> uint8_t
> convX87TagsToXTags(uint16_t ftw)
> {
> uint8_t ftwx(0);
> for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
> // Extract the tag for the current element on the FP stack
> const unsigned tag((ftw >> (2 * i)) & 0x3);
> /*
> * Check the type of the current FP element. Valid values are:
> * 0 == Valid
> * 1 == Zero
> * 2 == Special (Nan, unsupported, infinity, denormal)
> * 3 == Empty
> */
> // The xsave version of the tag word only keeps track of
> // whether the element is empty or not. Set the corresponding
> // bit in the ftwx if it's not empty,
> if (tag != 0x3)
> ftwx |= 1 << i;
> }
> return ftwx;
> }
> convX87XTagsToTags(uint8_t ftwx)
> {
> uint16_t ftw(0);
> for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
> const unsigned xtag(((ftwx >> i) & 0x1));
> // The xtag for an x87 stack position is 0 for empty stack positions.
> if (!xtag) {
> // Set the tag word to 3 (empty) for the current element.
> ftw |= 0x3 << (2 * i);
> } else {
> // TODO: We currently assume that non-empty elements are
> // valid (0x0), but we should ideally reconstruct the full
> // state (valid/zero/special).
> }
> }
> return ftw;
> }
> uint16_t