< * Copyright (c) 2012, 2014 ARM Limited
> * Copyright (c) 2012, 2014, 2017 ARM Limited
> * Remove the interleaving bits from an input address.
> *
> * This function returns a new address that doesn't have the bits
> * that are use to determine which of the interleaved ranges it
> * belongs to.
> *
> * e.g., if the input address is:
> * -------------------------------
> * | prefix | intlvBits | suffix |
> * -------------------------------
> * this function will return:
> * -------------------------------
> * | 0 | prefix | suffix |
> * -------------------------------
> *
> * @param the input address
> * @return the address without the interleaved bits
> */
> inline Addr removeIntlvBits(const Addr &a) const
> {
> const auto intlv_low_bit = intlvHighBit - intlvBits + 1;
> return insertBits(a >> intlvBits, intlv_low_bit - 1, 0, a);
> }
> /**
> * Determine the offset of an address within the range.
> *
> * This function returns the offset of the given address from the
> * starting address discarding any bits that are used for
> * interleaving. This way we can convert the input address to a
> * new unique address in a continuous range that starts from 0.
> *
> * @param the input address
> * @return the flat offset in the address range
> */
> Addr getOffset(const Addr& a) const
> {
> bool in_range = a >= _start && a <= _end;
> if (!in_range) {
> return MaxAddr;
> }
> if (interleaved()) {
> return removeIntlvBits(a) - removeIntlvBits(_start);
> } else {
> return a - _start;
> }
> }
> /**