< * Copyright (c) 2012 ARM Limited
> * Copyright (c) 2012, 2018 ARM Limited
< RangeMap tree;
> /**
> * Find entry that contains the given address range
> *
> * Searches through the ranges in the address map and returns an
> * iterator to the entry which range is a superset of the input
> * address range. Returns end() if none found.
> *
> * @param r An input address range
> * @return An iterator that contains the input address range
> */
< find(const AddrRange &r) const
> contains(const AddrRange &r) const
< if (tree.empty())
< return tree.end();
< const_iterator i = tree.upper_bound(r);
< if (i == tree.begin()) {
< if (i->first.intersects(r)) {
< return i;
< } else {
< return tree.end();
< }
< }
< --i;
< if (i->first.intersects(r))
< return i;
< // if we are looking at an interleaved range, also step
< // backwards through the ranges while we are looking at ranges
< // that are part of the same contigous chunk
< if (i->first.interleaved()) {
< AddrRange orig_range = i->first;
< while (i != tree.begin() && i->first.mergesWith(orig_range)) {
< --i;
< if (i->first.intersects(r)) {
< return i;
< }
< }
< // we could leave the loop based on reaching the first
< // element, so we must still check for an intersection
< if (i->first.intersects(r))
< return i;
< }
< return tree.end();
> return find(r, [r](const AddrRange r1) { return r.isSubset(r1); });
> /**
> * Find entry that contains the given address
> *
> * Searches through the ranges in the address map and returns an
> * iterator to the entry which range is a superset of the input
> * address. Returns end() if none found.
> *
> * @param r An input address
> * @return An iterator that contains the input address
> */
< find(const Addr &r) const
> contains(Addr r) const
< return find(RangeSize(r, 1));
> return contains(RangeSize(r, 1));
< bool
< intersect(const AddrRange &r) const
> /**
> * Find entry that intersects with the given address range
> *
> * Searches through the ranges in the address map and returns an
> * iterator to the first entry which range intersects with the
> * input address.
> *
> * @param r An input address
> * @return An iterator that intersects with the input address range
> */
> const_iterator
> intersects(const AddrRange &r) const
< return find(r) != tree.end();
> return find(r, [r](const AddrRange r1) { return r.intersects(r1); });
< if (intersect(r))
> if (intersects(r) != end())
> private:
> /**
> * Find entry that satisfies a condition on an address range
> *
> * Searches through the ranges in the address map and returns an
> * iterator to the entry that satisfies the input conidition on
> * the input address range. Returns end() if none found.
> *
> * @param r An input address range
> * @param f A condition on an address range
> * @return An iterator that contains the input address range
> */
> const_iterator
> find(const AddrRange &r, std::function<bool(const AddrRange)> cond) const
> {
> const_iterator next = tree.upper_bound(r);
> if (next != end() && cond(next->first)) {
> return next;
> }
> if (next == begin())
> return end();
> next--;
> const_iterator i;
> do {
> i = next;
> if (cond(i->first)) {
> return i;
> }
> // Keep looking if the next range merges with the current one.
> } while (next != begin() &&
> (--next)->first.mergesWith(i->first));
> return end();
> }
> RangeMap tree;