> /**
> * Determine if another range intersects this one, i.e. if there
> * is an address that is both in this range and the other
> * range. No check is made to ensure either range is valid.
> *
> * @param r Range to intersect with
> * @return true if the intersection of the two ranges is not empty
> */
> bool intersects(const AddrRange& r) const
> {
> return (start <= r.start && end >= r.start) ||
> (start <= r.end && end >= r.end);
> }
> /**
> * Determine if this range is a subset of another range, i.e. if
> * every address in this range is also in the other range. No
> * check is made to ensure either range is valid.
> *
> * @param r Range to compare with
> * @return true if the this range is a subset of the other one
> */
> bool isSubset(const AddrRange& r) const
> {
> return start >= r.start && end <= r.end;
> }