> * Chris Emmons
> /** Interface for creating files in a gem5 output directory. */
> /** File names and associated stream handles */
> /** Open file streams within this directory */
> /** Name of this directory */
> /** System-specific path separator character */
> static const char PATH_SEPARATOR = '/';
> /**
> * Returns relative file names prepended with name of this directory.
> * Returns absolute file names unaltered.
> *
> * @param name file name to prepend with directory name
> * @return file name prepended with base directory name or unaltered
> * absolute file name
> */
> /**
> * Determines whether given file name corresponds to standard output
> * streams.
> *
> * @param name name of file to check
> * @return output stream for standard output or error stream if name
> * corresponds to one or the other; NULL otherwise
> */
> /** Opens a file (optionally compressed).
> *
> * Will open a file as a compressed stream if filename ends in .gz.
> *
> * @param filename file to open
> * @param mode attributes to open file with
> * @return stream pointer to opened file; will cause sim fail on error
> */
< std::ios_base::openmode mode = std::ios::trunc) const;
> std::ios_base::openmode mode = std::ios::trunc);
> /** Constructor. */
> /** Destructor. */
> /**
> * Sets name of this directory.
> * @param dir name of this directory
> */
> /**
> * Gets name of this directory.
> * @return name of this directory
> */
> /**
> * Creates a file in this directory (optionally compressed).
> *
> * Will open a file as a compressed stream if filename ends in .gz.
> *
> * @param name name of file to create (without this directory's name
> * leading it)
> * @param binary true to create a binary file; false otherwise
> * @return stream to the opened file
> */
< std::ostream *find(const std::string &name);
> /**
> * Closes a file stream.
> *
> * Stream must have been opened through this interface, or sim will fail.
> *
> * @param openStream open stream to close
> */
> void close(std::ostream *openStream);
> /**
> * Finds stream associated with a file.
> * @param name of file
> * @return stream to specified file or NULL if file does not exist
> */
> std::ostream *find(const std::string &name) const;
> /**
> * Returns true if stream is open and not standard output or error.
> * @param os output stream to evaluate
> * @return true if os is non-NULL and not cout or cerr
> */
< static inline bool isFile(const std::ostream &os) { return isFile(&os); }
> /**
> * Determines whether a file name corresponds to a file in this directory.
> * @param name name of file to evaluate
> * @return true iff file has been opened in this directory or exists on the
> * file system within this directory
> */
> bool isFile(const std::string &name) const;
> /**
> * Returns true if stream is open and not standard output or error.
> * @param os output stream to evaluate
> * @return true if os is non-NULL and not cout or cerr
> */
> static inline bool isFile(const std::ostream &os) {
> return isFile(&os);
> }
> /**
> * Creates a subdirectory within this directory.
> * @param name name of subdirectory
> * @return the new subdirectory's name suffixed with a path separator
> */
> std::string createSubdirectory(const std::string &name) const;
> /**
> * Removes a specified file or subdirectory.
> *
> * Will cause sim to fail for most errors. However, it will only warn the
> * user if a directory could not be removed. This is in place to
> * accommodate slow file systems where file deletions within a subdirectory
> * may not be recognized quickly enough thereby causing the subsequent call
> * to remove the directory to fail (seemingly unempty directory).
> *
> * @param name name of file or subdirectory to remove; name should not
> * be prepended with the name of this directory object
> * @param recursive set to true to attempt to recursively delete a
> * subdirectory and its contents
> */
> void remove(const std::string &name, bool recursive=false);