> class Process;
> class ProcessParams;
> /**
> * Each instance of a Loader subclass will have a chance to try to load
> * an object file when tryLoaders is called. If they can't because they
> * aren't compatible with it (wrong arch, wrong OS, etc), then they
> * silently fail by returning nullptr so other loaders can try.
> */
> class Loader
> {
> public:
> Loader();
> /* Loader instances are singletons. */
> Loader(const Loader &) = delete;
> void operator=(const Loader &) = delete;
> virtual ~Loader() {}
> /**
> * Each subclass needs to implement this method. If the loader is
> * compatible with the passed in object file, it should return the
> * created Process object corresponding to it. If not, it should fail
> * silently and return nullptr. If there's a non-compatibliity related
> * error like file IO errors, etc., those should fail non-silently
> * with a panic or fail as normal.
> */
> virtual Process *load(ProcessParams *params, ObjectFile *obj_file) = 0;
> };
> // Try all the Loader instance's "load" methods one by one until one is
> // successful. If none are, complain and fail.
> static Process *tryLoaders(ProcessParams *params, ObjectFile *obj_file);