bool
> void
< if (::write(fd, &b, sizeof(b)) == sizeof(b)) {
< return true;
< } else {
< warn("Couldn't write data to the debugger, detaching.");
< detach();
< return false;
< }
> if (::write(fd, &b, sizeof(b)) == sizeof(b))
> return;
> throw BadClient("Couldn't write data to the debugger.");
< ssize_t
> void
< //Start sending a packet
< if (!putbyte(GDBStart))
< return -1;
< //Send the contents, and also keep a check sum.
> // Start sending a packet
> putbyte(GDBStart);
> // Send the contents, and also keep a check sum.
< if (!putbyte(c))
< return -1;
> putbyte(c);
< if (//Send the ending character.
< !putbyte(GDBEnd) ||
< //Sent the checksum.
< !putbyte(i2digit(csum >> 4)) ||
< !putbyte(i2digit(csum))) {
< return -1;
< }
< //Try transmitting over and over again until the other end doesn't
< //send an error back.
< if (!getbyte(c))
< return -1;
> // Send the ending character.
> putbyte(GDBEnd);
> // Send the checksum.
> putbyte(i2digit(csum >> 4));
> putbyte(i2digit(csum));
> // Try transmitting over and over again until the other end doesn't
> // send an error back.
> c = getbyte();
< return 0;
< //Find the beginning of a packet
< do {
< if (!getbyte(c))
< return -1;
< } while (c != GDBStart);
> // Find the beginning of a packet
> while ((c = getbyte()) != GDBStart);
< //Read until you find the end of the data in the packet, and keep
< //track of the check sum.
> // Read until you find the end of the data in the packet, and keep
> // track of the check sum.
< if (!getbyte(c))
< return -1;
> c = getbyte();
< //Mask the check sum, and terminate the command string.
> // Mask the check sum, and terminate the command string.
< //If the command was too long, report an error.
> // If the command was too long, report an error.
< if (!putbyte(GDBBadP))
< return -1;
> putbyte(GDBBadP);
< //Bring in the checksum. If the check sum matches, csum will be 0.
< uint8_t csum1, csum2;
< if (!getbyte(csum1) || !getbyte(csum2))
< return -1;
< csum -= digit2i(csum1) * 16;
< csum -= digit2i(csum2);
> // Bring in the checksum. If the check sum matches, csum will be 0.
> csum -= digit2i(getbyte()) * 16;
> csum -= digit2i(getbyte());
< //If the check sum was correct
> // If the check sum was correct
< //Report that the packet was received correctly
< if (!putbyte(GDBGoodP))
< return -1;
> // Report that the packet was received correctly
> putbyte(GDBGoodP);
< if (!putbyte(bp[0]) || !putbyte(bp[1]))
< return -1;
> putbyte(bp[0]);
> putbyte(bp[1]);
< //Otherwise, report that there was a mistake.
< if (!putbyte(GDBBadP))
< return -1;
> // Otherwise, report that there was a mistake.
> putbyte(GDBBadP);
< DPRINTF(GDBRecv, "recv: %s: %s\n", gdb_command(*bp), bp);
> DPRINTF(GDBRecv, "recv: %s\n", bp);
< return (len);
> return len;
< bool
> void
< panic("invalid length\n");
> throw BadClient("Invalid breakpoint length\n");
< bool
> void
< panic("invalid length\n");
> throw BadClient("Invalid breakpoint length.\n");
< bool
> void
< panic("invalid length\n");
> throw BadClient("Invalid breakpoint length\n");
< DPRINTF(GDBMisc, "inserting hardware breakpoint at %#x\n", addr);
> DPRINTF(GDBMisc, "Inserting hardware breakpoint at %#x\n", addr);
< return true;
< bool
> void
< panic("invalid length\n");
> throw BadClient("Invalid breakpoint length\n");
< DPRINTF(GDBMisc, "removing hardware breakpoint at %#x\n", addr);
> DPRINTF(GDBMisc, "Removing hardware breakpoint at %#x\n", addr);
< return false;
> throw CmdError("E0C");
< return true;
> enum GdbBreakpointType {
> GdbSoftBp = '0',
> GdbHardBp = '1',
> GdbWriteWp = '2',
> GdbReadWp = '3',
> GdbAccWp = '4',
> };
< case '0': return "software breakpoint";
< case '1': return "hardware breakpoint";
< case '2': return "write watchpoint";
< case '3': return "read watchpoint";
< case '4': return "access watchpoint";
> case GdbSoftBp: return "software breakpoint";
> case GdbHardBp: return "hardware breakpoint";
> case GdbWriteWp: return "write watchpoint";
> case GdbReadWp: return "read watchpoint";
> case GdbAccWp: return "access watchpoint";
< // This function does all command processing for interfacing to a
< // remote gdb. Note that the error codes are ignored by gdb at
< // present, but might eventually become meaningful. (XXX) It might
< // makes sense to use POSIX errno values, because that is what the
< // gdb/remote.c functions want to return.
> std::map<char, GdbCommand> BaseRemoteGDB::command_map = {
> // last signal
> { '?', { "KGDB_SIGNAL", &BaseRemoteGDB::cmd_signal } },
> // set baud (deprecated)
> { 'b', { "KGDB_SET_BAUD", &BaseRemoteGDB::cmd_unsupported } },
> // set breakpoint (deprecated)
> { 'B', { "KGDB_SET_BREAK", &BaseRemoteGDB::cmd_unsupported } },
> // resume
> { 'c', { "KGDB_CONT", &BaseRemoteGDB::cmd_cont } },
> // continue with signal
> { 'C', { "KGDB_ASYNC_CONT", &BaseRemoteGDB::cmd_async_cont } },
> // toggle debug flags (deprecated)
> { 'd', { "KGDB_DEBUG", &BaseRemoteGDB::cmd_unsupported } },
> // detach remote gdb
> { 'D', { "KGDB_DETACH", &BaseRemoteGDB::cmd_detach } },
> // read general registers
> { 'g', { "KGDB_REG_R", &BaseRemoteGDB::cmd_reg_r } },
> // write general registers
> { 'G', { "KGDB_REG_W", &BaseRemoteGDB::cmd_reg_w } },
> // set thread
> { 'H', { "KGDB_SET_THREAD", &BaseRemoteGDB::cmd_set_thread } },
> // step a single cycle
> { 'i', { "KGDB_CYCLE_STEP", &BaseRemoteGDB::cmd_unsupported } },
> // signal then cycle step
> { 'I', { "KGDB_SIG_CYCLE_STEP", &BaseRemoteGDB::cmd_unsupported } },
> // kill program
> { 'k', { "KGDB_KILL", &BaseRemoteGDB::cmd_detach } },
> // read memory
> { 'm', { "KGDB_MEM_R", &BaseRemoteGDB::cmd_mem_r } },
> // write memory
> { 'M', { "KGDB_MEM_W", &BaseRemoteGDB::cmd_mem_w } },
> // read register
> { 'p', { "KGDB_READ_REG", &BaseRemoteGDB::cmd_unsupported } },
> // write register
> { 'P', { "KGDB_SET_REG", &BaseRemoteGDB::cmd_unsupported } },
> // query variable
> { 'q', { "KGDB_QUERY_VAR", &BaseRemoteGDB::cmd_query_var } },
> // set variable
> { 'Q', { "KGDB_SET_VAR", &BaseRemoteGDB::cmd_unsupported } },
> // reset system (deprecated)
> { 'r', { "KGDB_RESET", &BaseRemoteGDB::cmd_unsupported } },
> // step
> { 's', { "KGDB_STEP", &BaseRemoteGDB::cmd_step } },
> // signal and step
> { 'S', { "KGDB_ASYNC_STEP", &BaseRemoteGDB::cmd_async_step } },
> // find out if the thread is alive
> { 'T', { "KGDB_THREAD_ALIVE", &BaseRemoteGDB::cmd_unsupported } },
> // target exited
> { 'W', { "KGDB_TARGET_EXIT", &BaseRemoteGDB::cmd_unsupported } },
> // write memory
> { 'X', { "KGDB_BINARY_DLOAD", &BaseRemoteGDB::cmd_unsupported } },
> // remove breakpoint or watchpoint
> { 'z', { "KGDB_CLR_HW_BKPT", &BaseRemoteGDB::cmd_clr_hw_bkpt } },
> // insert breakpoint or watchpoint
> { 'Z', { "KGDB_SET_HW_BKPT", &BaseRemoteGDB::cmd_set_hw_bkpt } },
> };
< BaseRemoteGDB::trap(int type)
> BaseRemoteGDB::cmd_unsupported(GdbCommand::Context &ctx)
< uint64_t val;
< size_t datalen, len;
< char data[GDBPacketBufLen + 1];
< size_t bufferSize;
< const char *p;
< char command, subcmd;
< string var;
< bool ret;
> DPRINTF(GDBMisc, "Unsupported command: %s\n", ctx.cmd->name);
> DDUMP(GDBMisc, ctx.data, ctx.len);
> throw Unsupported();
> }
< if (!attached)
< return false;
< unique_ptr<BaseRemoteGDB::BaseGdbRegCache> regCache(gdbRegs());
> bool
> BaseRemoteGDB::cmd_signal(GdbCommand::Context &ctx)
> {
> send(csprintf("S%02x", ctx.type).c_str());
> return true;
> }
< bufferSize = regCache->size() * 2 + 256;
< unique_ptr<char[]> buffer_mem(new char[bufferSize]);
< char *buffer = buffer_mem.get();
< DPRINTF(GDBMisc, "trap: PC=%s\n", context->pcState());
> bool
> BaseRemoteGDB::cmd_cont(GdbCommand::Context &ctx)
> {
> const char *p = ctx.data;
> if (ctx.len) {
> Addr newPc = hex2i(&p);
> context->pcState(newPc);
> }
> return false;
> }
< /*
< * The first entry to this function is normally through
< * a breakpoint trap in kgdb_connect(), in which case we
< * must advance past the breakpoint because gdb will not.
< *
< * On the first entry here, we expect that gdb is not yet
< * listening to us, so just enter the interaction loop.
< * After the debugger is "active" (connected) it will be
< * waiting for a "signaled" message from us.
< */
< if (!active) {
< active = true;
< } else {
< // Tell remote host that an exception has occurred.
< snprintf(buffer, bufferSize, "S%02x", type);
< if (send(buffer) < 0)
< return true;
> bool
> BaseRemoteGDB::cmd_async_cont(GdbCommand::Context &ctx)
> {
> const char *p = ctx.data;
> hex2i(&p);
> if (*p++ == ';') {
> Addr newPc = hex2i(&p);
> context->pcState(newPc);
> clearSingleStep();
> return false;
> }
< // Stick frame regs into our reg cache.
< regCache->getRegs(context);
> bool
> BaseRemoteGDB::cmd_detach(GdbCommand::Context &ctx)
> {
> detach();
> return false;
> }
< for (;;) {
< int recved = recv(data, sizeof(data));
< if (recved < 0)
< return true;
< datalen = recved;
< data[sizeof(data) - 1] = 0; // Sentinel
< command = data[0];
< subcmd = 0;
< p = data + 1;
< switch (command) {
> bool
> BaseRemoteGDB::cmd_reg_r(GdbCommand::Context &ctx)
> {
> char buf[2 * regCachePtr->size() + 1];
> buf[2 * regCachePtr->size()] = '\0';
> mem2hex(buf, regCachePtr->data(), regCachePtr->size());
> send(buf);
> return true;
> }
< case GDBSignal:
< // if this command came from a running gdb, answer it --
< // the other guy has no way of knowing if we're in or out
< // of this loop when he issues a "remote-signal".
< snprintf(buffer, bufferSize,
< "S%02x", type);
< if (send(buffer) < 0)
< return true;
< continue;
> bool
> BaseRemoteGDB::cmd_reg_w(GdbCommand::Context &ctx)
> {
> const char *p = ctx.data;
> p = hex2mem(regCachePtr->data(), p, regCachePtr->size());
> if (p == NULL || *p != '\0')
> throw CmdError("E01");
< case GDBRegR:
< if (2 * regCache->size() > bufferSize)
< panic("buffer too small");
> regCachePtr->setRegs(context);
> send("OK");
< mem2hex(buffer, regCache->data(), regCache->size());
< if (send(buffer) < 0)
< return true;
< continue;
> return true;
> }
< case GDBRegW:
< p = hex2mem(regCache->data(), p, regCache->size());
< if (p == NULL || *p != '\0') {
< if (send("E01") < 0)
< return true;
< } else {
< regCache->setRegs(context);
< if (send("OK") < 0)
< return true;
< }
< continue;
> bool
> BaseRemoteGDB::cmd_set_thread(GdbCommand::Context &ctx)
> {
> const char *p = ctx.data + 1; // Ignore the subcommand byte.
> if (hex2i(&p) != 0)
> throw CmdError("E01");
> send("OK");
> return true;
> }
< case GDBMemR:
< val = hex2i(&p);
< if (*p++ != ',') {
< if (send("E02") < 0)
< return true;
< continue;
< }
< len = hex2i(&p);
< if (*p != '\0') {
< if (send("E03") < 0)
< return true;
< continue;
< }
< if (len > bufferSize) {
< if (send("E04") < 0)
< return true;
< continue;
< }
< if (!acc(val, len)) {
< if (send("E05") < 0)
< return true;
< continue;
< }
> bool
> BaseRemoteGDB::cmd_mem_r(GdbCommand::Context &ctx)
> {
> const char *p = ctx.data;
> Addr addr = hex2i(&p);
> if (*p++ != ',')
> throw CmdError("E02");
> size_t len = hex2i(&p);
> if (*p != '\0')
> throw CmdError("E03");
> if (!acc(addr, len))
> throw CmdError("E05");
< if (read(val, (size_t)len, buffer)) {
< // variable length array would be nice, but C++ doesn't
< // officially support those...
< char *temp = new char[2*len+1];
< mem2hex(temp, buffer, len);
< if (send(temp) < 0) {
< delete [] temp;
< return true;
< }
< delete [] temp;
< } else {
< if (send("E05") < 0)
< return true;
< }
< continue;
> char buf[len];
> if (!read(addr, len, buf))
> throw CmdError("E05");
< case GDBMemW:
< val = hex2i(&p);
< if (*p++ != ',') {
< if (send("E06") < 0)
< return true;
< continue;
< }
< len = hex2i(&p);
< if (*p++ != ':') {
< if (send("E07") < 0)
< return true;
< continue;
< }
< if (len > datalen - (p - data)) {
< if (send("E08") < 0)
< return true;
< continue;
< }
< p = hex2mem(buffer, p, bufferSize);
< if (p == NULL) {
< if (send("E09") < 0)
< return true;
< continue;
< }
< if (!acc(val, len)) {
< if (send("E0A") < 0)
< return true;
< continue;
< }
< if (write(val, (size_t)len, buffer)) {
< if (send("OK") < 0)
< return true;
< } else {
< if (send("E0B") < 0)
< return true;
< }
< continue;
> char temp[2 * len + 1];
> temp[2 * len] = '\0';
> mem2hex(temp, buf, len);
> send(temp);
> return true;
> }
< case GDBSetThread:
< subcmd = *p++;
< val = hex2i(&p);
< if (val == 0) {
< if (send("OK") < 0)
< return true;
< } else {
< if (send("E01") < 0)
< return true;
< }
< continue;
> bool
> BaseRemoteGDB::cmd_mem_w(GdbCommand::Context &ctx)
> {
> const char *p = ctx.data;
> Addr addr = hex2i(&p);
> if (*p++ != ',')
> throw CmdError("E06");
> size_t len = hex2i(&p);
> if (*p++ != ':')
> throw CmdError("E07");
> if (len * 2 > ctx.len - (p - ctx.data))
> throw CmdError("E08");
> char buf[len];
> p = (char *)hex2mem(buf, p, len);
> if (p == NULL)
> throw CmdError("E09");
> if (!acc(addr, len))
> throw CmdError("E0A");
> if (!write(addr, len, buf))
> throw CmdError("E0B");
> send("OK");
> return true;
> }
< case GDBDetach:
< case GDBKill:
< active = false;
< clearSingleStep();
< detach();
< return true;
> bool
> BaseRemoteGDB::cmd_query_var(GdbCommand::Context &ctx)
> {
> if (string(ctx.data, ctx.len - 1) != "C")
> throw Unsupported();
> send("QC0");
> return true;
> }
< case GDBAsyncCont:
< subcmd = hex2i(&p);
< if (*p++ == ';') {
< val = hex2i(&p);
< context->pcState(val);
< }
< clearSingleStep();
< return true;
> bool
> BaseRemoteGDB::cmd_async_step(GdbCommand::Context &ctx)
> {
> const char *p = ctx.data;
> hex2i(&p); // Ignore the subcommand byte.
> if (*p++ == ';') {
> Addr newPc = hex2i(&p);
> context->pcState(newPc);
> }
> setSingleStep();
> return false;
> }
< case GDBCont:
< if (p - data < (ptrdiff_t)datalen) {
< val = hex2i(&p);
< context->pcState(val);
< }
< clearSingleStep();
< return true;
> bool
> BaseRemoteGDB::cmd_step(GdbCommand::Context &ctx)
> {
> if (ctx.len) {
> const char *p = ctx.data;
> Addr newPc = hex2i(&p);
> context->pcState(newPc);
> }
> setSingleStep();
> return false;
> }
< case GDBAsyncStep:
< subcmd = hex2i(&p);
< if (*p++ == ';') {
< val = hex2i(&p);
< context->pcState(val);
< }
< setSingleStep();
< return true;
> bool
> BaseRemoteGDB::cmd_clr_hw_bkpt(GdbCommand::Context &ctx)
> {
> const char *p = ctx.data;
> char subcmd = *p++;
> if (*p++ != ',')
> throw CmdError("E0D");
> Addr addr = hex2i(&p);
> if (*p++ != ',')
> throw CmdError("E0D");
> size_t len = hex2i(&p);
< case GDBStep:
< if (p - data < (ptrdiff_t)datalen) {
< val = hex2i(&p);
< context->pcState(val);
< }
< setSingleStep();
< return true;
> DPRINTF(GDBMisc, "clear %s, addr=%#x, len=%d\n",
> break_type(subcmd), addr, len);
< case GDBClrHwBkpt:
< subcmd = *p++;
< if (*p++ != ',' && send("E0D") < 0)
< return true;
< val = hex2i(&p);
< if (*p++ != ',' && send("E0D") < 0)
< return true;
< len = hex2i(&p);
> switch (subcmd) {
> case GdbSoftBp:
> removeSoftBreak(addr, len);
> break;
> case GdbHardBp:
> removeHardBreak(addr, len);
> break;
> case GdbWriteWp:
> case GdbReadWp:
> case GdbAccWp:
> default: // unknown
> throw Unsupported();
> }
> send("OK");
< DPRINTF(GDBMisc, "clear %s, addr=%#x, len=%d\n",
< break_type(subcmd), val, len);
> return true;
> }
< ret = false;
> bool
> BaseRemoteGDB::cmd_set_hw_bkpt(GdbCommand::Context &ctx)
> {
> const char *p = ctx.data;
> char subcmd = *p++;
> if (*p++ != ',')
> throw CmdError("E0D");
> Addr addr = hex2i(&p);
> if (*p++ != ',')
> throw CmdError("E0D");
> size_t len = hex2i(&p);
< switch (subcmd) {
< case '0': // software breakpoint
< ret = removeSoftBreak(val, len);
< break;
> DPRINTF(GDBMisc, "set %s, addr=%#x, len=%d\n",
> break_type(subcmd), addr, len);
< case '1': // hardware breakpoint
< ret = removeHardBreak(val, len);
< break;
> switch (subcmd) {
> case GdbSoftBp:
> insertSoftBreak(addr, len);
> break;
> case GdbHardBp:
> insertHardBreak(addr, len);
> break;
> case GdbWriteWp:
> case GdbReadWp:
> case GdbAccWp:
> default: // unknown
> throw Unsupported();
> }
> send("OK");
< case '2': // write watchpoint
< case '3': // read watchpoint
< case '4': // access watchpoint
< default: // unknown
< if (send("") < 0)
< return true;
< break;
< }
> return true;
> }
< if (send(ret ? "OK" : "E0C") < 0)
< return true;
< continue;
< case GDBSetHwBkpt:
< subcmd = *p++;
< if (*p++ != ',' && send("E0D") < 0)
< return true;
< val = hex2i(&p);
< if (*p++ != ',' && send("E0D") < 0)
< return true;
< len = hex2i(&p);
> // This function does all command processing for interfacing to a
> // remote gdb. Note that the error codes are ignored by gdb at
> // present, but might eventually become meaningful. (XXX) It might
> // makes sense to use POSIX errno values, because that is what the
> // gdb/remote.c functions want to return.
> bool
> BaseRemoteGDB::trap(int type)
> {
< DPRINTF(GDBMisc, "set %s, addr=%#x, len=%d\n",
< break_type(subcmd), val, len);
> if (!attached)
> return false;
< ret = false;
> DPRINTF(GDBMisc, "trap: PC=%s\n", context->pcState());
< switch (subcmd) {
< case '0': // software breakpoint
< ret = insertSoftBreak(val, len);
< break;
> clearSingleStep();
< case '1': // hardware breakpoint
< ret = insertHardBreak(val, len);
< break;
> /*
> * The first entry to this function is normally through
> * a breakpoint trap in kgdb_connect(), in which case we
> * must advance past the breakpoint because gdb will not.
> *
> * On the first entry here, we expect that gdb is not yet
> * listening to us, so just enter the interaction loop.
> * After the debugger is "active" (connected) it will be
> * waiting for a "signaled" message from us.
> */
> if (!active) {
> active = true;
> } else {
> // Tell remote host that an exception has occurred.
> send(csprintf("S%02x", type).c_str());
> }
< case '2': // write watchpoint
< case '3': // read watchpoint
< case '4': // access watchpoint
< default: // unknown
< if (send("") < 0)
< return true;
< break;
< }
> // Stick frame regs into our reg cache.
> regCachePtr = gdbRegs();
> regCachePtr->getRegs(context);
< if (send(ret ? "OK" : "E0C") < 0)
< return true;
< continue;
> char data[GDBPacketBufLen + 1];
> GdbCommand::Context cmdCtx;
> cmdCtx.type = type;
> cmdCtx.data = &data[1];
< case GDBQueryVar:
< var = string(p, datalen - 1);
< if (var == "C") {
< if (send("QC0") < 0)
< return true;
< } else {
< if (send("") < 0)
< return true;
< }
< continue;
> for (;;) {
> try {
> size_t datalen = recv(data, sizeof(data));
> if (datalen < 1)
> throw BadClient();
< case GDBSetBaud:
< case GDBSetBreak:
< case GDBDebug:
< case GDBCycleStep:
< case GDBSigCycleStep:
< case GDBReadReg:
< case GDBSetVar:
< case GDBReset:
< case GDBThreadAlive:
< case GDBTargetExit:
< case GDBBinaryDload:
< // Unsupported command
< DPRINTF(GDBMisc, "Unsupported command: %s\n",
< gdb_command(command));
< DDUMP(GDBMisc, (uint8_t *)data, datalen);
< if (send("") < 0)
< return true;
< continue;
> data[datalen] = 0; // Sentinel
> cmdCtx.cmd_byte = data[0];
> cmdCtx.len = datalen - 1;
< default:
< // Unknown command.
< DPRINTF(GDBMisc, "Unknown command: %c(%#x)\n",
< command, command);
< if (send("") < 0)
< return true;
< continue;
> auto cmdIt = command_map.find(cmdCtx.cmd_byte);
> if (cmdIt == command_map.end()) {
> DPRINTF(GDBMisc, "Unknown command: %c(%#x)\n",
> cmdCtx.cmd_byte, cmdCtx.cmd_byte);
> throw Unsupported();
> }
> cmdCtx.cmd = &(cmdIt->second);
> if (!(this->*(cmdCtx.cmd->func))(cmdCtx))
> break;
> } catch (BadClient &e) {
> if (e.warning)
> warn(e.warning);
> detach();
> break;
> } catch (Unsupported &e) {
> send("");
> } catch (CmdError &e) {
> send(e.error.c_str());
> } catch (...) {
> panic("Unrecognzied GDB exception.");
< return (src);
> return src;
< return (r);
> return r;