> #include "base/pixel.hh"
< * Internal gem5 representation of a Pixel.
< */
< struct Pixel
< {
< Pixel()
< : red(0), green(0), blue(0), padding(0) {}
< Pixel(uint8_t _red, uint8_t _green, uint8_t _blue)
< : red(_red), green(_green), blue(_blue), padding(0) {}
< uint8_t red;
< uint8_t green;
< uint8_t blue;
< uint8_t padding;
< };
< inline bool
< operator==(const Pixel &lhs, const Pixel &rhs)
< {
< return lhs.red == rhs.red &&
< lhs.green == rhs.green &&
< lhs.blue == rhs.blue &&
< lhs.padding == rhs.padding;
< }
< /**
< * Configurable RGB pixel converter.
< *
< * This class converts between external RGB representations and gem5's
< * internal Pixel representation. The class assumes that pixels are
< * stored in a word of configurable length (up to 32 bits). Individual
< * pixels are assumed to be represented by contiguous bit ranges in
< * the word (i.e., it is possible to shift and mask out a contiguous
< * bit range for each pixel).
< */
< class PixelConverter
< {
< public:
< /**
< * Color channel conversion and scaling helper class.
< */
< struct Channel {
< /**
< * @param offset Offset in bits.
< * @param width Width in bits.
< */
< Channel(unsigned offset, unsigned width);
< /**
< * Get the value of a single color channel represented as an
< * 8-bit number.
< */
< uint8_t toPixel(uint32_t word) const {
< return round(((word >> offset) & mask) * factor);
< }
< /**
< * Convert an 8-bit representation of a color into an external
< * format.
< */
< uint32_t fromPixel(uint8_t ch) const {
< return (static_cast<uint8_t>(round(ch / factor)) & mask) << offset;
< }
< /** Offset in bits */
< unsigned offset;
< /** Bit mask (after shifting) */
< unsigned mask;
< /**
< * Scaling factor when converting to the full range of an
< * 8-bit color channel
< */
< float factor;
< };
< PixelConverter(unsigned length,
< unsigned ro, unsigned go, unsigned bo,
< unsigned rw, unsigned gw, unsigned bw,
< ByteOrder byte_order = LittleEndianByteOrder);
< /** Get the Pixel representation of a color word. */
< Pixel toPixel(uint32_t word) const {
< return Pixel(ch_r.toPixel(word),
< ch_g.toPixel(word),
< ch_b.toPixel(word));
< }
< /** Get a Pixel representation by reading a word from memory. */
< Pixel toPixel(const uint8_t *rfb) const {
< return toPixel(readWord(rfb));
< }
< /** Convert a Pixel into a color word */
< uint32_t fromPixel(const Pixel &pixel) const {
< return ch_r.fromPixel(pixel.red) |
< ch_g.fromPixel(pixel.green) |
< ch_b.fromPixel(pixel.blue);
< }
< /**
< * Convert a pixel into a color word and store the resulting word
< * in memory.
< */
< void fromPixel(uint8_t *rfb, const Pixel &pixel) const {
< writeWord(rfb, fromPixel(pixel));
< }
< /**
< * Read a word of a given length and endianness from memory.
< *
< * The number of bytes read from memory is determined by the
< * length of a color word. Note that some of the bytes may be
< * padding.
< *
< * @param p Pointer to the first byte in the word.
< * @return Word in host endianness.
< */
< uint32_t readWord(const uint8_t *p) const;
< /**
< * Write a word of a given length and endianness to memory.
< *
< * @param p Pointer to the first byte in memory.
< * @param word Word to store (host endianness).
< */
< void writeWord(uint8_t *p, uint32_t word) const;
< /** Bytes per pixel when stored in memory (including padding) */
< unsigned length;
< /**
< * Number of bits used to represent one pixel value (excluding
< * padding). This could be less than length * 8 if the pixel value
< * is padded.
< */
< unsigned depth;
< /** Byte order when stored to memory. */
< ByteOrder byte_order;
< /** Red channel conversion helper */
< Channel ch_r;
< /** Green channel conversion helper */
< Channel ch_g;
< /** Blue channel conversion helper */
< Channel ch_b;
< /** Predefined 32-bit RGB (red in least significant bits, 8
< * bits/channel, little endian) conversion helper */
< static const PixelConverter rgba8888_le;
< /** Predefined 16-bit RGB565 (red in least significant bits,
< * little endian) conversion helper */
< static const PixelConverter rgb565_le;
< /** Predefined 32-bit RGB (red in least significant bits, 8
< * bits/channel, big endian) conversion helper */
< static const PixelConverter rgba8888_be;
< /** Predefined 16-bit RGB565 (red in least significant bits,
< * big endian) conversion helper */
< static const PixelConverter rgb565_be;
< };
< inline bool
< to_number(const std::string &value, Pixel &retval)
< {
< uint32_t num;
< if (!to_number(value, num))
< return false;
< retval = PixelConverter::rgba8888_le.toPixel(num);
< return true;
< }
< inline std::ostream &
< operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Pixel &pxl)
< {
< os << csprintf("0x%.08x", PixelConverter::rgba8888_le.fromPixel(pxl));
< return os;
< }
< /**